So Megyn Kelly's first interview on her new show is Putin?

A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.

Whose interested? The curious; of course that lets you out. Curiosity is what sparks learning and learning leads to thinking and thinking leads to questioning, something lemmings don't do.

Hmmmm, that sounds a lot like your standard response to a AGW sceptic....Now, what is it you all say? Oh yeah, "the science is settled". Hello lemming!:bye1:
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.

Whose interested? The curious; of course that lets you out. Curiosity is what sparks learning and learning leads to thinking and thinking leads to questioning, something lemmings don't do.
You just can't help yourself. There is NOTHING in the op that is aggressive towards anyone else yet here you come making it personal.

Why? You CLAIM to be the party of tolerance yet your reply suggest otherwise. You can't wait to attack someone on the right, just can't help yourself.
Sad little man.
Sorry, but your long history of posts makes it impossible to evaluate any one remark you might make without the weight of that history bearing on the outcome. You've worked hard to make sure everybody knows your biases. You can't just ignore that, and nobody else can either.
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.
BIG win for her to land an exclusive interview of this magnitude and IMHO the target audience is vast given that all the hub-hub regarding nefarious Russian activities there is sure to be a lot of interest in what Putin has to say both nationally and internationally.
i liked megan until the book and the ME ME ME parade she went on after that. but like her or not, this is a big one for her and it will be interesting to see what she does with it.

She'll do the same thing the Dems have done with their 18 Months of IIlegal Surveillance on the Trump Team, Multiple Felonies for Disseminating Classified Intel & Unmasking, 8 Months of Investigations by 4 different Investigative Bodies, and 17 Intelligence Agencies, and one Independent Counsel has done with a Fake Accusation Made to save a Failing Campaign

A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.
BIG win for her to land an exclusive interview of this magnitude and IMHO the target audience is vast given that all the hub-hub regarding nefarious Russian activities there is sure to be a lot of interest in what Putin has to say both nationally and internationally.
No one is going to watch it.
Possible but I would guess that the ratings will be high given the subject.

She was outted as a Biased Liberal.

Screw her.
Why not evaluate the interview based on the actual content instead of relying on nothing more than your obvious strong bias against the interviewer? What do you have to lose? if it turns out to be nothing more than heavily edited propaganda mixed with infotainment you can always just change the channel. :dunno:
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.
BIG win for her to land an exclusive interview of this magnitude and IMHO the target audience is vast given that all the hub-hub regarding nefarious Russian activities there is sure to be a lot of interest in what Putin has to say both nationally and internationally.
i liked megan until the book and the ME ME ME parade she went on after that. but like her or not, this is a big one for her and it will be interesting to see what she does with it.

She'll do the same thing the Dems have done with their 18 Months of IIlegal Surveillance on the Trump Team, Multiple Felonies for Disseminating Classified Intel & Unmasking, 8 Months of Investigations by 4 different Investigative Bodies, and 17 Intelligence Agencies, and one Independent Counsel has done with a Fake Accusation Made to save a Failing Campaign

you'll excuse me if i wait for it to happen before it does.
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.
BIG win for her to land an exclusive interview of this magnitude and IMHO the target audience is vast given that all the hub-hub regarding nefarious Russian activities there is sure to be a lot of interest in what Putin has to say both nationally and internationally.
No one is going to watch it.
Possible but I would guess that the ratings will be high given the subject.

She was outted as a Biased Liberal.

Screw her.
Why not evaluate the interview based on the actual content instead relying on nothing more than your obvious strong bias against the interviewer? What do you have to lose? if it turns out to be nothing more than heavily edited propaganda mixed with infotainment you can always just change the channel. :dunno:
Why bother watching it when you already know what direction it's going?

Most of America will not watch it.

Most of America will no longer watch Kathy Griffin either.
No reason to watch Meagan Kelly.

18 Months of ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE by Obama Bin Spying, and 8 Months of Investigations by for different Investigative Bodies, and 1 Independent Counsel all finding Zero Evidence of Collusion does not give me a reason to watch Meagan Kelly or her interview with Putin, when I know exactly where she is going to go with the Interview.

She is going to do what every other Liberal is doing....

Making Big Fat Nothing Burgers.
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.
BIG win for her to land an exclusive interview of this magnitude and IMHO the target audience is vast given that all the hub-hub regarding nefarious Russian activities there is sure to be a lot of interest in what Putin has to say both nationally and internationally.
No one is going to watch it.

She was outted as a Biased Liberal.

Screw her.

Gotta admit I never watched her before because there's nothing on the planet that would make me watch fux. Please remember they were proven to be truthful in less than 18% of their blathering propaganda.

But, have been watching the preview of her interview and I'm impressed.

She was also good when she mod'd the R debate and made an ass of trumpery.

So you're right, you don't want to watch it. Same with you other RWNJ Pootarian traitors. You won't like having to lie about Pooting's laughing at the US.
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.
BIG win for her to land an exclusive interview of this magnitude and IMHO the target audience is vast given that all the hub-hub regarding nefarious Russian activities there is sure to be a lot of interest in what Putin has to say both nationally and internationally.
No one is going to watch it.
Possible but I would guess that the ratings will be high given the subject.

She was outted as a Biased Liberal.

Screw her.
Why not evaluate the interview based on the actual content instead relying on nothing more than your obvious strong bias against the interviewer? What do you have to lose? if it turns out to be nothing more than heavily edited propaganda mixed with infotainment you can always just change the channel. :dunno:
Why bother watching it when you already know what direction it's going.

Most of America will not watch it.

Most of America will no longer watch Kathy Griffin either.
No reason to watch Meagan Kelly.
I think you're wrong. I expect stellar ratings will be the case.
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.
BIG win for her to land an exclusive interview of this magnitude and IMHO the target audience is vast given that all the hub-hub regarding nefarious Russian activities there is sure to be a lot of interest in what Putin has to say both nationally and internationally.
No one is going to watch it.
Possible but I would guess that the ratings will be high given the subject.

She was outted as a Biased Liberal.

Screw her.
Why not evaluate the interview based on the actual content instead relying on nothing more than your obvious strong bias against the interviewer? What do you have to lose? if it turns out to be nothing more than heavily edited propaganda mixed with infotainment you can always just change the channel. :dunno:
Why bother watching it when you already know what direction it's going.

Most of America will not watch it.

Most of America will no longer watch Kathy Griffin either.
No reason to watch Meagan Kelly.

LOL, Don't look now but what remained of your objectivity just committed Seppuku.
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.

Whose interested? The curious; of course that lets you out. Curiosity is what sparks learning and learning leads to thinking and thinking leads to questioning, something lemmings don't do.
You just can't help yourself. There is NOTHING in the op that is aggressive towards anyone else yet here you come making it personal.

Why? You CLAIM to be the party of tolerance yet your reply suggest otherwise. You can't wait to attack someone on the right, just can't help yourself.
Sad little man.

I claim to be the party of tolerance? I'm a party? Cool.

I'm not tolerant of deplorable people, that's obvious. The fact that you are not curious what Putin has to say, strongly suggests you are not curious; claiming he has a target audience infers only those who hope Putin acknowledges his effort to elect Trump was based on promises made to him by Trump or Ryan, or that Putin offers evidence of collusion by Trump, and or his business interests.

Keep this in mind - I speak to the curious who will watch the interview - Putin didn't get to where he is today because he is stupid. Putin has an agenda, and that agenda is and always will be about himself and what he wants the audience to believe.
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[ The fact that you are not curious what Putin has to say, strongly suggests you are not curious;

That fact that the OP never made any claims regarding his curiosity (or lack thereof) regarding what Putin has to say and your completely fabricated narrative regarding the question strongly suggests that you are an inane little lemming incapable of discerning reality from the fantasies fed to you by the voices in your own empty head.

Keep this in mind - I speak to the curious who will watch the interview
That would be a nice change of pace since based on your usual rubbish it's been fairly obvious that you speak only to serve your own vanity.

[ The fact that you are not curious what Putin has to say, strongly suggests you are not curious;

That fact that the OP never made any claims regarding his curiosity (or lack thereof) regarding what Putin has to say and your completely fabricated narrative regarding the question strongly suggests that you are an inane little lemming incapable of discerning reality from the fantasies fed to you by the voices in your own empty head.

Keep this in mind - I speak to the curious who will watch the interview
That would be a nice change of pace since based on your usual rubbish it's been fairly obvious that you speak only to serve your own vanity.


You need to have someone read his posts to you, and help you to comprehend.
[ The fact that you are not curious what Putin has to say, strongly suggests you are not curious;

That fact that the OP never made any claims regarding his curiosity (or lack thereof) regarding what Putin has to say and your completely fabricated narrative regarding the question strongly suggests that you are an inane little lemming incapable of discerning reality from the fantasies fed to you by the voices in your own empty head.

Keep this in mind - I speak to the curious who will watch the interview
That would be a nice change of pace since based on your usual rubbish it's been fairly obvious that you speak only to serve your own vanity.


You need to have someone read his posts to you, and help you to comprehend.

Yeah perhaps I can hire the same Kindergartner that you rely on... how much does the little munchkin charge you to distort and misrepresent what others post?
What does Megyn Kelly know about Putin that nobody else knows? The short answer is ....nothing. It's all B.S.

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