So, Iran's Khamenei Demands all Sanctions End when Nuclear Deal Signed

Let the back stepping begin


(Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama expressed optimism on Saturday that major world powers and Iran could finalize a deal to curb Iran's nuclear program despite strong words this week from the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Obama downplayed Khamenei's demands that a final deal result in an end to all sanctions on Iran, telling reporters at the Americas summit in Panama that Khamenei and others in Iran were addressing their own internal politics.

"Even a guy with the title 'Supreme Leader' has to be concerned about his own constituencies," Obama said.

"There may be ways of structuring a final deal that satisfy their pride, their optics, their politics, but meet our core practical objectives," Obama said at the news conference.

Obama optimistic about Iran nuclear deal despite Khamenei s comments Reuters
That's not "back stepping", it's called President Obama making an accurate assessment of the situation.
Let the back stepping begin


(Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama expressed optimism on Saturday that major world powers and Iran could finalize a deal to curb Iran's nuclear program despite strong words this week from the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Obama downplayed Khamenei's demands that a final deal result in an end to all sanctions on Iran, telling reporters at the Americas summit in Panama that Khamenei and others in Iran were addressing their own internal politics.

"Even a guy with the title 'Supreme Leader' has to be concerned about his own constituencies," Obama said.

"There may be ways of structuring a final deal that satisfy their pride, their optics, their politics, but meet our core practical objectives," Obama said at the news conference.

Obama optimistic about Iran nuclear deal despite Khamenei s comments Reuters
That's not "back stepping", it's called President Obama making an accurate assessment of the situation.

ROFL! "President Obama".

How adorable is THAT?

Iran today doubled down on Obama's red line.


Iran says nuclear deal depends on lifting of sanctions


Iran's President Hassan Rouhani prepares to depart after the end of a press conference on the sidelines of the 69th United Nations General Assembly in New York September 26, 2014.

(Reuters) - Iran said on Wednesday it would only accept a deal over its contested nuclear program if world powers simultaneously lifted all sanctions imposed on it.

The comments by President Hassan Rouhani came the day after U.S. President Barack Obama was forced to give Congress a say in any future accord -- including the right to veto the lifting of sanctions imposed by U.S. lawmakers.

Bolstering the role of a highly assertive Congress injects an element of uncertainty into the crucial final stages of negotiations between major powers and Iran aimed at curbing Tehran's nuclear ambitions in exchange for sanctions relief.

"If there is no end to sanctions, there will not be an agreement," Rouhani said in a televised speech in the northern Iranian city of Rasht, echoing remarks made last week by Iran's most powerful authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Iran says nuclear deal depends on lifting of sanctions Reuters
SSee how good the republican/conservative assholes are at negotiating?
"The comments by President Hassan Rouhani came the day after U.S. President Barack Obama was forced to give Congress a say in any future accord -- including the right to veto the lifting of sanctions imposed by U.S. lawmakers."

You all can thank conservative hero Putin for Iran's increased cockiness! :lol:
Well, seems we have an issue here no?


Iran's Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed

(Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday demanded that all sanctions on Iran be lifted at the same time as any final agreement with world powers on curbing Tehran's nuclear program is concluded.

Khamenei, the Islamic Republic's most powerful figure and who has the last say on all state matters, was making his first comments on the interim deal reached last week in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

He repeated his faith in President Hassan Rouhani's negotiating team. But in remarks apparently meant to keep hardline loyalists on side, he warned about the "devilish" intentions of the United States.

"I neither support nor oppose the deal. Everything is in the details, it may be that the deceptive other side wants to restrict us in the details," Khamenei said in a speech broadcast live on state television.

His stand on the lifting of sanctions matched earlier comments by Rouhani, who said Iran would only sign a final nuclear accord if all measures imposed over its disputed atomic work are lifted on the same day.

"Under the agreed-upon parameters, sanctions will be suspended in a phased manner upon verification that Iran has met specific commitments," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said. He declined to react specifically to the Iranian leadership's comments.

Iran s Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed Reuters

Well, if that's true, we'll find out soon enough, in that obama is going to give them whatever they ask for.

We might as well replace obama with khamenei. It wouldn't make anything worse then it's already going to be.

Why do you folks act like it's solely the United States of America (more specifically Obwawma) involved in these negotiations? Don't the other five nations have some input in this agreement? What if they agree and sign the agreement, where does that leave us? What do you think our next move should be if that happens?

Oh! That's easy... those nations are irrelevant.
On that day when Tel Aviv is incinerated ... Remember that you were among those who reasoned that the irrational were worthy of trust with incalculable power.

Then... Perhaps you will come to understand what relevance is and why it's important.
On that day when Tel Aviv is incinerated ... Remember that you were among those who reasoned that the irrational were worthy of trust with incalculable power.

Then... Perhaps you will come to understand what relevance is and why it's important.
LOL, what kind of shit is that? That's just a bunch of fear mongering and guilt mongering, both of the aforementioned have the opposite effect on me. You can manipulate the sentiments of dolts that way but it doesn't work with thinking people who concentrate on equity.
We should make/encourage the other three nations in that region comply to the same inspections that the Iranians are supposed to, Why did Israel refuse to sign the non-proliferation agreement and inspection by the IAEA if they don't have any nuclear weapons???
Nuclear inspection of Israel rejected Middle East Eye
On that day when Tel Aviv is incinerated ... Remember that you were among those who reasoned that the irrational were worthy of trust with incalculable power.

Then... Perhaps you will come to understand what relevance is and why it's important.
LOL, what kind of shit is that?

What? The Sound judgment?

Ya see Scamp... Iran is governed by a cult of irrational, deceitful, maniacal fools.

As a general rule, where a government straps explosives around their people and send them into building where innocent people are gathered, for the purpose of committing suicide even as they commit mass-murder... that government should be erased.

Considering giving that government nuclear weapons is what we call: INSANE... which is like foolish... but INSANE ... as in detached from reality.

Now if you're keeping score... you are advocating for that which is INSANE.

Does that help, in any way at all?
wrmk 11208153
Considering giving that government nuclear weapons is what we call: INSANE...

The leaders of all P5+1 nations are not considering giving Iran nuclear weapons. Who are you arguing with?

Well... if there was just some reason to truth the Relativist Leadership of the P5... let alone old +1.

Now... in fairness, I'll ask you to offer up a reason that such is worthy of trust. When you fail to do so, I'll be here to note and accept your concession.
Wrmk 11208709
. Now... in fairness, I'll ask you to offer up a reason that such is worthy of-trust.

You are still arguing with yourself. I don't think the Iranian regime is worthy of trust. They aren't. Signing this deal is a matter of finding out if they are going to be worthy of trust but cutting back on their nuclear programs and allowing everything to be monitored and that includes phasing out sanctions only when and if incremental steps of trust can be developed. Trust them at the signing or as of right one - not at all. You live in a world of make believe and that's why no one should trust your judgment on anything and I don't.

I'm tougher than Reagan. I say verify then slowly trust.
The fact that Iran is demanding this is expected or should have been. The question now is will Obama knuckle under and if so how quickly?

It's merely a matter of how quickly.

The present Administration has all the backbone of an earthworm.

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