So...I've been thinking....


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
With everything the Left thinks we should all pay for...and with g5000 thinking that anything we get to keep of the money we earn as a Government "expenditure".....

If 1 +1 = 2.....then ALL money is eveyone's money...and we should just throw it ALL into one big pot and devide it equally.

Apparently this is the height of Leftwing thinking.
If the top 1% didn't hold 35% of the nation's wealth and that figure wasn't growing every year you might have a point.

At best the left wants to "slow the tide" of wealth trickling up to the elites.
When everything is redistributed to everyone equally then there's no point in producing anything.

Hey, let's try that between now and November, 2016 then see wot happens.
When everything is redistributed to everyone equally then there's no point in producing anything.

Hey, let's try that between now and November, 2016 then see wot happens.

If everything was redistributed equally, then left would end up right back where it is now. Industrious people would be the haves, lazy assholes would be the have nots.

Liberalism is a goddamned mental disorder!
With everything the Left thinks we should all pay for...and with g5000 thinking that anything we get to keep of the money we earn as a Government "expenditure".....

If 1 +1 = 2.....then ALL money is eveyone's money...and we should just throw it ALL into one big pot and devide it equally.

Apparently this is the height of Leftwing thinking.

The people making the most of the money would think, "Why work so hard if I am getting so little and would close their businesses and get menial jobs that didn't require the extra work that owning a business required.

Of course when the business owners shut down their businesses, they became one of the 99%. Entrepreneurs, too, said, "hey my taxes are eating up my salary, I'll just stop working and live on capital gains and he too, became one of the 99%.

Soon, most of the 1% did the same until there were more people working for less and the pie was getting smaller and smaller. People could no longer live on their piece of the pie.

That Socialist Pie only works for just so long until it runs out of money. Of course the society ran out of pride, patriotism, and industriousness before it ran out of money and the country was never called the Great American Experiment again.

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