So, Iran's Khamenei Demands all Sanctions End when Nuclear Deal Signed

The fact that Iran is demanding this is expected or should have been. The question now is will Obama knuckle under and if so how quickly?

Well we all know he is a pathological liar. So, he actually has an excuse if he now say's 'things have changed'

The red line needs moved

The fact that Iran is demanding this is expected or should have been. The question now is will Obama knuckle under and if so how quickly?

Well we all know he is a pathological liar. So, he actually has an excuse if he now say's 'things have changed'

The red line needs moved

If he caves on this I think it cost Hillary the 2016 election. On a sidenote I understand the redline reference.
It's called negotiation. The only thing to worry about is the Republicans' screwing things up by butting in where they don't belong. They get their say when then the president presents the deal to Congress.

Hussein Obozo seems to have a strange way of negotiating. Agree?

You understand that Obama isn't doing the negotiating, right?
The fact that Iran is demanding this is expected or should have been. The question now is will Obama knuckle under and if so how quickly?

The only "demands" that matter will be made in the negotiating room. The rhetoric that Khamenei throws to the hardliners is entirely irrelevant.
It's called negotiation. The only thing to worry about is the Republicans' screwing things up by butting in where they don't belong. They get their say when then the president presents the deal to Congress.

Hussein Obozo seems to have a strange way of negotiating. Agree?

You understand that Obama isn't doing the negotiating, right?

What? So John Kerry is acting independently of Obama? The US and five other countries are negotiating With Iran. I'm pretty sure Obama is involved.
The fact that Iran is demanding this is expected or should have been. The question now is will Obama knuckle under and if so how quickly?

The only "demands" that matter will be made in the negotiating room. The rhetoric that Khamenei throws to the hardliners is entirely irrelevant.
I believe that Khamenei is Irans Supreme leader I admit I'm not an expert on the inner workings of Irans political system but being the Supreme leader I would think what he says does matter.
unconditional surrender is not negotiations
the Ayatollah's sorta look at us as say...Japan
It's called negotiation. The only thing to worry about is the Republicans' screwing things up by butting in where they don't belong. They get their say when then the president presents the deal to Congress.

Hussein Obozo seems to have a strange way of negotiating. Agree?

You understand that Obama isn't doing the negotiating, right?

Pull your head out of your ass, as president he damn well is doing the negotiating and is responsible for this fiasco.
I own a business. My executives are doing all the negotiations for me. BUT all parameters, directions and guidelines comes from me. It will be so crazy if Kerry is doing this on his own.
Iran is doing this because they know Obama is weak.

Thus, no respect.

When Iran moved their destroyers off the beam of our Carriers off YEMEN, shows this as well

I say Obama caves

It's called negotiation. The only thing to worry about is the Republicans' screwing things up by butting in where they don't belong. They get their say when then the president presents the deal to Congress.

O gave him everything thing and now the mullahs are all laughing at him, accusing him of lying etc. Lol at how gullible y'all are.
Iran is doing this because they know Obama is weak.

Thus, no respect.

When Iran moved their destroyers off the beam of our Carriers off YEMEN, shows this as well

I say Obama caves

He will. Our best hope lies with the other nations that also have to agree.
Let the back stepping begin


(Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama expressed optimism on Saturday that major world powers and Iran could finalize a deal to curb Iran's nuclear program despite strong words this week from the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Obama downplayed Khamenei's demands that a final deal result in an end to all sanctions on Iran, telling reporters at the Americas summit in Panama that Khamenei and others in Iran were addressing their own internal politics.

"Even a guy with the title 'Supreme Leader' has to be concerned about his own constituencies," Obama said.

"There may be ways of structuring a final deal that satisfy their pride, their optics, their politics, but meet our core practical objectives," Obama said at the news conference.

Obama optimistic about Iran nuclear deal despite Khamenei s comments Reuters
It's called negotiation. The only thing to worry about is the Republicans' screwing things up by butting in where they don't belong. They get their say when then the president presents the deal to Congress.

Hussein Obozo seems to have a strange way of negotiating. Agree?

You understand that Obama isn't doing the negotiating, right?

The negotiations are done with Obama's approval. The Sec of State speaks for and with the approval of the President. If a deal is made, the President is who signs the deal. I say Obama is doing the negotiating.
Rocko 11158839
Hussein Obozo seems to have a strange way of negotiating. Agree?

Which side needs sanctions lifted? Ours or their's? Think about it. What will be the fastest way for Iran to get the sanctions lifted? Refuse to sign the deal as established in the framework or in the final stages, closer to June, accept the framework as described in the OP link?

""Under the agreed-upon parameters, sanctions will be suspended in a phased manner upon verification that Iran has met specific commitments," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said. He declined to react specifically to the Iranian leadership's comments."

If the Iranians concede back to the original framework then Republican Senators can tell their dumb constituents that they forced a huge concession out of the leadership in Tehran and pass a bill to lift sanctions that are "suspended in a phased manner upon verification that Iran has met specific commitments,"

If the Iranians walk away from the deal with such a ridiculous demand the sanctions remain in place and the P5+1 can wait them out and or determine if bombing certain nuclear infrastructure will be necessary to stop them from producing a nuclear weapon. An action that has never been taken off the table as these negotiations have been going forward.
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Geaux 11160411
Iran is doing this because they know Obama is weak.

Iran is doing this because they see the framework they agreed to as too strong. Iran is the weak nation here. They need sanctions lifted. The US does not need Iranian sanctions lifted. What weakness in Obama can the Iranians know about? He commands an Air Force and Navy with nearly 15,000 military aircraft. Iran has less than 500. How do you come up,with your knuckle-headed statements?

:disagree: ........... :disagree:
why do you liberfools thin....., ooops.., FEEEEEL any agreement made with the irunnies will be adhered to ?

they are all radical muslimes and their damnable koran demands them to lie, cheat or steal to fool the non-muslimes into apathy..., seems to be working with the low information leftycrats, they will believe anything a muslime tells them e.g., Barack Hussein O'shit-4-brains. :lmao:

......... :up_yours: ................. + ..................... :fu:
Iran hasn't done anything wrong.

now i know for certain you leftyrats are brain dead and function only on emotions.

i guess from your idiotic statement it is perfectly OK to threaten Israel with annihilation and "death to America".

by your standards, IF i made a direct death threat to your presidunce, i would NOT have done anything "wrong" :lmao:

........ :fu: ........+.................:up_yours:

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