so let me get this straight about Syria

Syria is not the problem.
The problem is China and Russia selling these fucked up countries advanced weaponry.
That's the problem.
But we won't talk about that will we? Nooo, because we want to do business with China. We don't want computers to cost $100 more, we don't want iPhones to cost $50 more...we loooove the $400 32" TV's...what would we do without cheap electronics?
We all have a play in this.


Do you have a Russian TV?

No do you?
But we all have electronics throughout all of our homes made by Foxconn.
The computer you watch, your phone, your TV, the electronics in your car - your refrigerator...we all want cheaper and cheaper prices. That is accomplished by abusing Chinese labor. Without China, - ALL electronics would be more expensive.
And THAT is more important than Syria. Because U.S. companies wouldn't DREAM of dropping Chinese labor because WE wouldn't dream of accepting higher prices for a better world.

The reason I thought you might have a Russian TV is because you are blathering on about Chinese products, yet claim Russia is selling weapons, but we don't stop China from selling weapons because they sell TV's.

But please continue: I enjoy it when some moron inserts whatever ax they need to grind into a thread based on something so laughably intangible to the topic.

The pro-Iraq war Right would never admit they were wrong for thinking that Iraq was a brilliant idea,

at least they'd never admit it directly.

But this whole Syria affair has gotten them, en masse, to indirectly admit they were dead wrong.

See...we told you so.

The beauty of time is that eventually everything the Right does comes back to bite them.

Where do you get this bull shit from? LSD?

The pro Iraq right weren't wrong.

Syria has done nothing to prove anything except the hypocrisy of the left.

The right is mostly correct and over time has been shown to be so.

How's the weather on that planet of yours? Earth is fine here.
Romney didn't win and there is no basis for the suggestion he would have pushed for war with Iran or anyone else.

This is all obama.

Romney, Gingrich at GOP debate: We'd go to war to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

PARTANBURG, S.C. -- Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich said at the Republican presidential debate here Saturday night that they would be willing to go to war to keep Iran from attaining nuclear weapons if all other strategies failed.

Romney said that if "crippling sanctions" and other strategies fail, military action would be on the table because it is "unacceptable" for Iran to become a nuclear power.

Yes no basis at all besides him stating he would. go troll someplace else.

What will Obama do to keep Iran from obtaining nukes, if all other strategies fail?

Sadly the same thing most likely.
You are using violations of international law. you are using the money factor. You are using the we don't belong there factor. You are using the leave them alone and let them sort things out opinion.

You are using these things and yet somehow people are supposed to believe you based on the history of the right? Really are you people joking or something? Are you really that blind and partisan to think people wouldnt just go back and look at your opinions in the past years?

This isnt because a black man is in office. So lets get that out of the way. This is purely ( for most) a partisan issue. Watching people flip a 180 on this issue that is exactly like Iraq ( all for the actual use of chemical weapons, ( which as of right now we dont know who used them. Feel free to provide evidence of who did it))

We had Zero business in Iraq and we have zero business in Syria.

Sadly had Romney won and he pushed for his war with Iran, most of you people would have supported his invasion of Iran like good cattle.

I guess thats the saddest thing about partisans these days. you are not out to do the correct thing for people. You are out to win and crush your " enemies". Sadly the nation comes 2nd if not lower...


You fail to note that both parties are hypocrites. Depending on who is in power and responding to world events determines which way you will come down on the issue. If this were happening under Romney, the Dems that are for it today and the Repubs who are against it today would just be flip-flopped and you know that is true.

Regardless......based on history, we need to leave other nations the fuck alone and stay out of their business. Seems that is what the majority of Americans outside the beltway want. Dems and Repubs need to pay heed to what Joe Q Public is saying if they have any desire to be reelected.

Why is it you people are this retarded? Tbis thread is about the right. This isnt a broad OP about the overall spectrum of politics. This is about the right and the right only. You want to bash the left? Go join the other 40 threads about it. You want it to be about both? Go start another thread on it.
I voted for Obama twice.

I am 100% against this war.

It will lead to a wider war with Iran, Hezbollah, and possibly Russia.

This war is a terrible idea.

What will Obama do to keep Iran from obtaining nukes, if all other strategies fail?

Sadly the same thing most likely.

You are using violations of international law. you are using the money factor. You are using the we don't belong there factor. You are using the leave them alone and let them sort things out opinion.

You are using these things and yet somehow people are supposed to believe you based on the history of the right? Really are you people joking or something? Are you really that blind and partisan to think people wouldnt just go back and look at your opinions in the past years?

This isnt because a black man is in office. So lets get that out of the way. This is purely ( for most) a partisan issue. Watching people flip a 180 on this issue that is exactly like Iraq ( all for the actual use of chemical weapons, ( which as of right now we dont know who used them. Feel free to provide evidence of who did it))

We had Zero business in Iraq and we have zero business in Syria.

Sadly had Romney won and he pushed for his war with Iran, most of you people would have supported his invasion of Iran like good cattle.

I guess thats the saddest thing about partisans these days. you are not out to do the correct thing for people. You are out to win and crush your " enemies". Sadly the nation comes 2nd if not lower...


You fail to note that both parties are hypocrites. Depending on who is in power and responding to world events determines which way you will come down on the issue. If this were happening under Romney, the Dems that are for it today and the Repubs who are against it today would just be flip-flopped and you know that is true.

Regardless......based on history, we need to leave other nations the fuck alone and stay out of their business. Seems that is what the majority of Americans outside the beltway want. Dems and Repubs need to pay heed to what Joe Q Public is saying if they have any desire to be reelected.

Why is it you people are this retarded? Tbis thread is about the right. This isnt a broad OP about the overall spectrum of politics. This is about the right and the right only. You want to bash the left? Go join the other 40 threads about it. You want it to be about both? Go start another thread on it.

Only in your world.
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Syria is no longer a partisan issue. Democrats are against obama too. Maybe it was obama's hairbrained idea to put Samantha Power in charge of getting Iran to help us remove Assad.
Dont get me wrong I do love the deflections about the left.
It was really expected and you all did not disappoint.

Do you have a Russian TV?

No do you?
But we all have electronics throughout all of our homes made by Foxconn.
The computer you watch, your phone, your TV, the electronics in your car - your refrigerator...we all want cheaper and cheaper prices. That is accomplished by abusing Chinese labor. Without China, - ALL electronics would be more expensive.
And THAT is more important than Syria. Because U.S. companies wouldn't DREAM of dropping Chinese labor because WE wouldn't dream of accepting higher prices for a better world.

The reason I thought you might have a Russian TV is because you are blathering on about Chinese products, yet claim Russia is selling weapons, but we don't stop China from selling weapons because they sell TV's.

But please continue: I enjoy it when some moron inserts whatever ax they need to grind into a thread based on something so laughably intangible to the topic.


Intangible, moron. Yeah.
Look, it is obvious you can't see beyond what is most apparent. That must be nice, you know happy idiot and all.
When it comes to global issues nothing is ever what it seems, and there are always other interest, usually economic, that is really what everything is about and what determines the outcome.
By far the best chance of any positive outcome lies with China and Russia. But they are not about to get involved because they both sell $billions in weaponry and technology to Iran and Syria, and China buys about $500M a month in oil from them. That is the actual issue with them. Pay no attention to anything they say, for them the issue is an economic one. Not humanitarian.
Obama is stuck in a trap of his own making because he cannot retaliate like he threatened to with out pissing on China and Russia, especially since he was unable to gather any global support whatsoever. None.
America has HUUUUUGGGGEEE economic interest with China. It is not in our best interest in getting into a pissing contest with them over Syria. Pure and simple, Obama cannot gather support except from his most loyalist because everyone else is more concerned with the upsetting economic interest.
And what are those economic interest oh simple one?
Do try and keep up.
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Let me get this straight. The sides flip flopped and the only hypocrisy you see is the Republicans?

Nope....but I find this more fun...:)

When liberal arguments are comprised of endless inane hypocrisy, I'm not getting the humor in feigning inane hypocrisy. But if it's what floats your boat, enjoy.

really cant be a hypocrite when my stance on these things has been solid..but hey when all you have is deflection then you have nothing
kaz said:
Let me get this straight. The sides flip flopped and the only hypocrisy you see is the Republicans?

Nope....but I find this more fun...:)

When liberal arguments are comprised of endless inane hypocrisy, I'm not getting the humor in feigning inane hypocrisy. But if it's what floats your boat, enjoy.

really cant be a hypocrite when my stance on these things has been solid..but hey when all you have is deflection then you have nothing

Seriously? You admitted you had a double standard. It's in the freaking quote.
No do you?
But we all have electronics throughout all of our homes made by Foxconn.
The computer you watch, your phone, your TV, the electronics in your car - your refrigerator...we all want cheaper and cheaper prices. That is accomplished by abusing Chinese labor. Without China, - ALL electronics would be more expensive.
And THAT is more important than Syria. Because U.S. companies wouldn't DREAM of dropping Chinese labor because WE wouldn't dream of accepting higher prices for a better world.

The reason I thought you might have a Russian TV is because you are blathering on about Chinese products, yet claim Russia is selling weapons, but we don't stop China from selling weapons because they sell TV's.

But please continue: I enjoy it when some moron inserts whatever ax they need to grind into a thread based on something so laughably intangible to the topic.


Intangible, moron. Yeah.
Look, it is obvious you can't see beyond what is most apparent. That must be nice, you know happy idiot and all.
When it comes to global issues nothing is ever what it seems, and there are always other interest, usually economic, that is really what everything is about and what determines the outcome.
By far the best chance of any positive outcome lies with China and Russia. But they are not about to get involved because they both sell $billions in weaponry and technology to Iran and Syria, and China buys about $500M a month in oil from them. That is the actual issue with them. Pay no attention to anything they say, for them the issue is an economic one. Not humanitarian.
Obama is stuck in a trap of his own making because he cannot retaliate like he threatened to with out pissing on China and Russia, especially since he was unable to gather any global support whatsoever. None.
America has HUUUUUGGGGEEE economic interest with China. It is not in our best interest in getting into a pissing contest with them over Syria. Pure and simple, Obama cannot gather support except from his most loyalist because everyone else is more concerned with the upsetting economic interest.
And what are those economic interest oh simple one?
Do try and keep up.

Syria Facts: The Complete Guide to All the Global Players Involved in the Syrian Conflict
How Syria conflict could hit oil markets: best and worst cases - NBC

Thanks for continuing the blithering tirade without explaining how Russia gets away with selling arms, even though they aren't Chinese and have a huge supply of oil, and don't flood the world market with cheaply manufactured goods.


Please continue, keeping up with your absurdly foolish logic is amusing.

The economic interest is Natural gas, and a natural gas pipeline. Qatar has spent billions on funding the rebels to depose Assad, and the Saudis are running back and forth to the front lines to meet with the rebels. They want a puppet in the presidency to control the region and it's resources. Why do you think the Saudis told Lurch Kerry they would fund the US going in and getting rid of Assad?
It's about energy resources and regional control.
Hypocrisy comes to mind. Talk about selective outrage. The right supported Bush alright and the left whined bitched and moaned about no need for war. Now suddenly with even less of a reason the left supports war and you complain about the right. Yup Hypocrisy comes to mind.
What the hell are you talking about?

I'm on the left and I don't support this at all!

Where have you seen the left supporting this bullshit?

And one more thing, Obama is not a lefty!
Thanks for continuing the blithering tirade without explaining how Russia gets away with selling arms, even though they aren't Chinese and have a huge supply of oil, and don't flood the world market with cheaply manufactured goods.


Please continue, keeping up with your absurdly foolish logic is amusing.

What do you mean, "...Russia getting away with selling arms..."?

They sell arms to Syria, like we sell arms to Israel.

What about us selling arms to al Qaeda in Syria?

You wanna comment on that?

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