So let me get this straight...


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
I was having lunch with a friend and we ran into another person we both know and invited them to sit with us.

Discussion turned to politicas, as it will occasionally, and I discovered that this person is a raving tRumper.

According to her tRump built the wall and gave us world peace and then Democrats and China made up a phony virus that doesnā€™t make you sickā€”and trump caught it and made a beautiful vaccine that kills you and he saved usā€”before Joe stole the election and trump had to start an insurrection that didnā€™t happen that Nancy did just so they could make it look like trump did it even though he told the attackers he loved them and would pardon them and Obama secretly runs everything and the CIA and FBI do too and George soros and they started the war Putin started and are behind the Hamas attack as well and trump will stop it all in 24 hours.

I think I may have missed a few of her talking points, but that the gist of it.

Is that what you guys really think?
I was having lunch with a friend and we ran into another person we both know and invited them to sit with us.

Discussion turned to politicas, as it will occasionally, and I discovered that this person is a raving tRumper.

According to her tRump built the wall and gave us world peace and then Democrats and China made up a phony virus that doesnā€™t make you sickā€”and trump caught it and made a beautiful vaccine that kills you and he saved usā€”before Joe stole the election and trump had to start an insurrection that didnā€™t happen that Nancy did just so they could make it look like trump did it even though he told the attackers he loved them and would pardon them and Obama secretly runs everything and the CIA and FBI do too and George soros and they started the war Putin started and are behind the Hamas attack as well and trump will stop it all in 24 hours.

I think I may have missed a few of her talking points, but that the gist of it.

Is that what you guys really think?

Cool story, bro.
I was having lunch with a friend and we ran into another person we both know and invited them to sit with us.

Discussion turned to politicas, as it will occasionally, and I discovered that this person is a raving tRumper.

According to her tRump built the wall and gave us world peace and then Democrats and China made up a phony virus that doesnā€™t make you sickā€”and trump caught it and made a beautiful vaccine that kills you and he saved usā€”before Joe stole the election and trump had to start an insurrection that didnā€™t happen that Nancy did just so they could make it look like trump did it even though he told the attackers he loved them and would pardon them and Obama secretly runs everything and the CIA and FBI do too and George soros and they started the war Putin started and are behind the Hamas attack as well and trump will stop it all in 24 hours.

I think I may have missed a few of her talking points, but that the gist of it.

Is that what you guys really think?
So you don't know your friends very well...
Cool story, bro.
So let me get this straight Crepitus ...
So you like the shape of the nation and the free world today?...
Biden can't even give a state of the union speech on time... even he knows the state of the union sucks...
I was having lunch with a friend and we ran into another person we both know and invited them to sit with us.

Discussion turned to politicas, as it will occasionally, and I discovered that this person is a raving tRumper.

According to her tRump built the wall and gave us world peace and then Democrats and China made up a phony virus that doesnā€™t make you sickā€”and trump caught it and made a beautiful vaccine that kills you and he saved usā€”before Joe stole the election and trump had to start an insurrection that didnā€™t happen that Nancy did just so they could make it look like trump did it even though he told the attackers he loved them and would pardon them and Obama secretly runs everything and the CIA and FBI do too and George soros and they started the war Putin started and are behind the Hamas attack as well and trump will stop it all in 24 hours.

I think I may have missed a few of her talking points, but that the gist of it.

Is that what you guys really think?
Nope. All that is ancient history. I just want him to get elected and finish the wall*. Extending the tax breaks would be nice too. :)

* Before the whole f-cking world winds up on our doorstep.
So let me get this straight...
Biden has federal troops facing off with state troopers... how long has it been since we have seen such a thing in America?...
I was having lunch with a friend and we ran into another person we both know and invited them to sit with us.

Discussion turned to politicas, as it will occasionally, and I discovered that this person is a raving tRumper.

According to her tRump built the wall and gave us world peace and then Democrats and China made up a phony virus that doesnā€™t make you sickā€”and trump caught it and made a beautiful vaccine that kills you and he saved usā€”before Joe stole the election and trump had to start an insurrection that didnā€™t happen that Nancy did just so they could make it look like trump did it even though he told the attackers he loved them and would pardon them and Obama secretly runs everything and the CIA and FBI do too and George soros and they started the war Putin started and are behind the Hamas attack as well and trump will stop it all in 24 hours.

I think I may have missed a few of her talking points, but that the gist of it.

Is that what you guys really think?
I'll take "shit that never happened" for a $1000 Alex
I was having lunch with a friend and we ran into another person we both know and invited them to sit with us.

Discussion turned to politicas, as it will occasionally, and I discovered that this person is a raving tRumper.

According to her tRump built the wall and gave us world peace and then Democrats and China made up a phony virus that doesnā€™t make you sickā€”and trump caught it and made a beautiful vaccine that kills you and he saved usā€”before Joe stole the election and trump had to start an insurrection that didnā€™t happen that Nancy did just so they could make it look like trump did it even though he told the attackers he loved them and would pardon them and Obama secretly runs everything and the CIA and FBI do too and George soros and they started the war Putin started and are behind the Hamas attack as well and trump will stop it all in 24 hours.

I think I may have missed a few of her talking points, but that the gist of it.

Is that what you guys really think?

The left: "Women can have penises and we have to all live like cavemen to save the planet"

I was having lunch with a friend and we ran into another person we both know and invited them to sit with us.

Discussion turned to politicas, as it will occasionally, and I discovered that this person is a raving tRumper.

According to her tRump built the wall and gave us world peace and then Democrats and China made up a phony virus that doesnā€™t make you sickā€”and trump caught it and made a beautiful vaccine that kills you and he saved usā€”before Joe stole the election and trump had to start an insurrection that didnā€™t happen that Nancy did just so they could make it look like trump did it even though he told the attackers he loved them and would pardon them and Obama secretly runs everything and the CIA and FBI do too and George soros and they started the war Putin started and are behind the Hamas attack as well and trump will stop it all in 24 hours.

I think I may have missed a few of her talking points, but that the gist of it.

Is that what you guys really think?
Yeah, you got most of the high points. I think a big one is this whole world peace argument. The Trumpsters really believe that Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump was president. And that is kind of ironic. It was probably Trump's fault that Russia did invade Ukraine. While Trump was haggling with the Ukranian president over getting some dirt on the Bidens, threatening to withhold aid funding unless he got it, Ukraine passed a law virtually outlawing the Russian language. You just don't do that, especially when almost 25% of the population primarily speaks Russian, and most of them are in Eastern Ukraine. It was a recipe for disaster and Trump was asleep at the switch.

And Hamas and the October 6 attack. Oh, Hamas would never have dreamed of engaging in such an attack if Trump were president, at least according to the Trumpsters. Another irony, because Trump is almost as responsible as Bibi. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was stupid. That single action emboldened the far right wing in Israel and they have virtually removed a two-state solution from the table. They were so emboldened that they passed legislation proclaiming that only the Jews have a right to self-determination in the state of Israel. Imagine that, it is beyond the pale. Then they sought to defang the judicial system resulting in thousands of protestors taking to the streets. Any protests about that now? No, funny that. But here again, Trump was asleep at the switch.

Two wars, sparked by nothing short of fascist legislation, that could have easily been nipped in the bud by a progressive Department of State and an involved leader.
Yeah, you got most of the high points. I think a big one is this whole world peace argument. The Trumpsters really believe that Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump was president. And that is kind of ironic. It was probably Trump's fault that Russia did invade Ukraine. While Trump was haggling with the Ukranian president over getting some dirt on the Bidens, threatening to withhold aid funding unless he got it, Ukraine passed a law virtually outlawing the Russian language. You just don't do that, especially when almost 25% of the population primarily speaks Russian, and most of them are in Eastern Ukraine. It was a recipe for disaster and Trump was asleep at the switch.

And Hamas and the October 6 attack. Oh, Hamas would never have dreamed of engaging in such an attack if Trump were president, at least according to the Trumpsters. Another irony, because Trump is almost as responsible as Bibi. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was stupid. That single action emboldened the far right wing in Israel and they have virtually removed a two-state solution from the table. They were so emboldened that they passed legislation proclaiming that only the Jews have a right to self-determ ination in the state of Israel. I
Trump had Muslims signing workable agreements with Jews in Israel.... called the Abraham accord... you may want to look that up since I'm sure your news outlets don't talk about it...
There was no war in Ukraine while Trump was president... Putin was well behaved... Iran was broke and couldn't fund terrorism like they are doing today with the billions Biden gave them.... so what are you saying again?...
When his opening line is so completely unbelievable, it's difficult to even finish through to the end. Like we're supposed to believe he has friends. Give me a break...
He didn't say the Trumpster was a friend, he said they both knew her. And there in lies the dynamic that you can't understand.

See Trumpsters, they are proud of their ignorance, they wear their red hats and cover their car with bumper stickers. They put out signs in their yard and they fly flags, like the Gadsden and the Stars and Bars, in their yard and on the back of the pick-up truck.

I see the difference in Trumpsters and Biden supporters on a daily basis. I live in the 10th Congressional district of North Carolina, a mile down a private dirt road in one of the most rural areas of the country. I work in the 12th, an hour drive each way.

The tenth is one of the reddest districts in the country, if not the reddest. The 12th is blue, and includes two of the top five lakeside communities in the country. You can count on it, I stop at the convenience store before I get home, well Billy Bob, overweight, wearing overalls and open carrying, his pick-up truck with the Trump bumper sticker parked in the lot, wearing one of those damn red hats, hanging out and flirting with the clerk who is thirty years younger than him. Yep, he is going to strike up a conversation, bitching about the damn Mexicans, or inflation, gas prices, maybe even bitch about Ukraine.

At work, the lot full of Mercedes, BMW's, the occasional Maserati, Corvettes, a Bentley here and then, and most of all, Teslas. Damn, I didn't even know they made that many Teslas. There is always at least one or two in the lot. And driving in, solar panels on roofs is the norm. Even thought about changing jobs and pitching those solar panels. Somebody is making some money.

Thing is, no one ever speaks about politics, ever. I know, most of my help are probably Trump supporters. I can tell, but they also know I am a huge NPR fan. It is kind of a mutual respect thing. But the clientele, well there is no Billy Bob strolling through, that is for sure.

The gist, Trump supporters are vocal, Biden supporters are quiet. Don't let the noise fool you. In a Biden v. Trump election, Trump gets stomped.
I was having lunch the other day with a SMOKING HOT CHICK. We had just finished a marathon [CENSORED!] session and need to refuel for Round 2. Then this smoking hot other chick we both know walked over. We invited her sit with us, and to come back home with us to [CENSORED!] hard after lunch. Well, the discussion turned to politics, as it often does, and our friend relayed to us that she is a raging leftist. I could not believe it. She started going on and on about how Trump and the MAGA people are out to destroy democracy, how man is destroying the climate, and how capitalism is evil. I was completely flabbergasted!!

All three of us went home to my place to [CENSORED!] righteously. Afterward, we went sasquatch hunting in my old Huey that I keep in my backyard, complete with a mini gun. We bagged 3 of those sumbitches, and a Wendigo!!

Now I ask you leftists out there: Is THIS really what you people think?
I was having lunch with a friend and we ran into another person we both know and invited them to sit with us.

Discussion turned to politicas, as it will occasionally, and I discovered that this person is a raving tRumper.

According to her tRump built the wall and gave us world peace and then Democrats and China made up a phony virus that doesnā€™t make you sickā€”and trump caught it and made a beautiful vaccine that kills you and he saved usā€”before Joe stole the election and trump had to start an insurrection that didnā€™t happen that Nancy did just so they could make it look like trump did it even though he told the attackers he loved them and would pardon them and Obama secretly runs everything and the CIA and FBI do too and George soros and they started the war Putin started and are behind the Hamas attack as well and trump will stop it all in 24 hours.

I think I may have missed a few of her talking points, but that the gist of it.

Is that what you guys really think?
Yep. Word for word. It's a gospel we pray everyday when we worship our Orange God.
Trump had Muslims signing workable agreements with Jews in Israel.... called the Abraham accord... you may want to look that up since I'm sure your news outlets don't talk about it...
There was no war in Ukraine while Trump was president... Putin was well behaved... Iran was broke and couldn't fund terrorism like they are doing today with the billions Biden gave them.... so what are you saying again?...
You really want to bring up the Abraham accords? Here, let me quote part of it for you.

We, the undersigned, recognize the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace in the Middle East and around the world based on mutual understanding and coexistence, as well as respect for human dignity and freedom, including religious freedom.

You think Israel has lived up to that? Mutual understanding and coexistence? Get the fawk out of here. And Hamas was not funded by Iran, they were funded by Qatar, to the tune of one billion dollars, that Bibi made sure they got. The whole thing stinks to high shit.
You really want to bring up the Abraham accords? Here, let me quote part of it for you.

We, the undersigned, recognize the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace in the Middle East and around the world based on mutual understanding and coexistence, as well as respect for human dignity and freedom, including religious freedom.

You think Israel has lived up to that?
Mutual understanding and coexistence? Get the fawk out of here. And Hamas was not funded by Iran, they were funded by Qatar, to the tune of one billion dollars, that Bibi made sure they got. The whole thing stinks to high shit.
Yes I do until they were attacked... and its Muslims in Gaza that refuse to co exist... this time people like you can't convince anyone... we all watched the evil carnage put upon innocent Jews... we can read the words of hostages when they say civilian Palestinians were holding them captive dealing out beatings regularly and keeping food and water from them as they were chained to keep them from escaping.... you re on the wrong side pal...

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