So Little Nikki pulls into second place.

But both she and Trump are trying to run against abortion bans. Nikki appears to want a federal law to codify abortion up to around 15 weeks.

Yet at least some Xians are not impressed.
But Haley's campaign denied even mentioning an abortion ban after 15 weeks. As South Carolina governor from 2011 to 2017, she signed a ban on most abortions after 19 weeks.

"I think that where Ambassador Haley falls the shortest is that candidates can't lead with compromise," said Noah Brandt, vice president of communications at Live Action, a major anti-abortion group.

She's personally hard right on abortion, but if she's serious about Roe-like limits up to 15 weeks, and then some exception for life of mother and women who have intellectual limitations (more than the gop usual election denials) .... I'd vote for her in a "heartbeat."

Anything short of keeping politicians out of medical decisions will result in women dying.

Abortions after 15 weeks are for the life and health of the mother. Anyone wanting to have an abortion because their birth control failed and they can't afford another child, is going to get an abortion as early as possible, when it is physically easier and less likely to require surgery, and hence, cheaper.

Amniocentsis testing can't be done until at least 19 weeks, and it takes 4 weeks for results.

Abortion after 15 weeks is entirely a medical decision and policians should have no part in it.
I feel you. If Biden remembers who Trump is, watch out boy, he's coming after him! If not, he'll remember after his nap

I was at the grocery store yesterday. This is the front page of this week's Globe tabloid. Trump’s recent speeches where he thinks he’s running against Obama. Priceless.



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All of you who are so worried that the GOP will outlaw abortion federally, can you tell me why they didn't do so when the held both Houses of Congress and the Presidency the other 3 times since Roe was decided? The most recent being when Trump was President? Also, can you tell me why you believe that if the Dems are voted into power in both Houses and retain Biden that they will pass a law legalizing it federally when they didnt the 6 times they were in the same position (albeit different people) the most recent with Joe Biden was President and AFTER the SCOTUS overturned Roe?

When are you going to wake up and realize that neither party wants this issue decided.
you don't have women, incel and fuck you, again. In fact, ignore me.

Oh, I do. Note the difference, you idiots say men with dicks can be women, I mocked you for idiocy and racism. You just made shit up. Both times, you made up women have dicks and you made up I'm celibate. It's based on nothing, zero. Zero, like you.

I'd engage you in a bit of intellectual repartee, but I'd never do battle with an unarmed man
Oh, I do. Note the difference, you idiots say men with dicks can be women, I mocked you for idiocy and racism. You just made shit up.

I'd engage you in a bit of intellectual repartee, but I'd never do battle with an unarmed man
i have no idea what set you off so, little trumper. But I LIKE IT

How's trump's scotum taste?
No no. I'll never vote gop in a natl election again, so long as they hang onto Dobbs.

But I'm not opposed to a federal law that allows for abortion up to 15 weeks or so as in Roe. And exceptions for rape, incest, minors and intellectual disability ... as well as life of mother.

And I'd never vote for Trump, even if he runs unopposed on a single party ballot in 2028, which is not impossible if the sob actually wins
Benny Dobbs did NOT repeat NOT ban abortion. The ruling affects no state laws on the books. Abortion is just not a federal issue never should have been, just like marriage. Besides the Democrats in 1993-94 and 2009=2010 had big majorities in both houses of Congress and the WH and could have passed legislation ( I forgot the legal term) codifying might the word I am looking for making Roe an actual legislative law beyond just a court rulng. But the dems would not do that.
2nd place behind Trump is meaningless when everyone else had the good sense to drop out or people like Christie stay at around 2%. Who is in 2nd place in the democrat race?
Trailing Trump by 40% is not going to make a lot of difference. She's going for VP: a vast improvement compared to the current skank.
If Trump has it in the bag, why is he spending so much time attacking DeSantis?

And and I highly doubt Haley is going to sign up for VP on a losing ticket and ruin any possible political future she has.

But both she and Trump are trying to run against abortion bans. Nikki appears to want a federal law to codify abortion up to around 15 weeks.

Yet at least some Xians are not impressed.
But Haley's campaign denied even mentioning an abortion ban after 15 weeks. As South Carolina governor from 2011 to 2017, she signed a ban on most abortions after 19 weeks.

"I think that where Ambassador Haley falls the shortest is that candidates can't lead with compromise," said Noah Brandt, vice president of communications at Live Action, a major anti-abortion group.

She's personally hard right on abortion, but if she's serious about Roe-like limits up to 15 weeks, and then some exception for life of mother and women who have intellectual limitations (more than the gop usual election denials) .... I'd vote for her in a "heartbeat."

Nikki appears to want a federal law to codify abortion up to around 15 weeks.

If she really does believe that, then she either doesn’t understand the cotus, or is ignoring it. In either case, that’s a no in my book
I was at the grocery store yesterday. This is the front page of this week's Globe tabloid. Trump’s recent speeches where he thinks he’s running against Obama. Priceless.

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Republicans love to talk about how the rest of the world is laughing at Biden but what are they saying about Trump?

Watch moment Trump claims he is ‘genius’ for realizing ‘us’ is spelled same as ‘US’​

And then he made global news looking foolish

Isn't his nickname Bone Spurs because he's a coward who wouldn't serve? Oh, and calls us soldiers losers and suckers btw. So many reasons Trump should never be POTUS again

If Trump has it in the bag, why is he spending so much time attacking DeSantis?

And and I highly doubt Haley is going to sign up for VP on a losing ticket and ruin any possible political future she has.
DeSantis is closer to him in views and seen as his major competitor. Ramaswamy is the other. The rest need to go. Once Trump, DeSantis and Ramaswamy are further vetted and approved, they are VP material. There are a couple of others like Kari Lake who would need to be vetted.

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