So Lindsay Thinks It Would Be "Bad For The Country" -

Fox News viewers, including Trump, have become so deluded and retarded that if Sean Hannity started putting psychics and mediums on his show, the viewers would be calling in to ask about their dead grandmothers.

There is no "Obamagate", retards. It's 100 percent manufactured bullshit.
- to drag Obama into the hearings for questioning just because he's "a former president."

Speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Graham Announces Sen. Judiciary Crossfire Hurricane Hearings Will Start Next Month - Sara A. Carter
Linsey Graham is nothing but a lifelong political parasite sucking the taxpayer tit. He's a good example of why we need single term limits for all politicians. He's no Republican, he's a member of the political ruling class and they all stick together no matter what flag they may be flying.
Just called Lyndseys office and they admitted their phones are ringing non stop.....the people will not allow the GOP to back down this time....
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It doesn't speak "volumes" at all. Senate republicans don't want to create a political mess by hauling the former president before congress. That's what democrats do. Meanwhile creepy Joe apparently said he wouldn't pardon Trump if he was elected. Pardon for what? It doesn't matter when democrats are angry and vindictive.
Can we drag Granny O in from Kenya and ask her what she meant when she said "I was there" when that little shitlet barry was born..... what do you mean Granny?

It doesn't speak "volumes" at all. Senate republicans don't want to create a political mess by hauling the former president before congress. That's what democrats do. Meanwhile creepy Joe apparently said he wouldn't pardon Trump if he was elected. Pardon for what? It doesn't matter when democrats are angry and vindictive.

I say it's well past time to create a political mess.
Graham is all talk and no action. He love the cameras, but hasn't held a single hearing on anything of substance in years.
Reality is slipping from his grasp. Graham simply can't comprehend the extent of democrat depravity.

There is that shocking moment when you realize they arent just another political philosophy but are working to destroy you, your people and your country. But I would have thought Graham had passed that point already.
This needs to be said on a national stage and often repeated.
Graham is a politician who bends with the prevailing winds. However, directly attacking Obama would galvanize the Black vote and possibly create riots.
Graham is a politician who bends with the prevailing winds. However, directly attacking Obama would galvanize the Black vote and possibly create riots.

It would galvanize the Congressional Black Caucus. The voters, not so much.
If anyone seriously want to get to the bottom of this whole crap you call in THE MAN, the guy who was directing traffic, leading the band.

Hos UN Ambassador


1) Pleads the 5th
2) Pleads the Comey-Hillary Excuse: 'Too Stupid To Know Laws Were Being Broken
3) Throws everyone else under the bus
4) Throws an agreed upon sacrifice under the bus
5) Admits he's an America-hating POS who has attempted to destroy the US for 12 years......

Anyway you look at it it's a 'WIN' for the country

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