so let me get this straight about Syria

Hypocrisy comes to mind. Talk about selective outrage. The right supported Bush alright and the left whined bitched and moaned about no need for war. Now suddenly with even less of a reason the left supports war and you complain about the right. Yup Hypocrisy comes to mind.
What the hell are you talking about?

I'm on the left and I don't support this at all!

Where have you seen the left supporting this bullshit?

And one more thing, Obama is not a lefty!

Hamilton steal helps Reds edge Dodgers in 10 innnigs

Syria is no longer a partisan issue. Democrats are against obama too. Maybe it was obama's hairbrained idea to put Samantha Power in charge of getting Iran to help us remove Assad.

'Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, hoped that a team of UN investigators — many of whom, presumably, have a longstanding relationship with Iranian leaders -- could write a report that would convince Iran to abandon its ally at the behest of the United States.

"We worked with the UN to create a group of inspectors and then worked for more than six months to get them access to the country on the logic that perhaps the presence of an investigative team in the country might deter future attacks," Power said at the Center for American Progress as she made the case for intervening in Syria.

"Or, if not, at a minimum, we thought perhaps a shared evidentiary base could convince Russia or Iran — itself a victim of Saddam Hussein's monstrous chemical weapons attacks in 1987-1988 — to cast loose a regime that was gassing it's people," she said.'

Obama team thought Iran would not tolerate Bashar Assad's use of WMDs |

This is what happens when you turn academics lose with authority. To actually believe that a report from some UN inspection team is going to get Iran, or Russia, to cancel a decades long alliance defies any measure of common sense.

Never underestimate the destructive power of stupid people in large groups.
Listen asshole, we're 15 games up and have no reason to keep the foot on the gas at this time.

Mattlingly is resting guys (especially Kemp). We're getting ready to face the Cards and eventually the Braves for the NL pennent.

Then we're gonna kick Boston's ass, like we do with the Lakers.

Peace out!

Now, if you keep this up, I'm gonna lobby my congressman for air strikes on Winnipeg. I didn't like the way they cooked my steak, the last time I was there.
Listen asshole, we're 15 games up and have no reason to keep the foot on the gas at this time.

Mattlingly is resting guys (especially Kemp). We're getting ready to face the Cards and eventually the Braves for the NL pennent.

Then we're gonna kick Boston's ass, like we do with the Lakers.

Peace out!

Now, if you keep this up, I'm gonna lobby my congressman for air strikes on Winnipeg. I didn't like the way they cooked my steak, the last time I was there.

Geez it was a joke, what's with the anger for fucks sake ????
The economic interest is Natural gas, and a natural gas pipeline. Qatar has spent billions on funding the rebels to depose Assad, and the Saudis are running back and forth to the front lines to meet with the rebels. They want a puppet in the presidency to control the region and it's resources. Why do you think the Saudis told Lurch Kerry they would fund the US going in and getting rid of Assad?
It's about energy resources and regional control.

Here is the link to Michael Snyder's blog you (and FNC) are parroting:

Is The United States Going To Go To War With Syria Over A Natural Gas Pipeline?

This blog quotes Paul McGuire's Blog
The US plays into this in that it has vast wells of natural gas, in fact the largest known supply in the world. There is a reason why natural gas prices have been suppressed for so long in the US. This is to set the stage for US involvement in the Natural Gas market in Europe while smashing the monopoly that the Russians have enjoyed for so long. What appears to be a conflict with Syria is really a conflict between the U.S. and Russia!

The problem with McGuire's Logic is that if preventing a LNG pipeline that would supply Europe is a motive for Russia keeping Assad in Power, then it is also a motive for the USA, who he supposes would sell LNG to Europeans starved of Qatar's natural resources. With Assad in Power, the USA would compete with only Russia in the European LNG market, rather than Russia and Qatar.

Frankly, the idea of transporting LNG in a pipeline through the Middle East sounds more than a little Far Fetched. LNG is frequently transported by ship. Qatar is not land-locked.

It is also a bit strange that Europeans, who have the most to gain from the competitive LNG situation that a pipeline through Syria would offer, would be so reluctant to depose Assad as the main obsticle to this end.
You are using violations of international law. you are using the money factor. You are using the we don't belong there factor. You are using the leave them alone and let them sort things out opinion.

You are using these things and yet somehow people are supposed to believe you based on the history of the right? Really are you people joking or something? Are you really that blind and partisan to think people wouldnt just go back and look at your opinions in the past years?

This isnt because a black man is in office. So lets get that out of the way. This is purely ( for most) a partisan issue. Watching people flip a 180 on this issue that is exactly like Iraq ( all for the actual use of chemical weapons, ( which as of right now we dont know who used them. Feel free to provide evidence of who did it))

We had Zero business in Iraq and we have zero business in Syria.

Sadly had Romney won and he pushed for his war with Iran, most of you people would have supported his invasion of Iran like good cattle.

I guess thats the saddest thing about partisans these days. you are not out to do the correct thing for people. You are out to win and crush your " enemies". Sadly the nation comes 2nd if not lower...


This is the part everyone needs to get straight, Plasmaball is a complete idiot that is defending the attack on Syria because he has been telling everyone who opposes Obama that the only reason they are doing so is because they are racists.
Syria is not the problem.
The problem is China and Russia selling these fucked up countries advanced weaponry.
That's the problem.
But we won't talk about that will we? Nooo, because we want to do business with China. We don't want computers to cost $100 more, we don't want iPhones to cost $50 more...we loooove the $400 32" TV's...what would we do without cheap electronics?
We all have a play in this.

yep. China are our bankers & russia is an untapped market for our *cough* "businessmen" to exploit. If we ruffle their feathers in the UN, goodbye $400 flatscreens & untapped markets :( Thats all big biz & thier materialist consumer sheeple care about.
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Syria is not the problem.
The problem is China and Russia selling these fucked up countries advanced weaponry.
That's the problem.
But we won't talk about that will we? Nooo, because we want to do business with China. We don't want computers to cost $100 more, we don't want iPhones to cost $50 more...we loooove the $400 32" TV's...what would we do without cheap electronics?
We all have a play in this.
WTF are you talking about?

We're the biggest arms dealer on the planet!

Fuckin' hypocrite!
Syria is not the problem.
The problem is China and Russia selling these fucked up countries advanced weaponry.
That's the problem.
But we won't talk about that will we? Nooo, because we want to do business with China. We don't want computers to cost $100 more, we don't want iPhones to cost $50 more...we loooove the $400 32" TV's...what would we do without cheap electronics?
We all have a play in this.
WTF are you talking about?

We're the biggest arms dealer on the planet!

Fuckin' hypocrite!

the ak 47 is still a prized small arm to this day. The US can't sell arms to N. Korea, Iran (at least when reagan wasn't in office ;) ), Cuba, Russia, etc... Those are Russian customers.
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Thanks for continuing the blithering tirade without explaining how Russia gets away with selling arms, even though they aren't Chinese and have a huge supply of oil, and don't flood the world market with cheaply manufactured goods.


Please continue, keeping up with your absurdly foolish logic is amusing.


Forgive me, I am not familiar with you, thus unaware you are one of those trolls who pick out a small...small...part of someones post and ignore the rest.
I do appreciate knowing this however, it will save me time wasted replying to your posts.
Syria is not the problem.
The problem is China and Russia selling these fucked up countries advanced weaponry.
That's the problem.
But we won't talk about that will we? Nooo, because we want to do business with China. We don't want computers to cost $100 more, we don't want iPhones to cost $50 more...we loooove the $400 32" TV's...what would we do without cheap electronics?
We all have a play in this.
WTF are you talking about?

We're the biggest arms dealer on the planet!

Fuckin' hypocrite!

Go back to watching Sam, it is more befitting your intellect.
Of course WHO arms are sold to makes no difference to you right? So what would the world look like if U.S. did NOT sell arms.
South Korea would have long ago become a part of North Korea.
Israel would be a distant memory.
UAE and Saudi Arabia would have long ago sided with Russia and you would be using a wood stove to heat your Mothers basement.
God knows what Europe would look like as Germany and France could not possibly keep up with Russia and China's arms sales.
It would be fantastic if no one sold arms. Wonderful. But it would be catastrophic to allow all of the despots, dictators and all other opponents to freedom be armed to the teeth while Democratic nations or at least more stable nations lie open.
Russia and China supply the world with small arms that keep revolutions and civil wars going in little countries all over the world. Their tech stuff is sub-standard. The west supplies little countries with high tech stuff that keeps little countries protected from countries in the Russian/China sphere. Everyone gets a piece of the pie. Sometimes there are arguments about the size of the slice's.
Russia and China supply the world with small arms that keep revolutions and civil wars going in little countries all over the world. Their tech stuff is sub-standard. The west supplies little countries with high tech stuff that keeps little countries protected from countries in the Russian/China sphere. Everyone gets a piece of the pie. Sometimes there are arguments about the size of the slice's.

Yup. It should also be noted that a significant portion of U.S. Arms sales is defensive in nature. Especially air defense. China and Russia primarily sell offensive small arms and short range missiles. Meanwhile France sells nuclear technology and material to anyone with a check. Iran gets it's nuclear material from China...who gets it from...France.
Thanks for continuing the blithering tirade without explaining how Russia gets away with selling arms, even though they aren't Chinese and have a huge supply of oil, and don't flood the world market with cheaply manufactured goods.


Please continue, keeping up with your absurdly foolish logic is amusing.


Forgive me, I am not familiar with you, thus unaware you are one of those trolls who pick out a small...small...part of someones post and ignore the rest.
I do appreciate knowing this however, it will save me time wasted replying to your posts.


Translation: Your post is too stupid to defend, so anyone who disagrees must be trolling.


The sweet sound of surrender when faced with the obvious flaws in the village-idiot logic is always counterbalanced with disappointment when morons refuse to continue to entertain us with baffoonery.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Syria is not the problem.
The problem is China and Russia selling these fucked up countries advanced weaponry.
That's the problem.
But we won't talk about that will we? Nooo, because we want to do business with China. We don't want computers to cost $100 more, we don't want iPhones to cost $50 more...we loooove the $400 32" TV's...what would we do without cheap electronics?
We all have a play in this.
WTF are you talking about?

We're the biggest arms dealer on the planet!

Fuckin' hypocrite!

Hypocracy gives Iamwhat too much credit.
Thanks for continuing the blithering tirade without explaining how Russia gets away with selling arms, even though they aren't Chinese and have a huge supply of oil, and don't flood the world market with cheaply manufactured goods.


Please continue, keeping up with your absurdly foolish logic is amusing.


Forgive me, I am not familiar with you, thus unaware you are one of those trolls who pick out a small...small...part of someones post and ignore the rest.
I do appreciate knowing this however, it will save me time wasted replying to your posts.


Translation: Your post is too stupid to defend, so anyone who disagrees must be trolling.


The sweet sound of surrender when faced with the obvious flaws in the village-idiot logic is always counterbalanced with disappointment when morons refuse to continue to entertain us with baffoonery.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.


Translation: You love to flatter yourself. Must be nice to have sex with the greatest person alive everyday...alone.


  • $iStock_000014977998XSmall.jpg
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Geez it was a joke, what's with the anger for fucks sake ????
Did you ever think, I enjoy being angry at Canadian's? :eusa_drool:

You're not kissing enough Big Blue Ass, for my tastes.

I'll make you a deal, XXXXXXX How about We make you one? -Intense :)
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You are using violations of international law. you are using the money factor. You are using the we don't belong there factor. You are using the leave them alone and let them sort things out opinion.

You are using these things and yet somehow people are supposed to believe you based on the history of the right? Really are you people joking or something? Are you really that blind and partisan to think people wouldnt just go back and look at your opinions in the past years?

This isnt because a black man is in office. So lets get that out of the way. This is purely ( for most) a partisan issue. Watching people flip a 180 on this issue that is exactly like Iraq ( all for the actual use of chemical weapons, ( which as of right now we dont know who used them. Feel free to provide evidence of who did it))

We had Zero business in Iraq and we have zero business in Syria.

Sadly had Romney won and he pushed for his war with Iran, most of you people would have supported his invasion of Iran like good cattle.

I guess thats the saddest thing about partisans these days. you are not out to do the correct thing for people. You are out to win and crush your " enemies". Sadly the nation comes 2nd if not lower...


Notice that if people don't agree with Obama it automatically becomes a RACIAL ISSUE? Stop playing the Race Card. Maybe you can tell us why everything Obama is pushing for he slammed Bush for when he was Senator and when he was running for office. It's because Obama is a RACIST :cuckoo:

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