So Loretta are you and comey looking into this?


Isn't this inciting?
if it was every jackass calling for civil war on this board for the last seven years because a black man was president would be behind bars

Why don't you show us all the posts on this forum you claim exists where people have called for civil war because Obama is black. You can't.
if you haven't seen them you haven't been paying attention
Since you seem to be falling all over yourself with a apologetics about SK, we can only conclude you're in favor of civil unrest.
wtf are you babbling about?

all i did was point out the idiocy of the op
fuuuunnnneee. Keep working on your sheriff Clark imitation.
Op is an idiot. that's even funnier in light of even more cops were shot and killed today.
But smack talk tyroneweaver that will fix BLM

Isn't this inciting?
if it was every jackass calling for civil war on this board for the last seven years because a black man was president would be behind bars

Why don't you show us all the posts on this forum you claim exists where people have called for civil war because Obama is black. You can't.
if you haven't seen them you haven't been paying attention
Please post, if there are so many. It shouldn't be hard.

I asked the same question and got the typical Liberal response.

Isn't this inciting?
if it was every jackass calling for civil war on this board for the last seven years because a black man was president would be behind bars

Why don't you show us all the posts on this forum you claim exists where people have called for civil war because Obama is black. You can't.
if you haven't seen them you haven't been paying attention
They haven't been posted or you could quote them dumb ass.

I asked him to provide names and got the response of "if you haven't seen them you haven't been paying attention". I haven't seen them because he hasn't posted them. That's why I asked.
Yo, Shaun King is a White Apologist, thinking everything will be okay if they kiss the Blacks Ass, they are the Stupid People of the White Race! You can see the White Apologist in the Protests on T.V.!!!

This Country Has One Black Apologist:
ya he even took the name of that worthless quarterback of the Tampa Bay Suckineers.

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