So If Trump Is Tanking In The Polls, Shouldn't His Rally Crowds Be Shrinking Too?

Ignore the fact that you make stupid, nonsensical comments comments that make you look like a clown

I don't give a fuck about you or your clown. Trump has already lost this election 3 months before the first ballot is even cast. :0)

Of course you don't know that Trump is intentionally throwing this race .. because you're a clown .. an idiot.

GOP Congressman Openly Wonders if Trump Is Trying to Lose
Carlos Curbelo Questions Trump's Campaign Tactics


Ignore the fact that you make stupid, nonsensical comments comments that make you look like a clown

I don't give a fuck about you or your clown. Trump has already lost this election 3 months before the first ballot is even cast. :0)

Of course you don't know that Trump is intentionally throwing this race .. because you're a clown .. an idiot.

GOP Congressman Openly Wonders if Trump Is Trying to Lose
Carlos Curbelo Questions Trump's Campaign Tactics



OMG, you are the DUMBEST sonofabitch alive! You are a true femme Trump lover!! Where did you get your wacky conspiracy theories? Been taking bath salts lately? Why don't you back up you pathetic claims before you shoot your stupid ass mouth off.

:0) Why don't you go bob for logs in a toilet you fucking moron.

If any of this is news to your dumb ass, you must already have your head in a toilet.

Trump is exposing and destroying the Republican Party in a way that no democrat could have ever accomplished.

:0) Thanks Donald.
Man, you are a fucking nut job. Why do you love Trump so much? He's a racist. Do you hate yourself too?

YOU'RE a racist .. I hate YOU.

Trump is destroying the Republican Party .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. :0)

We are going to free you whether you like it or not....:lol:
:2up: :banghead: :boohoo: So Trump is having a disastrous week! All cable news outlets/anchors are rubbing their body parts over the assumed fact that Trump has fallen behind The Beast. Well, then, if Trump has all of a sudden become so unpopular, then maybe someone can explain why he still fills arenas along with the overflow crowds that had to be refused? He had no problem filling up another arena in Wisconsin last night!
Meanwhile, Hillary still attracts more crickets than humans. :poke:
Click to expand...

Not necessarily--I imagine a lot of the people who attend a Trump rally are more interested in seeing a T.V. Reality star--or to get a look at what a Billionaire looks like. But just because they show up doesn't necessarily means they're voting for him.

Republicans Rocked By Revelation That Trump Supporters Aren’t Registered And Don’t Vote
By Jason Easley on Tue, Aug 16th, 2016 at 6:45 pm

Donald Trump touts the size of the crowds at his rallies as proof of his campaign's success, but some of the people attending Trump's rallies aren't registered and don't intend to vote in November.

The New York Times reported that Mr. Trump has pointed to the usually large numbers of people at his rallies, and their evident enthusiasm, as signs of strong support that will translate into energetic early voters. But during the Republican primaries, some Trump admirers at his rallies admitted they were not registered and had no plans to vote, and Trump advisers say that their voter registration efforts have been relatively modest.

Mrs. Clinton, by contrast, urges people at her rallies to register to vote, pointing them to clipboard-carrying volunteers who have forms to dispense and details about when, where and how to cast ballots.

It is a matter of organization. Hillary Clinton’s events always include voter registration efforts. Clinton events have been known to have booths outside and inside the venue to register voters. As The Times pointed out, the Democratic nominee has a team of volunteers at her rallies ready to register voters.

Donald Trump has nothing.

Trump’s campaign doesn’t have a get out the vote effort. It is like Trump just assumes that the voters will watch him on television then magically show up at the polls on Election Day.

It doesn’t work that way.

The celebrity factor plays a big part in Trump’s crowd size, but some of the people who show up for the Trump spectacle have no intention of voting for the Republican nominee in November. What’s even worse is that Trump has no mechanism in place to convert those attendees into voters.

Donald Trump got the Republican nomination with a smoke and mirrors campaign, but it turns out that some in his crowds have no intention of voting for president in the fall.

With each passing day, it is becoming clear that the Trump campaign is a sham whose sole purpose is to nourish the ego of Donald J. Trump.
Republicans Rocked By Revelation That Trump Supporters Aren't Registered And Don't Vote


In fact there was one person on this board that said he would like to attend a Trump rally but under no circumstance would he vote for him. He was more interested in seeing if any Physco babble came out of Trump's mouth.

I smell desperation with more than a dash of bull crap.
Keep trying.
Its not just that Trump is losing in the polls but he is getting pounded in key swing states that he needs to win
I don't give a fuck about you or your clown. Trump has already lost this election 3 months before the first ballot is even cast. :0)

Of course you don't know that Trump is intentionally throwing this race .. because you're a clown .. an idiot.

GOP Congressman Openly Wonders if Trump Is Trying to Lose
Carlos Curbelo Questions Trump's Campaign Tactics


I don't give a fuck about you or your clown. Trump has already lost this election 3 months before the first ballot is even cast. :0)

Of course you don't know that Trump is intentionally throwing this race .. because you're a clown .. an idiot.

GOP Congressman Openly Wonders if Trump Is Trying to Lose
Carlos Curbelo Questions Trump's Campaign Tactics



OMG, you are the DUMBEST sonofabitch alive! You are a true femme Trump lover!! Where did you get your wacky conspiracy theories? Been taking bath salts lately? Why don't you back up you pathetic claims before you shoot your stupid ass mouth off.

:0) Why don't you go bob for logs in a toilet you fucking moron.

If any of this is news to your dumb ass, you must already have your head in a toilet.

Trump is exposing and destroying the Republican Party in a way that no democrat could have ever accomplished.

:0) Thanks Donald.
Man, you are a fucking nut job. Why do you love Trump so much? He's a racist. Do you hate yourself too?

YOU'RE a racist .. I hate YOU.

Trump is destroying the Republican Party .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. :0)

We are going to free you whether you like it or not....:lol:

I'm freer than you are dummy .. and far more intelligent .. whether you like that or not.
You notice that Hillary goes to factories and talks to workers. She actually walks around and gets to know the people who are voting.

Trump only goes to big rallies.

Why is that? Because Trump doesn't want to be bothered by the "little people". A swindler doesn't hang out with the people he swindles. He has no respect for them. He thinks they are stupid fucks for believing him. His game is manipulation. Besides, he's not going to actually touch workers. What if one of them crushed his tiny hands. How would he eat his taco bowl?


Going to see Trump is a way to attend a White Power rally without feeling guilty.
:2up: :banghead: :boohoo: So Trump is having a disastrous week! All cable news outlets/anchors are rubbing their body parts over the assumed fact that Trump has fallen behind The Beast. Well, then, if Trump has all of a sudden become so unpopular, then maybe someone can explain why he still fills arenas along with the overflow crowds that had to be refused? He had no problem filling up another arena in Wisconsin last night!
Meanwhile, Hillary still attracts more crickets than humans. :poke:

The croocked US media , PRAVDA, favors Killary so they use their position to manufacture facts instead of REPORTING the news.

Hopefully Americans will wake up, discover the scam, and go to the polls and vote for Trump.

>> still waiting for an explanation why Trump can attract up to 20 or 30,000 people while Hillary struggles to fill a high school gym.
Because it is a lie that Trump is drawing big crowds.

Maria La Ganga‏@marialaganga
Trump addressing the Western Conservative summit in Denver -- to a cavernous ballroom less than half full


  • 11:14 AM - 1 Jul 2016

Surely you must have MANY images like more...many more.

June 10, 2016, 07:50 pm
Trump's Virginia rally draws smaller crowd
>> still waiting for an explanation why Trump can attract up to 20 or 30,000 people while Hillary struggles to fill a high school gym.
Because it is a lie that Trump is drawing big crowds.

Maria La Ganga‏@marialaganga
Trump addressing the Western Conservative summit in Denver -- to a cavernous ballroom less than half full


  • 11:14 AM - 1 Jul 2016

Surely you must have MANY images like more...many more.

June 10, 2016, 07:50 pm
Trump's Virginia rally draws smaller crowd

That's 2...get more. Many more as I asked for in the first place.
>> still waiting for an explanation why Trump can attract up to 20 or 30,000 people while Hillary struggles to fill a high school gym.
Because it is a lie that Trump is drawing big crowds.

Maria La Ganga‏@marialaganga
Trump addressing the Western Conservative summit in Denver -- to a cavernous ballroom less than half full


  • 11:14 AM - 1 Jul 2016

Surely you must have MANY images like more...many more.

June 10, 2016, 07:50 pm
Trump's Virginia rally draws smaller crowd

That's 2...get more. Many more as I asked for in the first place.
Somebody is a glutton for punishment!
>> still waiting for an explanation why Trump can attract up to 20 or 30,000 people while Hillary struggles to fill a high school gym.
Because it is a lie that Trump is drawing big crowds.

Maria La Ganga‏@marialaganga
Trump addressing the Western Conservative summit in Denver -- to a cavernous ballroom less than half full


  • 11:14 AM - 1 Jul 2016

Surely you must have MANY images like more...many more.

June 10, 2016, 07:50 pm
Trump's Virginia rally draws smaller crowd

That's 2...get more. Many more as I asked for in the first place.
Somebody is a glutton for punishment!

That's 3 out of how many appearances so far? More!!!!
There must be at least 30.

Then your assignment is to post when there are over 5,000 people.
Let's check the balance.

Then we'll do Hillary.
The neoliberal owned media will decide who wins this election and they want Hillary Clinton. It is the public relations blitz/barrage to establish HRC as having won. Already. The aura of invincibility, of rightful ownership of the election. They will whip this gambit relentlessly now.
Nobody watches MSNBC and CNN.

You wingnuts have been telling us this for years.

Wingnut? I'm a democratic socialist.
Then why are you spouting wingnut memes like "neoliberal owned media"?

NBC is owned by Comcast. Show me in what way is Comcast a "neoliberal" corporation.

Then do the same for Disney (ABC) and NewsCorp (FOX).
GFY. Other presidents ran or played squash or whatever. Everyone needs an outlet for stress in that job. He has played 300 rounds in 7 1/2 years. Big fucking wooop!

Indeed. Don't allow a few disasters and thousands of hurting citizens get in the way of his golf games and vacations. Is he using one of the terrorists he just released as a caddy?
what do you believe the president should be doing about the flooding or milwaukee?

Most previous Presidents visit the effective areas and hold news conference with the majors and FEMA heads and reassure the people.
Only presidents looking for a photo op.

Having a president visit during a natural disaster diverts resources away from the disaster.

And if Obama showed up you would be criticizing him for inserting himself into relief efforts.

Because you're a dishonest POS.

Yes, I do not walk lock-step with the worst President in our nation's history.
No, you walk lock-step with the delusional wingnuts who believe the polls are skewed.
The neoliberal owned media will decide who wins this election and they want Hillary Clinton. It is the public relations blitz/barrage to establish HRC as having won. Already. The aura of invincibility, of rightful ownership of the election. They will whip this gambit relentlessly now.
Nobody watches MSNBC and CNN.

You wingnuts have been telling us this for years.

Wingnut? I'm a democratic socialist.
Then why are you spouting wingnut memes like "neoliberal owned media"?

NBC is owned by Comcast. Show me in what way is Comcast a "neoliberal" corporation.

Then do the same for Disney (ABC) and NewsCorp (FOX).
I don't have time to do research for you. Suffice to say, it gets amusing when right-wing Hillbots accuse progressives of being right-wing.
Indeed. Don't allow a few disasters and thousands of hurting citizens get in the way of his golf games and vacations. Is he using one of the terrorists he just released as a caddy?
what do you believe the president should be doing about the flooding or milwaukee?

Most previous Presidents visit the effective areas and hold news conference with the majors and FEMA heads and reassure the people.
Only presidents looking for a photo op.

Having a president visit during a natural disaster diverts resources away from the disaster.

And if Obama showed up you would be criticizing him for inserting himself into relief efforts.

Because you're a dishonest POS.

Yes, I do not walk lock-step with the worst President in our nation's history.
No, you walk lock-step with the delusional wingnuts who believe the polls are skewed.

Allow me to clue you into something. The election is not over.
>> still waiting for an explanation why Trump can attract up to 20 or 30,000 people while Hillary struggles to fill a high school gym.
Because it is a lie that Trump is drawing big crowds.

Maria La Ganga‏@marialaganga
Trump addressing the Western Conservative summit in Denver -- to a cavernous ballroom less than half full


  • 11:14 AM - 1 Jul 2016

Surely you must have MANY images like more...many more.

June 10, 2016, 07:50 pm
Trump's Virginia rally draws smaller crowd

That's 2...get more. Many more as I asked for in the first place.
Is your Google broken?

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