So It's Down To Bernie And Kamala

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Wow, it didn't take long for the Socialists to whittle the field down to a crazy Marxist and an angry black woman.

The rest of the clowns don't stand a chance against Bernie and Kamala.

This is going to turn in to a hell of a fight. Kamala will use the race card and woman card. Bernie will scream more free shit. Bernie supporters will be called racist and misogynists by Kamala supporters. Kamala supporters will be called idiots and regressives. The rest of the clowns will all be trying to get the Vice President bid. Kamala and Bernie will be ripping all of them to shreds as the fight moves forward.

Each faction of the identity politics crowd demonizing each other.

Damn this is going to be fun to watch.
RaTz frequently eat their young.

It's poetic justice. The Socialists went all in on identity politics not realizing it would rip them apart.

I mean look at these clowns, who's the most Marxist, who's the gayest, who's the best black person, who's the best fake Mexican, who's the most feminist, and who's turn is it?
Dumb and Dumber.

I wondering when they were going to make another sequal.
Tulsi is the only good D. Bernie is done. When he supported HER after she screwed him, he lost viability. Karmela is just another phony corrupt politician.
What about that guy from Indiana -- Buttplug?

I thought he was comin' on
Wow, it didn't take long for the Socialists to whittle the field down to a crazy Marxist and an angry black woman.

The rest of the clowns don't stand a chance against Bernie and Kamala.

This is going to turn in to a hell of a fight. Kamala will use the race card and woman card. Bernie will scream more free shit. Bernie supporters will be called racist and misogynists by Kamala supporters. Kamala supporters will be called idiots and regressives. The rest of the clowns will all be trying to get the Vice President bid. Kamala and Bernie will be ripping all of them to shreds as the fight moves forward.

Each faction of the identity politics crowd demonizing each other.

Damn this is going to be fun to watch.

Calm down...there has not even been one primary yet.

Wow, it didn't take long for the Socialists to whittle the field down to a crazy Marxist and an angry black woman.

The rest of the clowns don't stand a chance against Bernie and Kamala.

This is going to turn in to a hell of a fight. Kamala will use the race card and woman card. Bernie will scream more free shit. Bernie supporters will be called racist and misogynists by Kamala supporters. Kamala supporters will be called idiots and regressives. The rest of the clowns will all be trying to get the Vice President bid. Kamala and Bernie will be ripping all of them to shreds as the fight moves forward.

Each faction of the identity politics crowd demonizing each other.

Damn this is going to be fun to watch.
I think Mayor Pete Buttplug is the man for the job.
You would have to be a moron to vote for either one of those assholes.

Of course the same dimwits that voted for Crooked Hillary will run down to the polling place as fast as their cub feet will allow to vote for those idiots and make another mistake to fuck America.
You would have to be a moron to vote for either one of those assholes.

Of course the same dimwits that voted for Crooked Hillary will run down to the polling place as fast as their cub feet will allow to vote for those idiots and make another mistake to fuck America.

With the new policy on super delegates it has opened up the gates to let these clowns rip each other apart. Can't wait to watch Bernie supporters and Kamala supporters fighting in the streets.

The most confused people over the next few years will be ANTIFA. They won't know who to fight against.
What about that guy from Indiana -- Buttplug?

I thought he was comin' on

He's trying for Bernie's Vice President. His father was a full on Marxist and very vocal about it.

When I lived outside Cleveland over 40 years ago, I knew some old, old-time Coal Miners that were 1st generation Irish, Polish and Italian that were fairly hardcore communists.

That's how they grew up. In Italy.... Those people have never been free. Never. Not in 3,000 years. Never. Until the US kicked the shit out of them and installed the present government.

Ireland is the same thing but different (I love that expression). But they've never known actual, real, honest-to-God freedom. Until recently.

Same thing in Poland.

And where did they get that freedom? Who gave it to them?

We did. Without any doubt, there would NOT be freedom in this world if not for the USA. THAT is just a fact. People who dispute that are simply stupid and ignorant of history.

So I can see Pre-WWII people being in favor of 'communism'. Or socialism. Even National Socialism and/or Fascism.

It beat the shit out of the system they had beforehand. By miles. People were treated like slaves by the Royals, they were forced to work on Land they didn't own, fight in Wars they didn't start and otherwise live and/or die based on the whims of the Ruling Class.

A Hierarchical ruling class. "By The Grace Of God"

Ever heard that? Of course you have. Know what it means? Few really do. It is the one term used in a Coronation that cements the Royal right to rule. By The Grace of God. So, don't question it.

Kind like the dimocrap scum party.

Point being, the United States is the most free country to ever exist on the Planet Earth. By far.

Even with all its imperfections, of which there are many, it is by far the most free place to live that has ever existed.

But is that good enough for the scum of Earth dimocraps and their truly EVIL political party (which is really no more than a criminal enterprise).

Nope. They want to tear it down and replace it with a system that has failed EVERY single time it has ever been tried causing untold millions of deaths and billions of human beings thrown into suffering and starvation.

And for what?

The average dimocrap scumbag just doesn't know why he/she/it is so angry all the time.

They just know they are and that their failure in life has GOT to be somebody else's fault. Sound familiar? Yeah, just talk to convicts in a prison. Every one of them is innocent.

dimocraps don't deserve power. Of any kind. Under any circumstances. Ever.

They're too unstable
What about that guy from Indiana -- Buttplug?

I thought he was comin' on

He's trying for Bernie's Vice President. His father was a full on Marxist and very vocal about it.

When I lived outside Cleveland over 40 years ago, I knew some old, old-time Coal Miners that were 1st generation Irish, Polish and Italian that were fairly hardcore communists.

That's how they grew up. In Italy.... Those people have never been free. Never. Not in 3,000 years. Never. Until the US kicked the shit out of them and installed the present government.

Ireland is the same thing but different (I love that expression). But they've never known actual, real, honest-to-God freedom. Until recently.

Same thing in Poland.

And where did they get that freedom? Who gave it to them?

We did. Without any doubt, there would NOT be freedom in this world if not for the USA. THAT is just a fact. People who dispute that are simply stupid and ignorant of history.

So I can see Pre-WWII people being in favor of 'communism'. Or socialism. Even National Socialism and/or Fascism.

It beat the shit out of the system they had beforehand. By miles. People were treated like slaves by the Royals, they were forced to work on Land they didn't own, fight in Wars they didn't start and otherwise live and/or die based on the whims of the Ruling Class.

A Hierarchical ruling class. "By The Grace Of God"

Ever heard that? Of course you have. Know what it means? Few really do. It is the one term used in a Coronation that cements the Royal right to rule. By The Grace of God. So, don't question it.

Kind like the dimocrap scum party.

Point being, the United States is the most free country to ever exist on the Planet Earth. By far.

Even with all its imperfections, of which there are many, it is by far the most free place to live that has ever existed.

But is that good enough for the scum of Earth dimocraps and their truly EVIL political party (which is really no more than a criminal enterprise).

Nope. They want to tear it down and replace it with a system that has failed EVERY single time it has ever been tried causing untold millions of deaths and billions of human beings thrown into suffering and starvation.

And for what?

The average dimocrap scumbag just doesn't know why he/she/it is so angry all the time.

They just know they are and that their failure in life has GOT to be somebody else's fault. Sound familiar? Yeah, just talk to convicts in a prison. Every one of them is innocent.

dimocraps don't deserve power. Of any kind. Under any circumstances. Ever.

They're too unstable

Just think, Obama did everything he could to destroy America being free. Just like this current gaggle of Democrat Presidential candidates are all promising to do.

They all have the same plan. Raid the country of the money that was made under Capitalism in order to fund the US being a Socialist shithole until the money runs out.

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