So it's not a Virus, right


Platinum Member
Feb 24, 2021
I just got into a "discussion" with a Rumpster Anti Vaxer about Viruses. According to him, Virus wasn't discovered until 1926 when the discovered the Electron Microscope. Actually, the Electron Microsope would not be able to go much past 400X until 1931. And it would not be able to past 10 nm until the late 1930s. Still not enough to pinpoint most viruses. It wasn't until 1944 that the EM was able to do 2 NM and could see MOST viruses. According to him, you have to be able to see it to know it exists which is false. But we know that is untrue.

Although Beijerinck incorrectly thought viruses were liquid (they are particles) his results were close to the mark. Yet his idea didn’t catch on. His suggestion of a pathogen without a cell conflicted with early germ theory and was radical for the time.

It wasn't until 1926 that his discovery was verified using a very early crude Electron Microscope when his original test was redone.

The question arose from does a Mask do any good. In the Spanish Flu it was found that it did along with isolation if you could not self isolate. They just weren't really sure why. We know today. It protects the other person from the one wearing the mask by reducing the larger droplets from being easily spread. It's pretty simple.

I pointed out that the Red Cross was busy producing Masks starting in 1918 in a large scale but he called me a liar. I pointed out that there were lots of tracing and, once again, he called me a liar. I showed him all this on the history sites. Then he turned beat red and told me he heard enough lies.

Did I get mad? Noper. I found it amusing. And all the more reason to handle Covid 19 like we did Polio in 1955 and 56 where they were nice but our grand parents new that under all those manners was a mandate that all had to follow or else.

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