so let's be real - lemme tellya how I REALLY feel - re: Roy Moore


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
if y'all

(when I say "y'all, I mean my liberal & "progressive" friends that support or wanna give money to groups that kill babies, like planned parenthood)

wanna talk about what's "acceptable"

then let's be real

if you people wanna tell me that a MAN having sexual relations with another MAN is normal -

and out of the same breath tell me that I CAN NOT vote for Roy Moore because he was attracted to an attractive young FEMALE

and IF YOU

ARE the same person

that TOLD ME!!!

that I can't be outraged that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES

should not be held accountable for getting a BLOWJOB

with a TWENTY TWO year old


on her knees


was not a big deal

when the guy that did it paid an

EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND dollar fine to the woman that made an accusation about her rape???

if YOU are one of the people that, over the past decade, have told me that


for wanting accountability for THAT

if YOU are one of the people that say that I am turning my back on my principles because



fuck you


Dawgs are gonna pistol whip Oklahoma and whoever wins between Bammy and Clementine

*BONUS part deaux!

If it's Clementine; some Aubies will say that daddy Nick softened them up for us

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why doesn't anybody wanna talk about this?

I thought my friends on the left LOVED moral equivalency???
Who wants to talk to someone who can justify child molestation by comparing it to adult consensual sex?

Politics has a way of negating morality. But if morality is weak to begin with, politics can erase it completely.
Who wants to talk to someone who can justify child molestation by comparing it to adult consensual sex?

Politics has a way of negating morality. But if morality is weak to begin with, politics can erase it completely.
that's the thing

there is no molestation charge

100% of the "accusers" say he took them home and stopped when asked; even the 14 year old (who is not exactly a credible witness, she has been rumored to have made numerous of these types of accusations before)

yearbook girl?


he was banned from the mall?

the mall manager swears that is not true


he was interested in girls younger than I am personally comfortable with

but my grandaddy married my Nana when she was 16

Edgar Allen Poe met his wife when she was 15 - she was his cousin - true story

Roy Moore married a women 14 years younger than himself (a classmate of one of his "accusers") and is still married to her

back to yearbook girl - Roy was the judge on her divorce case :lol:

I'll take tax cuts and Obamacare repeal over 40 year old accusations for $1000 Alex
Not only did this sleazeball openly chase teenage girls, he also openly told women not to run for public office. No obvious and admitted bigot should ever be deemed qualified for high office.
Who wants to talk to someone who can justify child molestation by comparing it to adult consensual sex?

Politics has a way of negating morality. But if morality is weak to begin with, politics can erase it completely.

I could answer the question, but then, who wants to talk to a person who equates lack of evidence with evidence?

Of course, in Mexico the age of consent is 12 in muslim nations I don't think there even is such a thing as consent. Yet, you love those cultures.
Who wants to talk to someone who can justify child molestation by comparing it to adult consensual sex?

Politics has a way of negating morality. But if morality is weak to begin with, politics can erase it completely.

I could answer the question, but then, who wants to talk to a person who equates lack of evidence with evidence?

Of course, in Mexico the age of consent is 12 in muslim nations I don't think there even is such a thing as consent. Yet, you love those cultures.
The problem with commenting on what happens in other countries is that it is a deflection from what is happening in our own culture. We have a problem with underage molestation by adults, and, as the BBC and other organizations have reported extensively, the U.S. has an unusually high rate of marriages involving children in comparison to other developed nations. There should be much better protections for our youngsters.
Further, despite all of the religio-babble in recent years, we have never established what morality is. I think that the results would be hilarious if we somehow could take a survey of all adults over a certain age, male and female alike, as to whether they had sex with anyone outside of their spouses.

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