So, Iran's Khamenei Demands all Sanctions End when Nuclear Deal Signed

Well we all know he is a pathological liar.

how fucking many times do i need to say this: MUSLIMES ARE REQUIRED/PERMITTED TO LIE TO NON-MUSLIMES.

TheReligionofPeace - Islam Taqiyya and Lying


Are Muslims permitted to lie?

Summary Answer:

Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences."

There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances,taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

Bukhari (52:269) - "The Prophet said, 'War is deceit.'" The context of this is thought to be the murder of Usayr ibn Zarim and his thirty unarmed men by Muhammad's men after he "guaranteed" them safe passage (see Additional Notes below).

Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar." Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means.

Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permissible in order to deceive an "enemy."

any questions about muslimes lying and deceit ??
O gave him everything thing and now the mullahs are all laughing at him, accusing him of lying etc. Lol at how gullible y'all are.
I'm the one that's laughing at you. Logic is obviously not your strong suit. If Obama already gave them everything, how can they be demanding more? It's either one or the other. IMO, Republicans are out destroy any hope for peace there is and any future American deaths that may result are on their know-nothing heads.
Honestly, I don't know even the most brainwashed liberal can take Obama seriously after this Iranian nuke "deal" fiasco. Every essential claim that Obama made about the "deal" in his Rose Garden announcement was quickly repudiated by the Iranians. Similarly, every essential claim that John Kerry made about the deal in his announcement was likewise repudiated by the Iranians. What an unbelievable and embarrassing fiasco. Can you imagine if this had happened under Bush?
now i know for certain you leftyrats are brain dead and function only on emotions.

i guess from your idiotic statement it is perfectly OK to threaten Israel with annihilation and "death to America".

by your standards, IF i made a direct death threat to your presidunce, i would NOT have done anything "wrong" :lmao:

........ :fu: ........+.................:up_yours:
The problem with your argument, man gone wild, is that Iran never said that.
mikeg 11173176
Every essential claim that Obama made about the "deal" in his Rose Garden announcement was quickly repudiated by the Iranians.

Even the Russians back what Obama says is in the framework agreement. it's quite amazing how your hatred of Obama forces you to believe Iran's leadership. But the Iranian ploy has appeared to work. Republicans just surrendered to needing a two thirds majority in both the House and Senate to over-ride a veto of lifting sanctions. They can't stop it any longer. Mark Levin nearly had a heart attack and a stroke so angry he was at Sen Bob Corker and Lindsay Graham for surrendering to Obama on Iran. Levin blew his cork last night on hate talk radio - it was great to hear the hate filled wingnut blow up as he did for at Keats an hour.

Iran today doubled down on Obama's red line.


Iran says nuclear deal depends on lifting of sanctions


Iran's President Hassan Rouhani prepares to depart after the end of a press conference on the sidelines of the 69th United Nations General Assembly in New York September 26, 2014.

(Reuters) - Iran said on Wednesday it would only accept a deal over its contested nuclear program if world powers simultaneously lifted all sanctions imposed on it.

The comments by President Hassan Rouhani came the day after U.S. President Barack Obama was forced to give Congress a say in any future accord -- including the right to veto the lifting of sanctions imposed by U.S. lawmakers.

Bolstering the role of a highly assertive Congress injects an element of uncertainty into the crucial final stages of negotiations between major powers and Iran aimed at curbing Tehran's nuclear ambitions in exchange for sanctions relief.

"If there is no end to sanctions, there will not be an agreement," Rouhani said in a televised speech in the northern Iranian city of Rasht, echoing remarks made last week by Iran's most powerful authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Iran says nuclear deal depends on lifting of sanctions Reuters
Geaux 11194885
Iran today doubled down on Obama's red line.

Too funny. Your Republican Senators handed Democrats the final decision on lifting sanctions. Mark Levin explains it to his fellow haters:

"On Tuesday's Mark Levin: The U.S. Senate has capitulated to President Obama by rewriting the treaty provision of the Constitution. Sen. Bob Corker and Lindsey Graham have dragged the GOP-controlled Congress into a disaster that they’re happy to support. The Senate not only whitewashed the treaty power of the constitution, but also made it impossible for them to stop Obama. "

Mark Levin Show - April 14 2015
Geaux 11194885
Iran today doubled down on Obama's red line.

Too funny. Your Republican Senators handed Democrats the final decision on lifting sanctions. Mark Levin explains it to his fellow haters:

"On Tuesday's Mark Levin: The U.S. Senate has capitulated to President Obama by rewriting the treaty provision of the Constitution. Sen. Bob Corker and Lindsey Graham have dragged the GOP-controlled Congress into a disaster that they’re happy to support. The Senate not only whitewashed the treaty power of the constitution, but also made it impossible for them to stop Obama. "

Mark Levin Show - April 14 2015

That's nice.....

I'm not a Republican

Well, seems we have an issue here no?


Iran's Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed

(Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday demanded that all sanctions on Iran be lifted at the same time as any final agreement with world powers on curbing Tehran's nuclear program is concluded.

Khamenei, the Islamic Republic's most powerful figure and who has the last say on all state matters, was making his first comments on the interim deal reached last week in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

He repeated his faith in President Hassan Rouhani's negotiating team. But in remarks apparently meant to keep hardline loyalists on side, he warned about the "devilish" intentions of the United States.

"I neither support nor oppose the deal. Everything is in the details, it may be that the deceptive other side wants to restrict us in the details," Khamenei said in a speech broadcast live on state television.

His stand on the lifting of sanctions matched earlier comments by Rouhani, who said Iran would only sign a final nuclear accord if all measures imposed over its disputed atomic work are lifted on the same day.

"Under the agreed-upon parameters, sanctions will be suspended in a phased manner upon verification that Iran has met specific commitments," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said. He declined to react specifically to the Iranian leadership's comments.

Iran s Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed Reuters

The only sure thing I see is that Iran will continue with its nuclear program sans the sanctions.

Anyone who thinks Iran will abide by any agreement with the Great Satan and the rest of the Western World is a fucking idiot.

They will do exactly as they wish. After all, its all in the name of Allah. The one true God.
Geaux 11194885
Iran today doubled down on Obama's red line.

You can believe Iranians. Obama and Dems got this:

. Anschluss Obama’s One-Man Nuclear Deal
Congress will get a vote but the President still has a free hand.
Updated April 15, 2015 7:53 p.m. ET

President Obama says he wants Congress to play a role in approving a nuclear deal with Iran, but his every action suggests the opposite. After months of resistance, the White House said Tuesday the President would finally sign a bill requiring a Senate vote on any deal—and why not since it still gives him nearly a free hand.

Obama s One-Man Nuclear Deal - WSJ

Republicans will now need 34 Democrats to over-ride a veto on banning the lifting of sanctions. A number they are not likely to get if they get 60 votes to put it up for a vote in the first place.

You warmongers don't have enough allies in your Republican controlled congress. And that is to sane and sober people a good thing.
Geaux 11194885
Iran today doubled down on Obama's red line.

You can believe Iranians. Obama and Dems got this:

. Anschluss Obama’s One-Man Nuclear Deal
Congress will get a vote but the President still has a free hand.
Updated April 15, 2015 7:53 p.m. ET

President Obama says he wants Congress to play a role in approving a nuclear deal with Iran, but his every action suggests the opposite. After months of resistance, the White House said Tuesday the President would finally sign a bill requiring a Senate vote on any deal—and why not since it still gives him nearly a free hand.

Obama s One-Man Nuclear Deal - WSJ

Republicans will now need 34 Democrats to over-ride a veto on banning the lifting of sanctions. A number they are not likely to get if they get 60 votes to put it up for a vote in the first place.

You warmongers don't have enough allies in your Republican controlled congress. And that is to sane and sober people a good thing.

The sanctions are to be reduced in intervals. This is unacceptable to the Iranians

The sanctions are to be reduced in intervals. This is unacceptable to the Iranians

That is what is in the framework: 'sanctions reduced in intervals'. So if Iranians back out of what they agreed to then sanctions don't get lifted at all. And the Iranians need the sanctions lifted not the US. When June comes around they will have their first choice. Take sanctions reduced at intervals or get no sanctions lifted at all and potentially tougher sanctions imposed. Think about it. What do you think they will do. And my point to you is that Republicans in Congress make it nearly 100% guaranteed that Obama will be able to 'reduce sanctions in intervals' per the framework agreement and Congress with not be able to stop them. That is the news of the day. Not Iranian political bluster for their hardliner audience.

What made Corker and Graham surrender so easily may be the realization that its best to give Iran a chance to keep their word. If they don't keep their word then they don't get US sanctions lifted at all. So what's your problem with the deal?
The sanctions are to be reduced in intervals. This is unacceptable to the Iranians

That is what is in the framework: 'sanctions reduced in intervals'. So if Iranians back out of what they agreed to then sanctions don't get lifted at all. And the Iranians need the sanctions lifted not the US. When June comes around they will have their first choice. Take sanctions reduced at intervals or get no sanctions lifted at all and potentially tougher sanctions imposed. Think about it. What do you think they will do. And my point to you is that Republicans in Congress make it nearly 100% guaranteed that Obama will be able to 'reduce sanctions in intervals' per the framework agreement and Congress with not be able to stop them. That is the news of the day. Not Iranian political bluster for their hardliner audience.

What made Corker and Graham surrender so easily may be the realization that its best to give Iran a chance to keep their word. If they don't keep their word then they don't get US sanctions lifted at all. So what's your problem with the deal?

My problem, is there is a deal period. And a bad one at that

That's my problem

But to your point. The Iranians said they never agreed to sanction removal in intervals

Obama was forced to go to Congress which insist on slow roll back of sanctions

If Obama had it his way he would just give Iran whatever they want. Immediate removal of sanctions included

Geau 11201712
Obama was forced to go to Congress which insist on slow roll back f sanctions

The framework alteady insists on a slow roll back of sanctions. I'm glad you've decided to trust the Iranians are telling the truth that the framework does not. But your belief that Congress has forced or will force Obama to roll back sanctions slowly is a joke. It shows how little you know about what's going on.

Didnt you read what Mark Levin says about it?

"On Tuesday's Mark Levin: The U.S. Senate has capitulated to President Obama by rewriting the treaty provision of the Constitution. Sen. Bob Corker and Lindsey Graham have dragged the GOP-controlled Congress into a disaster that they’re happy to support. The Senate not only whitewashed the treaty power of the constitution, but also made it impossible for them to stop Obama."
Well, seems we have an issue here no?


Iran's Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed

(Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday demanded that all sanctions on Iran be lifted at the same time as any final agreement with world powers on curbing Tehran's nuclear program is concluded.

Khamenei, the Islamic Republic's most powerful figure and who has the last say on all state matters, was making his first comments on the interim deal reached last week in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

He repeated his faith in President Hassan Rouhani's negotiating team. But in remarks apparently meant to keep hardline loyalists on side, he warned about the "devilish" intentions of the United States.

"I neither support nor oppose the deal. Everything is in the details, it may be that the deceptive other side wants to restrict us in the details," Khamenei said in a speech broadcast live on state television.

His stand on the lifting of sanctions matched earlier comments by Rouhani, who said Iran would only sign a final nuclear accord if all measures imposed over its disputed atomic work are lifted on the same day.

"Under the agreed-upon parameters, sanctions will be suspended in a phased manner upon verification that Iran has met specific commitments," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said. He declined to react specifically to the Iranian leadership's comments.

Iran s Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed Reuters
It seems like he's trying to convince his people that he's trying to be tough negotiator. I am comfortable with lifting the sanctions in this manner: ""Under the agreed-upon parameters, sanctions will be suspended in a phased manner upon verification that Iran has met specific commitments," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said. He declined to react specifically to the Iranian leadership's comments."
Well, seems we have an issue here no?


Iran's Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed

(Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday demanded that all sanctions on Iran be lifted at the same time as any final agreement with world powers on curbing Tehran's nuclear program is concluded.

Khamenei, the Islamic Republic's most powerful figure and who has the last say on all state matters, was making his first comments on the interim deal reached last week in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

He repeated his faith in President Hassan Rouhani's negotiating team. But in remarks apparently meant to keep hardline loyalists on side, he warned about the "devilish" intentions of the United States.

"I neither support nor oppose the deal. Everything is in the details, it may be that the deceptive other side wants to restrict us in the details," Khamenei said in a speech broadcast live on state television.

His stand on the lifting of sanctions matched earlier comments by Rouhani, who said Iran would only sign a final nuclear accord if all measures imposed over its disputed atomic work are lifted on the same day.

"Under the agreed-upon parameters, sanctions will be suspended in a phased manner upon verification that Iran has met specific commitments," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said. He declined to react specifically to the Iranian leadership's comments.

Iran s Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed Reuters

Well, if that's true, we'll find out soon enough, in that obama is going to give them whatever they ask for.

We might as well replace obama with khamenei. It wouldn't make anything worse then it's already going to be.

Why do you folks act like it's solely the United States of America (more specifically Obwawma) involved in these negotiations? Don't the other five nations have some input in this agreement? What if they agree and sign the agreement, where does that leave us? What do you think our next move should be if that happens?
Well, seems we have an issue here no?


Iran's Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed

(Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday demanded that all sanctions on Iran be lifted at the same time as any final agreement with world powers on curbing Tehran's nuclear program is concluded.

Khamenei, the Islamic Republic's most powerful figure and who has the last say on all state matters, was making his first comments on the interim deal reached last week in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

He repeated his faith in President Hassan Rouhani's negotiating team. But in remarks apparently meant to keep hardline loyalists on side, he warned about the "devilish" intentions of the United States.

"I neither support nor oppose the deal. Everything is in the details, it may be that the deceptive other side wants to restrict us in the details," Khamenei said in a speech broadcast live on state television.

His stand on the lifting of sanctions matched earlier comments by Rouhani, who said Iran would only sign a final nuclear accord if all measures imposed over its disputed atomic work are lifted on the same day.

"Under the agreed-upon parameters, sanctions will be suspended in a phased manner upon verification that Iran has met specific commitments," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said. He declined to react specifically to the Iranian leadership's comments.

Iran s Khamenei demands all sanctions end when nuclear deal signed Reuters

Well, if that's true, we'll find out soon enough, in that obama is going to give them whatever they ask for.

We might as well replace obama with khamenei. It wouldn't make anything worse then it's already going to be.

Why do you folks act like it's solely the United States of America (more specifically Obwawma) involved in these negotiations? Don't the other five nations have some input in this agreement? What if they agree and sign the agreement, where does that leave us? What do you think our next move should be if that happens?

Oh! That's easy... those nations are irrelevant.
It's called negotiation. The only thing to worry about is the Republicans' screwing things up by butting in where they don't belong. They get their say when then the president presents the deal to Congress.

O gave him everything thing and now the mullahs are all laughing at him, accusing him of lying etc. Lol at how gullible y'all are.
How did he allegedly "give him everything"?
Iran is doing this because they know Obama is weak.

Thus, no respect.

When Iran moved their destroyers off the beam of our Carriers off YEMEN, shows this as well

I say Obama caves

He will. Our best hope lies with the other nations that also have to agree.
LOL, China is already dealing with them and didn't Russia just agree to or just already sell them air defense? Germany is or was a key trading partner with Iran. France: US warns France against business with Iran after trade trip to Tehran World news The Guardian

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