So It's Down To This.Well,He Might Be Guilty,No Evidence.Let's Go Ahead And Impeach The President.

we could make quite a list of democrat lawmakers that need to be impeached.
They aren’t going to impeach. It’s the Dems equivalent to Trumps “Lock her up” call... just political games
and u compare this debacle to Hillary? this is nuts
You're right, this is far worse than Hillary.
It’s all hot air and political posturing just like Hillary. She was never going to be locked and Trump is not going to be impeached. Very simple point
You are correct that he's not going to be impeached.

2 words: President Pence.
Pences head is stuck too far up Trumps butt to ever lead a country. That shit stains
But he's next if tRump is impeached. tRump is a bull in a china shop, random destruction is his trademark. Pence is a fanatic. That gives him direction. He could do far more harm than tRump because of that.
and u compare this debacle to Hillary? this is nuts
You're right, this is far worse than Hillary.
It’s all hot air and political posturing just like Hillary. She was never going to be locked and Trump is not going to be impeached. Very simple point
You are correct that he's not going to be impeached.

2 words: President Pence.
Pences head is stuck too far up Trumps butt to ever lead a country. That shit stains
But he's next if tRump is impeached. tRump is a bull in a china shop, random destruction is his trademark. Pence is a fanatic. That gives him direction. He could do far more harm than tRump because of that.
Pence has shown nothing but class from the onslaught of criticism. Criticism for believing in God. Incredible! Pence is not going to bring you back to the 1950's. But he will do his best to stop the persecution of Christians.
imagine if Trump propose that we impeach Maxine because her IQ is under 35?
and u compare this debacle to Hillary? this is nuts
You're right, this is far worse than Hillary.
It’s all hot air and political posturing just like Hillary. She was never going to be locked and Trump is not going to be impeached. Very simple point
You are correct that he's not going to be impeached.

2 words: President Pence.
Pences head is stuck too far up Trumps butt to ever lead a country. That shit stains
But he's next if tRump is impeached. tRump is a bull in a china shop, random destruction is his trademark. Pence is a fanatic. That gives him direction. He could do far more harm than tRump because of that.
Trump can’t be impeached, the votes aren’t there
and yet, we have al green who seems to have the power to impeach Trump on his own
You're right, this is far worse than Hillary.
It’s all hot air and political posturing just like Hillary. She was never going to be locked and Trump is not going to be impeached. Very simple point
You are correct that he's not going to be impeached.

2 words: President Pence.
Pences head is stuck too far up Trumps butt to ever lead a country. That shit stains
But he's next if tRump is impeached. tRump is a bull in a china shop, random destruction is his trademark. Pence is a fanatic. That gives him direction. He could do far more harm than tRump because of that.
Pence has shown nothing but class from the onslaught of criticism. Criticism for believing in God. Incredible! Pence is not going to bring you back to the 1950's. But he will do his best to stop the persecution of Christians.
I just can’t stand his fake overdramatic sincerity. It is amusing to see how polar opposite he is with trump.
You're right, this is far worse than Hillary.
It’s all hot air and political posturing just like Hillary. She was never going to be locked and Trump is not going to be impeached. Very simple point
You are correct that he's not going to be impeached.

2 words: President Pence.
Pences head is stuck too far up Trumps butt to ever lead a country. That shit stains
But he's next if tRump is impeached. tRump is a bull in a china shop, random destruction is his trademark. Pence is a fanatic. That gives him direction. He could do far more harm than tRump because of that.
Pence has shown nothing but class from the onslaught of criticism. Criticism for believing in God. Incredible! Pence is not going to bring you back to the 1950's. But he will do his best to stop the persecution of Christians.
Pence is a dangerous fanatic.
You're right, this is far worse than Hillary.
It’s all hot air and political posturing just like Hillary. She was never going to be locked and Trump is not going to be impeached. Very simple point
You are correct that he's not going to be impeached.

2 words: President Pence.
Pences head is stuck too far up Trumps butt to ever lead a country. That shit stains
But he's next if tRump is impeached. tRump is a bull in a china shop, random destruction is his trademark. Pence is a fanatic. That gives him direction. He could do far more harm than tRump because of that.
Trump can’t be impeached, the votes aren’t there
You mean the cowardly conservitards in the Senate are to busy fellating him to impeach him.
Impeachment = overturning the will of the American people so you better have a damn good reason to remove the people's duly elected president from office.
Impeachment = overturning the will of the American people so you better have a damn good reason to remove the people's duly elected president from office.
i wonder if you can impeach a dog owner for when we catch them letting his dog crap in your front lawn
I’m comparing the gamesmanship to it. Sure. Don’t see how you can deny that. Make a case if you disagree
This is past political gamesmanship.

Democrats are intentionally lying in an effort to undo an election.
If Mueller had the evidence he would have released the evidence. He had nothing.

Hope the Dem House keeps on with it investigations and hearings. They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Go Dems.
It’s all hot air and political posturing just like Hillary. She was never going to be locked and Trump is not going to be impeached. Very simple point
You are correct that he's not going to be impeached.

2 words: President Pence.
Pences head is stuck too far up Trumps butt to ever lead a country. That shit stains
But he's next if tRump is impeached. tRump is a bull in a china shop, random destruction is his trademark. Pence is a fanatic. That gives him direction. He could do far more harm than tRump because of that.
Pence has shown nothing but class from the onslaught of criticism. Criticism for believing in God. Incredible! Pence is not going to bring you back to the 1950's. But he will do his best to stop the persecution of Christians.
Pence is a dangerous fanatic.

The real fanatics are you. The worst of the Christians was before they gave up their power by the early 1970's. Even I saw togetherness in neighborhoods held together by the Church. There was a bond between neighbors when we still had foundation and did not become as individualistic in reckless ways as we are now. You survive on pure taxation. Eliminate the corrupted resources needed and you will disappear. And it will happen.
You are correct that he's not going to be impeached.

2 words: President Pence.
Pences head is stuck too far up Trumps butt to ever lead a country. That shit stains
But he's next if tRump is impeached. tRump is a bull in a china shop, random destruction is his trademark. Pence is a fanatic. That gives him direction. He could do far more harm than tRump because of that.
Pence has shown nothing but class from the onslaught of criticism. Criticism for believing in God. Incredible! Pence is not going to bring you back to the 1950's. But he will do his best to stop the persecution of Christians.
Pence is a dangerous fanatic.

The real fanatics are you. The worst of the Christians was before they gave up their power by the early 1970's. Even I saw togetherness in neighborhoods held together by the Church. There was a bond between neighbors when we still had foundation and did not become as individualistic in reckless ways as we are now. You survive on pure taxation. Eliminate the corrupted resources needed and you will disappear. And it will happen.
Lol, what?

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