So Just Exactly What Makes a Group Far-Left or Far-Right?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Wikipedia defines 'Far-Right' as:

Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism,[1][2] are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of extreme nationalism,[3][4] nativist ideologies and authoritarian tendencies.[5][6]
Historically used to describe the experiences of fascism and Nazism,[7] today far-right politics includes neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, Third Position, the alt-right, white supremacism, white nationalism,[8] and other ideologies or organizations that feature aspects of ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, theocratic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-communist, or reactionary views.[9]
Far-right politics can lead to oppression, violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing and even genocide against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority, or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group,[10][11] nation, state,[12] national religion, dominant culture, or ultra-conservative traditional social institutions.[13]

The Far-Left:

Far-left politics are politics further to the left of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left.
There are different definitions of the far-left. Some scholars define it as representing the left of social democracy while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances, the term far-left has been associated with forms of anarchism, autonomism and communism.[citation needed] Groups that advocate for revolutionary anti-capitalism and anti-globalization have been characterized as far-left.[citation needed]
Extremist far-left politics can involve violent acts and the formation of far-left militant organizations meant to abolish capitalist systems and the upper ruling class. Far-left terrorism consists of groups that attempt to realize their radical ideals and bring about change through violence rather than established political processes.

The definitions are so different, the one on the Far-Right is all about their violence, authoritarianism and racism, while the Far Left is maybe communist, but not violent, etc.


My personal definition is equal to both sides; Any group that refuses to tolerate other peaceful groups is 'Far' whatever.

But look at Patriot Prayer, which the Media has taken to calling 'Far Right', even FOX, lol.

Patriot Prayer is a far-right group based in the Portland, Oregon area.[1][2] Patriot Prayer describes itself as advocating in favor of free speech,[3] and opposing big government.[4][5]
The group has organized rallies in support of Donald Trump[6] and far-right protests in predominantly liberal areas, which have been met with large numbers of counter-protesters.[7][8] White nationalists as well as far-right groups, such as Proud Boys,[9] and Hell Shaking Street Preachers,[10][11][12] have attended the rallies organized by Patriot Prayer, sparking controversy and violence.[13][14][15]....
Patriot Prayer was founded in 2016[2] by Joey Gibson.[17] Gibson says he became an activist after seeing a brawl start between supporters of the Trump presidency and counter protesters.[18] Patriot Prayer is a far-right group,[19] part of the Right wing of American politics.[20] It has held rallies in areas known for their liberal politics.[21][22] It has also been described as anti-government.[23][24][25][26] The San Jose Mercury News describes Patriot Prayer as a "right-wing group ... [whose] events ... have attracted white supremacists and ended up in violent confrontations among demonstrators on both sides".[2] In 2017, Gibson described himself as Conservative libertarian.[27]
According to BBC News, Patriot Prayer have been connected to the alt-right as well as other far-right groups.[21] Gibson denies this, saying the group is neither white nationalist nor alt-right and that they support "freedom, love and peace".[28] The group's stated aim is support of the First Amendment, free speech and to "liberate the conservatives on the West Coast".[18]
The Seattle Times and The Washington Post have described Patriot Prayer as a "pro-Trump group".[29][30] According to The Weekly Standard, "n the early days, his [Gibson's] rallies had overtly pro-Trump themes. These days, mentions of Trump have mostly been scrubbed from his own rhetoric, as he knows even invoking the name can be alienating."[31]

Patriot Prayer has made allegations against the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) calling the group a "Muslim extremist organization". Its supporters have made threats online against CAIR, prompting an investigation by authorities.[32][33][34]
Patriot Prayer has a history of harassing and assaulting Abolish ICE and other leftist activists.[35][36][37]
David Neiwert, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center blog Hatewatch, described Patriot Prayer as "trolling" the Pacific Northwest with the intention of provoking a response from far-left anti-fascists.[38] Neiwert noted that Gibson denounced white supremacists and neo-Nazis during an August 13, 2017 rally in Seattle the day after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, and described that Gibson explained in subsequent interviews that he aims to "actively exclude" white supremacist groups.[38] During the August 13 rally in Seattle such groups had no obvious presence; however, a week earlier at another rally in Portland, Oregon, which was led by Gibson, members of Identity Evropa were in attendance.[39][40] The SPLC describes them as "violent extremists" on their website.

So Patriot Prayer gets attacked by ANTIFA, which we have all seen in videos from Portland while peacefully protesting, and it is somehow PP's fault jkust for being there and fighting back when assaulted?

FOX should be ashamed of describing Patriot Prayer as 'Far-right' when it is nothing of the sort.

The term 'Far Right' is quickly becoming meaningless, like the word racism is. All it means is you will fight back and vote for Trump.
Wikipedia defines 'Far-Right' as:

Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism,[1][2] are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of extreme nationalism,[3][4] nativist ideologies and authoritarian tendencies.[5][6]
Historically used to describe the experiences of fascism and Nazism,[7] today far-right politics includes neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, Third Position, the alt-right, white supremacism, white nationalism,[8] and other ideologies or organizations that feature aspects of ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, theocratic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-communist, or reactionary views.[9]
Far-right politics can lead to oppression, violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing and even genocide against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority, or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group,[10][11] nation, state,[12] national religion, dominant culture, or ultra-conservative traditional social institutions.[13]

The Far-Left:

Far-left politics are politics further to the left of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left.
There are different definitions of the far-left. Some scholars define it as representing the left of social democracy while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances, the term far-left has been associated with forms of anarchism, autonomism and communism.[citation needed] Groups that advocate for revolutionary anti-capitalism and anti-globalization have been characterized as far-left.[citation needed]
Extremist far-left politics can involve violent acts and the formation of far-left militant organizations meant to abolish capitalist systems and the upper ruling class. Far-left terrorism consists of groups that attempt to realize their radical ideals and bring about change through violence rather than established political processes.

The definitions are so different, the one on the Far-Right is all about their violence, authoritarianism and racism, while the Far Left is maybe communist, but not violent, etc.


My personal definition is equal to both sides; Any group that refuses to tolerate other peaceful groups is 'Far' whatever.

But look at Patriot Prayer, which the Media has taken to calling 'Far Right', even FOX, lol.

Patriot Prayer is a far-right group based in the Portland, Oregon area.[1][2] Patriot Prayer describes itself as advocating in favor of free speech,[3] and opposing big government.[4][5]
The group has organized rallies in support of Donald Trump[6] and far-right protests in predominantly liberal areas, which have been met with large numbers of counter-protesters.[7][8] White nationalists as well as far-right groups, such as Proud Boys,[9] and Hell Shaking Street Preachers,[10][11][12] have attended the rallies organized by Patriot Prayer, sparking controversy and violence.[13][14][15]....
Patriot Prayer was founded in 2016[2] by Joey Gibson.[17] Gibson says he became an activist after seeing a brawl start between supporters of the Trump presidency and counter protesters.[18] Patriot Prayer is a far-right group,[19] part of the Right wing of American politics.[20] It has held rallies in areas known for their liberal politics.[21][22] It has also been described as anti-government.[23][24][25][26] The San Jose Mercury News describes Patriot Prayer as a "right-wing group ... [whose] events ... have attracted white supremacists and ended up in violent confrontations among demonstrators on both sides".[2] In 2017, Gibson described himself as Conservative libertarian.[27]
According to BBC News, Patriot Prayer have been connected to the alt-right as well as other far-right groups.[21] Gibson denies this, saying the group is neither white nationalist nor alt-right and that they support "freedom, love and peace".[28] The group's stated aim is support of the First Amendment, free speech and to "liberate the conservatives on the West Coast".[18]
The Seattle Times and The Washington Post have described Patriot Prayer as a "pro-Trump group".[29][30] According to The Weekly Standard, "n the early days, his [Gibson's] rallies had overtly pro-Trump themes. These days, mentions of Trump have mostly been scrubbed from his own rhetoric, as he knows even invoking the name can be alienating."[31]

Patriot Prayer has made allegations against the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) calling the group a "Muslim extremist organization". Its supporters have made threats online against CAIR, prompting an investigation by authorities.[32][33][34]
Patriot Prayer has a history of harassing and assaulting Abolish ICE and other leftist activists.[35][36][37]
David Neiwert, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center blog Hatewatch, described Patriot Prayer as "trolling" the Pacific Northwest with the intention of provoking a response from far-left anti-fascists.[38] Neiwert noted that Gibson denounced white supremacists and neo-Nazis during an August 13, 2017 rally in Seattle the day after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, and described that Gibson explained in subsequent interviews that he aims to "actively exclude" white supremacist groups.[38] During the August 13 rally in Seattle such groups had no obvious presence; however, a week earlier at another rally in Portland, Oregon, which was led by Gibson, members of Identity Evropa were in attendance.[39][40] The SPLC describes them as "violent extremists" on their website.

So Patriot Prayer gets attacked by ANTIFA, which we have all seen in videos from Portland while peacefully protesting, and it is somehow PP's fault jkust for being there and fighting back when assaulted?

FOX should be ashamed of describing Patriot Prayer as 'Far-right' when it is nothing of the sort.

The term 'Far Right' is quickly becoming meaningless, like the word racism is. All it means is you will fight back and vote for Trump.

There is more to it than that. The Far Right does not have to overtly have to endulge in direct violence. Oftentimes, they use armed intimidation. The far left equiv is bring things to throw and burning. When the two groups meet, oftentimes, both are armed these days and someone or some people die in the process. Both groups need to be kept out of the cities. If they want to meet in a field and wipe each other out they have my blessing. But stay out of the cities.

To condemn one without condemning the other is counter productive.
Wikipedia defines 'Far-Right' as:

Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism,[1][2] are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of extreme nationalism,[3][4] nativist ideologies and authoritarian tendencies.[5][6]
Historically used to describe the experiences of fascism and Nazism,[7] today far-right politics includes neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, Third Position, the alt-right, white supremacism, white nationalism,[8] and other ideologies or organizations that feature aspects of ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, theocratic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-communist, or reactionary views.[9]
Far-right politics can lead to oppression, violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing and even genocide against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority, or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group,[10][11] nation, state,[12] national religion, dominant culture, or ultra-conservative traditional social institutions.[13]

The Far-Left:

Far-left politics are politics further to the left of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left.
There are different definitions of the far-left. Some scholars define it as representing the left of social democracy while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances, the term far-left has been associated with forms of anarchism, autonomism and communism.[citation needed] Groups that advocate for revolutionary anti-capitalism and anti-globalization have been characterized as far-left.[citation needed]
Extremist far-left politics can involve violent acts and the formation of far-left militant organizations meant to abolish capitalist systems and the upper ruling class. Far-left terrorism consists of groups that attempt to realize their radical ideals and bring about change through violence rather than established political processes.

The definitions are so different, the one on the Far-Right is all about their violence, authoritarianism and racism, while the Far Left is maybe communist, but not violent, etc.


My personal definition is equal to both sides; Any group that refuses to tolerate other peaceful groups is 'Far' whatever.

But look at Patriot Prayer, which the Media has taken to calling 'Far Right', even FOX, lol.

Patriot Prayer is a far-right group based in the Portland, Oregon area.[1][2] Patriot Prayer describes itself as advocating in favor of free speech,[3] and opposing big government.[4][5]
The group has organized rallies in support of Donald Trump[6] and far-right protests in predominantly liberal areas, which have been met with large numbers of counter-protesters.[7][8] White nationalists as well as far-right groups, such as Proud Boys,[9] and Hell Shaking Street Preachers,[10][11][12] have attended the rallies organized by Patriot Prayer, sparking controversy and violence.[13][14][15]....
Patriot Prayer was founded in 2016[2] by Joey Gibson.[17] Gibson says he became an activist after seeing a brawl start between supporters of the Trump presidency and counter protesters.[18] Patriot Prayer is a far-right group,[19] part of the Right wing of American politics.[20] It has held rallies in areas known for their liberal politics.[21][22] It has also been described as anti-government.[23][24][25][26] The San Jose Mercury News describes Patriot Prayer as a "right-wing group ... [whose] events ... have attracted white supremacists and ended up in violent confrontations among demonstrators on both sides".[2] In 2017, Gibson described himself as Conservative libertarian.[27]
According to BBC News, Patriot Prayer have been connected to the alt-right as well as other far-right groups.[21] Gibson denies this, saying the group is neither white nationalist nor alt-right and that they support "freedom, love and peace".[28] The group's stated aim is support of the First Amendment, free speech and to "liberate the conservatives on the West Coast".[18]
The Seattle Times and The Washington Post have described Patriot Prayer as a "pro-Trump group".[29][30] According to The Weekly Standard, "n the early days, his [Gibson's] rallies had overtly pro-Trump themes. These days, mentions of Trump have mostly been scrubbed from his own rhetoric, as he knows even invoking the name can be alienating."[31]

Patriot Prayer has made allegations against the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) calling the group a "Muslim extremist organization". Its supporters have made threats online against CAIR, prompting an investigation by authorities.[32][33][34]
Patriot Prayer has a history of harassing and assaulting Abolish ICE and other leftist activists.[35][36][37]
David Neiwert, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center blog Hatewatch, described Patriot Prayer as "trolling" the Pacific Northwest with the intention of provoking a response from far-left anti-fascists.[38] Neiwert noted that Gibson denounced white supremacists and neo-Nazis during an August 13, 2017 rally in Seattle the day after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, and described that Gibson explained in subsequent interviews that he aims to "actively exclude" white supremacist groups.[38] During the August 13 rally in Seattle such groups had no obvious presence; however, a week earlier at another rally in Portland, Oregon, which was led by Gibson, members of Identity Evropa were in attendance.[39][40] The SPLC describes them as "violent extremists" on their website.

So Patriot Prayer gets attacked by ANTIFA, which we have all seen in videos from Portland while peacefully protesting, and it is somehow PP's fault jkust for being there and fighting back when assaulted?

FOX should be ashamed of describing Patriot Prayer as 'Far-right' when it is nothing of the sort.

The term 'Far Right' is quickly becoming meaningless, like the word racism is. All it means is you will fight back and vote for Trump.

Wikipedia is wrong...nazism and fascism are left wing....they are different types of socialism, and socialism is a left wing economic system that puts the state in control of the means of production..........

Left wing is essentially believing that the state should have absolute power over all matters, economic, social, political, judicial....that the collective group outweighs the importance of the individual, and that the will of the collective should have the final say in all matters economic, social, political, judicial.....

Far Right? Gives power to individuals with an emphasis on individual freedom, personal liberty.....reducing the power and control of the central government over the lives of the individual. They do not see groups of people as units....they look at individuals as the most important aspect of society......
They are both highly annoying frankly. They want everyone to see it only their way and their beliefs are for sure without a doubt the only beliefs that one should follow.
Arguments from the left ALWAYS end with "GIMME FREE MONEY"!

Wikipedia defines 'Far-Right' as:

Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism,[1][2] are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of extreme nationalism,[3][4] nativist ideologies and authoritarian tendencies.[5][6]
Historically used to describe the experiences of fascism and Nazism,[7] today far-right politics includes neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, Third Position, the alt-right, white supremacism, white nationalism,[8] and other ideologies or organizations that feature aspects of ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, theocratic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-communist, or reactionary views.[9]
Far-right politics can lead to oppression, violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing and even genocide against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority, or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group,[10][11] nation, state,[12] national religion, dominant culture, or ultra-conservative traditional social institutions.[13]

The Far-Left:

Far-left politics are politics further to the left of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left.
There are different definitions of the far-left. Some scholars define it as representing the left of social democracy while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances, the term far-left has been associated with forms of anarchism, autonomism and communism.[citation needed] Groups that advocate for revolutionary anti-capitalism and anti-globalization have been characterized as far-left.[citation needed]
Extremist far-left politics can involve violent acts and the formation of far-left militant organizations meant to abolish capitalist systems and the upper ruling class. Far-left terrorism consists of groups that attempt to realize their radical ideals and bring about change through violence rather than established political processes.

The definitions are so different, the one on the Far-Right is all about their violence, authoritarianism and racism, while the Far Left is maybe communist, but not violent, etc.


My personal definition is equal to both sides; Any group that refuses to tolerate other peaceful groups is 'Far' whatever.

But look at Patriot Prayer, which the Media has taken to calling 'Far Right', even FOX, lol.

Patriot Prayer is a far-right group based in the Portland, Oregon area.[1][2] Patriot Prayer describes itself as advocating in favor of free speech,[3] and opposing big government.[4][5]
The group has organized rallies in support of Donald Trump[6] and far-right protests in predominantly liberal areas, which have been met with large numbers of counter-protesters.[7][8] White nationalists as well as far-right groups, such as Proud Boys,[9] and Hell Shaking Street Preachers,[10][11][12] have attended the rallies organized by Patriot Prayer, sparking controversy and violence.[13][14][15]....
Patriot Prayer was founded in 2016[2] by Joey Gibson.[17] Gibson says he became an activist after seeing a brawl start between supporters of the Trump presidency and counter protesters.[18] Patriot Prayer is a far-right group,[19] part of the Right wing of American politics.[20] It has held rallies in areas known for their liberal politics.[21][22] It has also been described as anti-government.[23][24][25][26] The San Jose Mercury News describes Patriot Prayer as a "right-wing group ... [whose] events ... have attracted white supremacists and ended up in violent confrontations among demonstrators on both sides".[2] In 2017, Gibson described himself as Conservative libertarian.[27]
According to BBC News, Patriot Prayer have been connected to the alt-right as well as other far-right groups.[21] Gibson denies this, saying the group is neither white nationalist nor alt-right and that they support "freedom, love and peace".[28] The group's stated aim is support of the First Amendment, free speech and to "liberate the conservatives on the West Coast".[18]
The Seattle Times and The Washington Post have described Patriot Prayer as a "pro-Trump group".[29][30] According to The Weekly Standard, "n the early days, his [Gibson's] rallies had overtly pro-Trump themes. These days, mentions of Trump have mostly been scrubbed from his own rhetoric, as he knows even invoking the name can be alienating."[31]

Patriot Prayer has made allegations against the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) calling the group a "Muslim extremist organization". Its supporters have made threats online against CAIR, prompting an investigation by authorities.[32][33][34]
Patriot Prayer has a history of harassing and assaulting Abolish ICE and other leftist activists.[35][36][37]
David Neiwert, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center blog Hatewatch, described Patriot Prayer as "trolling" the Pacific Northwest with the intention of provoking a response from far-left anti-fascists.[38] Neiwert noted that Gibson denounced white supremacists and neo-Nazis during an August 13, 2017 rally in Seattle the day after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, and described that Gibson explained in subsequent interviews that he aims to "actively exclude" white supremacist groups.[38] During the August 13 rally in Seattle such groups had no obvious presence; however, a week earlier at another rally in Portland, Oregon, which was led by Gibson, members of Identity Evropa were in attendance.[39][40] The SPLC describes them as "violent extremists" on their website.

So Patriot Prayer gets attacked by ANTIFA, which we have all seen in videos from Portland while peacefully protesting, and it is somehow PP's fault jkust for being there and fighting back when assaulted?

FOX should be ashamed of describing Patriot Prayer as 'Far-right' when it is nothing of the sort.

The term 'Far Right' is quickly becoming meaningless, like the word racism is. All it means is you will fight back and vote for Trump.

The far right wants to be left alone and leaves others alone...

The far left wants you to obey and submit for the betterment of the collective.....and will make you obey and submit with whatever force they deem necessary to compel acceptance, and compliance.....
Wikipedia defines 'Far-Right' as:

Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism,[1][2] are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of extreme nationalism,[3][4] nativist ideologies and authoritarian tendencies.[5][6]
Historically used to describe the experiences of fascism and Nazism,[7] today far-right politics includes neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, Third Position, the alt-right, white supremacism, white nationalism,[8] and other ideologies or organizations that feature aspects of ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, theocratic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-communist, or reactionary views.[9]
Far-right politics can lead to oppression, violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing and even genocide against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority, or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group,[10][11] nation, state,[12] national religion, dominant culture, or ultra-conservative traditional social institutions.[13]

The Far-Left:

Far-left politics are politics further to the left of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left.
There are different definitions of the far-left. Some scholars define it as representing the left of social democracy while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances, the term far-left has been associated with forms of anarchism, autonomism and communism.[citation needed] Groups that advocate for revolutionary anti-capitalism and anti-globalization have been characterized as far-left.[citation needed]
Extremist far-left politics can involve violent acts and the formation of far-left militant organizations meant to abolish capitalist systems and the upper ruling class. Far-left terrorism consists of groups that attempt to realize their radical ideals and bring about change through violence rather than established political processes.

The definitions are so different, the one on the Far-Right is all about their violence, authoritarianism and racism, while the Far Left is maybe communist, but not violent, etc.


My personal definition is equal to both sides; Any group that refuses to tolerate other peaceful groups is 'Far' whatever.

But look at Patriot Prayer, which the Media has taken to calling 'Far Right', even FOX, lol.

Patriot Prayer is a far-right group based in the Portland, Oregon area.[1][2] Patriot Prayer describes itself as advocating in favor of free speech,[3] and opposing big government.[4][5]
The group has organized rallies in support of Donald Trump[6] and far-right protests in predominantly liberal areas, which have been met with large numbers of counter-protesters.[7][8] White nationalists as well as far-right groups, such as Proud Boys,[9] and Hell Shaking Street Preachers,[10][11][12] have attended the rallies organized by Patriot Prayer, sparking controversy and violence.[13][14][15]....
Patriot Prayer was founded in 2016[2] by Joey Gibson.[17] Gibson says he became an activist after seeing a brawl start between supporters of the Trump presidency and counter protesters.[18] Patriot Prayer is a far-right group,[19] part of the Right wing of American politics.[20] It has held rallies in areas known for their liberal politics.[21][22] It has also been described as anti-government.[23][24][25][26] The San Jose Mercury News describes Patriot Prayer as a "right-wing group ... [whose] events ... have attracted white supremacists and ended up in violent confrontations among demonstrators on both sides".[2] In 2017, Gibson described himself as Conservative libertarian.[27]
According to BBC News, Patriot Prayer have been connected to the alt-right as well as other far-right groups.[21] Gibson denies this, saying the group is neither white nationalist nor alt-right and that they support "freedom, love and peace".[28] The group's stated aim is support of the First Amendment, free speech and to "liberate the conservatives on the West Coast".[18]
The Seattle Times and The Washington Post have described Patriot Prayer as a "pro-Trump group".[29][30] According to The Weekly Standard, "n the early days, his [Gibson's] rallies had overtly pro-Trump themes. These days, mentions of Trump have mostly been scrubbed from his own rhetoric, as he knows even invoking the name can be alienating."[31]

Patriot Prayer has made allegations against the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) calling the group a "Muslim extremist organization". Its supporters have made threats online against CAIR, prompting an investigation by authorities.[32][33][34]
Patriot Prayer has a history of harassing and assaulting Abolish ICE and other leftist activists.[35][36][37]
David Neiwert, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center blog Hatewatch, described Patriot Prayer as "trolling" the Pacific Northwest with the intention of provoking a response from far-left anti-fascists.[38] Neiwert noted that Gibson denounced white supremacists and neo-Nazis during an August 13, 2017 rally in Seattle the day after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, and described that Gibson explained in subsequent interviews that he aims to "actively exclude" white supremacist groups.[38] During the August 13 rally in Seattle such groups had no obvious presence; however, a week earlier at another rally in Portland, Oregon, which was led by Gibson, members of Identity Evropa were in attendance.[39][40] The SPLC describes them as "violent extremists" on their website.

So Patriot Prayer gets attacked by ANTIFA, which we have all seen in videos from Portland while peacefully protesting, and it is somehow PP's fault jkust for being there and fighting back when assaulted?

FOX should be ashamed of describing Patriot Prayer as 'Far-right' when it is nothing of the sort.

The term 'Far Right' is quickly becoming meaningless, like the word racism is. All it means is you will fight back and vote for Trump.

It's funny the way Democrats hyper-demonize Hitler (fascist, and deservedly demonized) yet pretty much ignore Stalin (Communist) and Mao (Communist).

Hitler murdered 6,000,000, give or take. A bad guy for sure.

But - He was a piker when compared to Stalin and Mao, who between them murdered over 100,000,000 people. Difficult to say how many more their successors have killed. Sprinkle in the minor characters like Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min and the Kim Dynasty. We're talking real numbers here.

And now the Democrats have embraced Marxism in all its forms. Why should anyone expect that sad intercourse to lead anywhere but to where it has always led in the past?

Just a thought.
I just don't understand how any person can just fervently believe in a party or candidate so much. I cannot relate in any way shape or form.
So Patriot Prayer is Far Right, but ANTIFA requires no mention?

Are we really supposed to accept that blather?

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) on Friday refused to explain why she has condemned “armed white supremacists” but not Antifa after an explosion of violence in Portland, telling reporters that her primary goal centers around “eradicating racism.”
Following the fatal shooting of Trump supporter Aaron J. Danielson at the hands of a self-identified member of Antifa, Brown released a statement condemning “right-wing vigilantes” and “armed white supremacists” for the escalation of violence in Portland. She did not mention Antifa in her condemnatory statement, prompting questions.
“We’ve had some viewers ask why your anti-violence statement this week about ongoing unrest in Portland mentioned white supremacy but did not also include mention of groups like Antifa and other bad actors. Why was that?” a reporter asked Brown at the close of Friday’s press briefing.
The governor refused to answer the question directly, telling the reporter that she is focused on building a “better Oregon” by “eradicating racism”:
So the first question is why did I specifically hold out white supremacist organizations? Because my goal, my vision for a future Oregon is to build a better Oregon where everyone can thrive and that means eradicating racism. And so my understanding of these organizations is they’re based on hate and I think it makes it really difficult for us to build what Dr. King would call a beloved community.
“Just to follow up would you plan to address issues with Antifa as well?” the reporter pressed.
Again, Brown refused to provide an explanation as to why she did not explicitly reprimand Antifa in her Sunday statement and did not use the opportunity to condemn the group.
“We will continue to work with the community to make sure that folks understand that our goal here is to stop the violence directed toward property, to stop the arson, and obviously stop the person-to-person violence that’s happening, yes,” she responded.
In her controversial Sunday statement, Brown stated that “the right-wing group Patriot Prayer and self-proclaimed militia members drove into downtown Portland last night, armed and looking for a fight.”
She added that she would “not allow Patriot Prayer and armed white supremacists to bring more bloodshed to our streets.”
Wikipedia defines 'Far-Right' as:

Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism,[1][2] are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of extreme nationalism,[3][4] nativist ideologies and authoritarian tendencies.[5][6]
Historically used to describe the experiences of fascism and Nazism,[7] today far-right politics includes neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, Third Position, the alt-right, white supremacism, white nationalism,[8] and other ideologies or organizations that feature aspects of ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, theocratic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-communist, or reactionary views.[9]
Far-right politics can lead to oppression, violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing and even genocide against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority, or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group,[10][11] nation, state,[12] national religion, dominant culture, or ultra-conservative traditional social institutions.[13]

The Far-Left:

Far-left politics are politics further to the left of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left.
There are different definitions of the far-left. Some scholars define it as representing the left of social democracy while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances, the term far-left has been associated with forms of anarchism, autonomism and communism.[citation needed] Groups that advocate for revolutionary anti-capitalism and anti-globalization have been characterized as far-left.[citation needed]
Extremist far-left politics can involve violent acts and the formation of far-left militant organizations meant to abolish capitalist systems and the upper ruling class. Far-left terrorism consists of groups that attempt to realize their radical ideals and bring about change through violence rather than established political processes.

The definitions are so different, the one on the Far-Right is all about their violence, authoritarianism and racism, while the Far Left is maybe communist, but not violent, etc.


My personal definition is equal to both sides; Any group that refuses to tolerate other peaceful groups is 'Far' whatever.

But look at Patriot Prayer, which the Media has taken to calling 'Far Right', even FOX, lol.

Patriot Prayer is a far-right group based in the Portland, Oregon area.[1][2] Patriot Prayer describes itself as advocating in favor of free speech,[3] and opposing big government.[4][5]
The group has organized rallies in support of Donald Trump[6] and far-right protests in predominantly liberal areas, which have been met with large numbers of counter-protesters.[7][8] White nationalists as well as far-right groups, such as Proud Boys,[9] and Hell Shaking Street Preachers,[10][11][12] have attended the rallies organized by Patriot Prayer, sparking controversy and violence.[13][14][15]....
Patriot Prayer was founded in 2016[2] by Joey Gibson.[17] Gibson says he became an activist after seeing a brawl start between supporters of the Trump presidency and counter protesters.[18] Patriot Prayer is a far-right group,[19] part of the Right wing of American politics.[20] It has held rallies in areas known for their liberal politics.[21][22] It has also been described as anti-government.[23][24][25][26] The San Jose Mercury News describes Patriot Prayer as a "right-wing group ... [whose] events ... have attracted white supremacists and ended up in violent confrontations among demonstrators on both sides".[2] In 2017, Gibson described himself as Conservative libertarian.[27]
According to BBC News, Patriot Prayer have been connected to the alt-right as well as other far-right groups.[21] Gibson denies this, saying the group is neither white nationalist nor alt-right and that they support "freedom, love and peace".[28] The group's stated aim is support of the First Amendment, free speech and to "liberate the conservatives on the West Coast".[18]
The Seattle Times and The Washington Post have described Patriot Prayer as a "pro-Trump group".[29][30] According to The Weekly Standard, "n the early days, his [Gibson's] rallies had overtly pro-Trump themes. These days, mentions of Trump have mostly been scrubbed from his own rhetoric, as he knows even invoking the name can be alienating."[31]

Patriot Prayer has made allegations against the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) calling the group a "Muslim extremist organization". Its supporters have made threats online against CAIR, prompting an investigation by authorities.[32][33][34]
Patriot Prayer has a history of harassing and assaulting Abolish ICE and other leftist activists.[35][36][37]
David Neiwert, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center blog Hatewatch, described Patriot Prayer as "trolling" the Pacific Northwest with the intention of provoking a response from far-left anti-fascists.[38] Neiwert noted that Gibson denounced white supremacists and neo-Nazis during an August 13, 2017 rally in Seattle the day after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, and described that Gibson explained in subsequent interviews that he aims to "actively exclude" white supremacist groups.[38] During the August 13 rally in Seattle such groups had no obvious presence; however, a week earlier at another rally in Portland, Oregon, which was led by Gibson, members of Identity Evropa were in attendance.[39][40] The SPLC describes them as "violent extremists" on their website.

So Patriot Prayer gets attacked by ANTIFA, which we have all seen in videos from Portland while peacefully protesting, and it is somehow PP's fault jkust for being there and fighting back when assaulted?

FOX should be ashamed of describing Patriot Prayer as 'Far-right' when it is nothing of the sort.

The term 'Far Right' is quickly becoming meaningless, like the word racism is. All it means is you will fight back and vote for Trump.

all true-----which is why I reject the terms LEFT AND RIGHT for either the sane democrat or the sane republican. The current problem is the HUGE numbers of persons who call themselves "democrats" but are NOW INSANE. -------this mental instability seems to be not so prevalent amongst the republicans at this time
So Patriot Prayer is Far Right, but ANTIFA requires no mention?

Are we really supposed to accept that blather?

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) on Friday refused to explain why she has condemned “armed white supremacists” but not Antifa after an explosion of violence in Portland, telling reporters that her primary goal centers around “eradicating racism.”
Following the fatal shooting of Trump supporter Aaron J. Danielson at the hands of a self-identified member of Antifa, Brown released a statement condemning “right-wing vigilantes” and “armed white supremacists” for the escalation of violence in Portland. She did not mention Antifa in her condemnatory statement, prompting questions.
“We’ve had some viewers ask why your anti-violence statement this week about ongoing unrest in Portland mentioned white supremacy but did not also include mention of groups like Antifa and other bad actors. Why was that?” a reporter asked Brown at the close of Friday’s press briefing.
The governor refused to answer the question directly, telling the reporter that she is focused on building a “better Oregon” by “eradicating racism”:
So the first question is why did I specifically hold out white supremacist organizations? Because my goal, my vision for a future Oregon is to build a better Oregon where everyone can thrive and that means eradicating racism. And so my understanding of these organizations is they’re based on hate and I think it makes it really difficult for us to build what Dr. King would call a beloved community.
“Just to follow up would you plan to address issues with Antifa as well?” the reporter pressed.
Again, Brown refused to provide an explanation as to why she did not explicitly reprimand Antifa in her Sunday statement and did not use the opportunity to condemn the group.
“We will continue to work with the community to make sure that folks understand that our goal here is to stop the violence directed toward property, to stop the arson, and obviously stop the person-to-person violence that’s happening, yes,” she responded.
In her controversial Sunday statement, Brown stated that “the right-wing group Patriot Prayer and self-proclaimed militia members drove into downtown Portland last night, armed and looking for a fight.”
She added that she would “not allow Patriot Prayer and armed white supremacists to bring more bloodshed to our streets.”
Meanwhile the .com for Antifa is still redirecting to the biden campaign site which i realize is easy to do and could very well be the actions of hater trolls. That being said I think someone, anyone with a voice Sloppy Joe will hear should ask the parties responsible to stop and that he out and out condemns that(now labeled by the federal government) hate group.
So Patriot Prayer is Far Right, but ANTIFA requires no mention?

Are we really supposed to accept that blather?

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) on Friday refused to explain why she has condemned “armed white supremacists” but not Antifa after an explosion of violence in Portland, telling reporters that her primary goal centers around “eradicating racism.”
Following the fatal shooting of Trump supporter Aaron J. Danielson at the hands of a self-identified member of Antifa, Brown released a statement condemning “right-wing vigilantes” and “armed white supremacists” for the escalation of violence in Portland. She did not mention Antifa in her condemnatory statement, prompting questions.
“We’ve had some viewers ask why your anti-violence statement this week about ongoing unrest in Portland mentioned white supremacy but did not also include mention of groups like Antifa and other bad actors. Why was that?” a reporter asked Brown at the close of Friday’s press briefing.
The governor refused to answer the question directly, telling the reporter that she is focused on building a “better Oregon” by “eradicating racism”:
So the first question is why did I specifically hold out white supremacist organizations? Because my goal, my vision for a future Oregon is to build a better Oregon where everyone can thrive and that means eradicating racism. And so my understanding of these organizations is they’re based on hate and I think it makes it really difficult for us to build what Dr. King would call a beloved community.
“Just to follow up would you plan to address issues with Antifa as well?” the reporter pressed.
Again, Brown refused to provide an explanation as to why she did not explicitly reprimand Antifa in her Sunday statement and did not use the opportunity to condemn the group.
“We will continue to work with the community to make sure that folks understand that our goal here is to stop the violence directed toward property, to stop the arson, and obviously stop the person-to-person violence that’s happening, yes,” she responded.
In her controversial Sunday statement, Brown stated that “the right-wing group Patriot Prayer and self-proclaimed militia members drove into downtown Portland last night, armed and looking for a fight.”
She added that she would “not allow Patriot Prayer and armed white supremacists to bring more bloodshed to our streets.”
Meanwhile the .com for Antifa is still redirecting to the biden campaign site which i realize is easy to do and could very well be the actions of hater trolls. That being said I think someone, anyone with a voice Sloppy Joe will hear should ask the parties responsible to stop and that he out and out condemns that(now labeled by the federal government) hate group.
We aaalllll know if this script was flipped THE DEMS WOULD BE CALLING FOR TRUMP TO CALL THEM OUT BY NAME ONE BY ONE.
Wikipedia defines 'Far-Right' as:

Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism,[1][2] are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of extreme nationalism,[3][4] nativist ideologies and authoritarian tendencies.[5][6]
Historically used to describe the experiences of fascism and Nazism,[7] today far-right politics includes neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, Third Position, the alt-right, white supremacism, white nationalism,[8] and other ideologies or organizations that feature aspects of ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, theocratic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-communist, or reactionary views.[9]
Far-right politics can lead to oppression, violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing and even genocide against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority, or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group,[10][11] nation, state,[12] national religion, dominant culture, or ultra-conservative traditional social institutions.[13]

The Far-Left:

Far-left politics are politics further to the left of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left.
There are different definitions of the far-left. Some scholars define it as representing the left of social democracy while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances, the term far-left has been associated with forms of anarchism, autonomism and communism.[citation needed] Groups that advocate for revolutionary anti-capitalism and anti-globalization have been characterized as far-left.[citation needed]
Extremist far-left politics can involve violent acts and the formation of far-left militant organizations meant to abolish capitalist systems and the upper ruling class. Far-left terrorism consists of groups that attempt to realize their radical ideals and bring about change through violence rather than established political processes.

The definitions are so different, the one on the Far-Right is all about their violence, authoritarianism and racism, while the Far Left is maybe communist, but not violent, etc.


My personal definition is equal to both sides; Any group that refuses to tolerate other peaceful groups is 'Far' whatever.

But look at Patriot Prayer, which the Media has taken to calling 'Far Right', even FOX, lol.

Patriot Prayer is a far-right group based in the Portland, Oregon area.[1][2] Patriot Prayer describes itself as advocating in favor of free speech,[3] and opposing big government.[4][5]
The group has organized rallies in support of Donald Trump[6] and far-right protests in predominantly liberal areas, which have been met with large numbers of counter-protesters.[7][8] White nationalists as well as far-right groups, such as Proud Boys,[9] and Hell Shaking Street Preachers,[10][11][12] have attended the rallies organized by Patriot Prayer, sparking controversy and violence.[13][14][15]....
Patriot Prayer was founded in 2016[2] by Joey Gibson.[17] Gibson says he became an activist after seeing a brawl start between supporters of the Trump presidency and counter protesters.[18] Patriot Prayer is a far-right group,[19] part of the Right wing of American politics.[20] It has held rallies in areas known for their liberal politics.[21][22] It has also been described as anti-government.[23][24][25][26] The San Jose Mercury News describes Patriot Prayer as a "right-wing group ... [whose] events ... have attracted white supremacists and ended up in violent confrontations among demonstrators on both sides".[2] In 2017, Gibson described himself as Conservative libertarian.[27]
According to BBC News, Patriot Prayer have been connected to the alt-right as well as other far-right groups.[21] Gibson denies this, saying the group is neither white nationalist nor alt-right and that they support "freedom, love and peace".[28] The group's stated aim is support of the First Amendment, free speech and to "liberate the conservatives on the West Coast".[18]
The Seattle Times and The Washington Post have described Patriot Prayer as a "pro-Trump group".[29][30] According to The Weekly Standard, "n the early days, his [Gibson's] rallies had overtly pro-Trump themes. These days, mentions of Trump have mostly been scrubbed from his own rhetoric, as he knows even invoking the name can be alienating."[31]

Patriot Prayer has made allegations against the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) calling the group a "Muslim extremist organization". Its supporters have made threats online against CAIR, prompting an investigation by authorities.[32][33][34]
Patriot Prayer has a history of harassing and assaulting Abolish ICE and other leftist activists.[35][36][37]
David Neiwert, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center blog Hatewatch, described Patriot Prayer as "trolling" the Pacific Northwest with the intention of provoking a response from far-left anti-fascists.[38] Neiwert noted that Gibson denounced white supremacists and neo-Nazis during an August 13, 2017 rally in Seattle the day after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, and described that Gibson explained in subsequent interviews that he aims to "actively exclude" white supremacist groups.[38] During the August 13 rally in Seattle such groups had no obvious presence; however, a week earlier at another rally in Portland, Oregon, which was led by Gibson, members of Identity Evropa were in attendance.[39][40] The SPLC describes them as "violent extremists" on their website.

So Patriot Prayer gets attacked by ANTIFA, which we have all seen in videos from Portland while peacefully protesting, and it is somehow PP's fault jkust for being there and fighting back when assaulted?

FOX should be ashamed of describing Patriot Prayer as 'Far-right' when it is nothing of the sort.

The term 'Far Right' is quickly becoming meaningless, like the word racism is. All it means is you will fight back and vote for Trump.

There is more to it than that. The Far Right does not have to overtly have to endulge in direct violence. Oftentimes, they use armed intimidation. The far left equiv is bring things to throw and burning. When the two groups meet, oftentimes, both are armed these days and someone or some people die in the process. Both groups need to be kept out of the cities. If they want to meet in a field and wipe each other out they have my blessing. But stay out of the cities.

To condemn one without condemning the other is counter productive.

To condemn leftists looting and burning we have to condemn peaceful protesters from the right. Yeah, sure Sport. Sure
Wikipedia defines 'Far-Right' as:

Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism,[1][2] are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of extreme nationalism,[3][4] nativist ideologies and authoritarian tendencies.[5][6]
Historically used to describe the experiences of fascism and Nazism,[7] today far-right politics includes neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, Third Position, the alt-right, white supremacism, white nationalism,[8] and other ideologies or organizations that feature aspects of ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, theocratic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-communist, or reactionary views.[9]
Far-right politics can lead to oppression, violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing and even genocide against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority, or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group,[10][11] nation, state,[12] national religion, dominant culture, or ultra-conservative traditional social institutions.[13]

The Far-Left:

Far-left politics are politics further to the left of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left.
There are different definitions of the far-left. Some scholars define it as representing the left of social democracy while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances, the term far-left has been associated with forms of anarchism, autonomism and communism.[citation needed] Groups that advocate for revolutionary anti-capitalism and anti-globalization have been characterized as far-left.[citation needed]
Extremist far-left politics can involve violent acts and the formation of far-left militant organizations meant to abolish capitalist systems and the upper ruling class. Far-left terrorism consists of groups that attempt to realize their radical ideals and bring about change through violence rather than established political processes.

The definitions are so different, the one on the Far-Right is all about their violence, authoritarianism and racism, while the Far Left is maybe communist, but not violent, etc.


My personal definition is equal to both sides; Any group that refuses to tolerate other peaceful groups is 'Far' whatever.

But look at Patriot Prayer, which the Media has taken to calling 'Far Right', even FOX, lol.

Patriot Prayer is a far-right group based in the Portland, Oregon area.[1][2] Patriot Prayer describes itself as advocating in favor of free speech,[3] and opposing big government.[4][5]
The group has organized rallies in support of Donald Trump[6] and far-right protests in predominantly liberal areas, which have been met with large numbers of counter-protesters.[7][8] White nationalists as well as far-right groups, such as Proud Boys,[9] and Hell Shaking Street Preachers,[10][11][12] have attended the rallies organized by Patriot Prayer, sparking controversy and violence.[13][14][15]....
Patriot Prayer was founded in 2016[2] by Joey Gibson.[17] Gibson says he became an activist after seeing a brawl start between supporters of the Trump presidency and counter protesters.[18] Patriot Prayer is a far-right group,[19] part of the Right wing of American politics.[20] It has held rallies in areas known for their liberal politics.[21][22] It has also been described as anti-government.[23][24][25][26] The San Jose Mercury News describes Patriot Prayer as a "right-wing group ... [whose] events ... have attracted white supremacists and ended up in violent confrontations among demonstrators on both sides".[2] In 2017, Gibson described himself as Conservative libertarian.[27]
According to BBC News, Patriot Prayer have been connected to the alt-right as well as other far-right groups.[21] Gibson denies this, saying the group is neither white nationalist nor alt-right and that they support "freedom, love and peace".[28] The group's stated aim is support of the First Amendment, free speech and to "liberate the conservatives on the West Coast".[18]
The Seattle Times and The Washington Post have described Patriot Prayer as a "pro-Trump group".[29][30] According to The Weekly Standard, "n the early days, his [Gibson's] rallies had overtly pro-Trump themes. These days, mentions of Trump have mostly been scrubbed from his own rhetoric, as he knows even invoking the name can be alienating."[31]

Patriot Prayer has made allegations against the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) calling the group a "Muslim extremist organization". Its supporters have made threats online against CAIR, prompting an investigation by authorities.[32][33][34]
Patriot Prayer has a history of harassing and assaulting Abolish ICE and other leftist activists.[35][36][37]
David Neiwert, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center blog Hatewatch, described Patriot Prayer as "trolling" the Pacific Northwest with the intention of provoking a response from far-left anti-fascists.[38] Neiwert noted that Gibson denounced white supremacists and neo-Nazis during an August 13, 2017 rally in Seattle the day after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, and described that Gibson explained in subsequent interviews that he aims to "actively exclude" white supremacist groups.[38] During the August 13 rally in Seattle such groups had no obvious presence; however, a week earlier at another rally in Portland, Oregon, which was led by Gibson, members of Identity Evropa were in attendance.[39][40] The SPLC describes them as "violent extremists" on their website.

So Patriot Prayer gets attacked by ANTIFA, which we have all seen in videos from Portland while peacefully protesting, and it is somehow PP's fault jkust for being there and fighting back when assaulted?

FOX should be ashamed of describing Patriot Prayer as 'Far-right' when it is nothing of the sort.

The term 'Far Right' is quickly becoming meaningless, like the word racism is. All it means is you will fight back and vote for Trump.

There is more to it than that. The Far Right does not have to overtly have to endulge in direct violence. Oftentimes, they use armed intimidation. The far left equiv is bring things to throw and burning. When the two groups meet, oftentimes, both are armed these days and someone or some people die in the process. Both groups need to be kept out of the cities. If they want to meet in a field and wipe each other out they have my blessing. But stay out of the cities.

To condemn one without condemning the other is counter productive.

To condemn leftists looting and burning we have to condemn peaceful protesters from the right. Yeah, sure Sport. Sure
Are you saying the KKK and white nationalists aren't violent and destructive?
Here's a real simple definition of extremist. Anyone who feels they are entitled to use violence to FORCE people to accept their political views.

Nice and easy.
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