So Megyn Kelly's first interview on her new show is Putin?

A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.

Whose interested? The curious; of course that lets you out. Curiosity is what sparks learning and learning leads to thinking and thinking leads to questioning, something lemmings don't do.
You just can't help yourself. There is NOTHING in the op that is aggressive towards anyone else yet here you come making it personal.

Why? You CLAIM to be the party of tolerance yet your reply suggest otherwise. You can't wait to attack someone on the right, just can't help yourself.
Sad little man.

I claim to be the party of tolerance? I'm a party? Cool.

I'm not tolerant of deplorable people, that's obvious. The fact that you are not curious what Putin has to say, strongly suggests you are not curious; claiming he has a target audience infers only those who hope Putin acknowledges his effort to elect Trump was based on promises made to him by Trump or Ryan, or that Putin offers evidence of collusion by Trump, and or his business interests.

Keep this in mind - I speak to the curious who will watch the interview - Putin didn't get to where he is today because he is stupid. Putin has an agenda, and that agenda is and always will be about himself and what he wants the audience to believe.
Again you just can't help yourself. Better be careful little man, that pedestal looks mighty high up. The fall could do irreparable damage to your lack of dignity.
I'm not watching, not because I have anything against Megyn, but because Putin is a lying sack of shit, so what am I actually going to learn listening to an interview with him?
Kudos to her for getting such an important interview for her first show, though. I will probably check it out in the future.
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.

Whose interested? The curious; of course that lets you out. Curiosity is what sparks learning and learning leads to thinking and thinking leads to questioning, something lemmings don't do.
You just can't help yourself. There is NOTHING in the op that is aggressive towards anyone else yet here you come making it personal.

Why? You CLAIM to be the party of tolerance yet your reply suggest otherwise. You can't wait to attack someone on the right, just can't help yourself.
Sad little man.

I claim to be the party of tolerance? I'm a party? Cool.

I'm not tolerant of deplorable people, that's obvious. The fact that you are not curious what Putin has to say, strongly suggests you are not curious; claiming he has a target audience infers only those who hope Putin acknowledges his effort to elect Trump was based on promises made to him by Trump or Ryan, or that Putin offers evidence of collusion by Trump, and or his business interests.

Keep this in mind - I speak to the curious who will watch the interview - Putin didn't get to where he is today because he is stupid. Putin has an agenda, and that agenda is and always will be about himself and what he wants the audience to believe.
Again you just can't help yourself. Better be careful little man, that pedestal looks mighty high up. The fall could do irreparable damage to your lack of dignity.

Thanks so much for you advice, someone like you must know what it felt like.
Meagan Kelly's First Question:

Mr. Putin, can you show us how you hacked in to Hillary Clinton Granny Panties, and made her sell our Uranium to Uranium One, and then made her accept $120 Million Dollars from your Government that you sent to her Money Laundering Operation.....err....Clinton Foundation?
I know right? :D
A Russian. The top Russian. Who's the target audience here? It's this Sunday for those interested.

Whose interested? The curious; of course that lets you out. Curiosity is what sparks learning and learning leads to thinking and thinking leads to questioning, something lemmings don't do.
You just can't help yourself. There is NOTHING in the op that is aggressive towards anyone else yet here you come making it personal.

Why? You CLAIM to be the party of tolerance yet your reply suggest otherwise. You can't wait to attack someone on the right, just can't help yourself.
Sad little man.

I claim to be the party of tolerance? I'm a party? Cool.

I'm not tolerant of deplorable people, that's obvious. The fact that you are not curious what Putin has to say, strongly suggests you are not curious; claiming he has a target audience infers only those who hope Putin acknowledges his effort to elect Trump was based on promises made to him by Trump or Ryan, or that Putin offers evidence of collusion by Trump, and or his business interests.

Keep this in mind - I speak to the curious who will watch the interview - Putin didn't get to where he is today because he is stupid. Putin has an agenda, and that agenda is and always will be about himself and what he wants the audience to believe.
Again you just can't help yourself. Better be careful little man, that pedestal looks mighty high up. The fall could do irreparable damage to your lack of dignity.

Thanks so much for you advice, someone like you must know what it felt like.
You're welcome. I have certainly been put in my place at times in life. A humble man knows when he's wrong. I suspect you're clueless.
Megyn who?
Just stop. You guys look stupid doing this. EVERYONE knows who she is unless they are disconnected from reality.

It was a joke, besides what she does in her career is meaningless at this point. You think the libs are her friends now, NOT. She will regret her career move.
If she banks money she won't give a damn. I suspect she's banking.

Fair point, she's smart enough to do that. I did not always agree with her and her bushwhack attack on Trump during the first primary debate didn't set well with me, otherwise she was a fine host I mostly enjoyed her show prior to the Trump era.
Megyn who?
Just stop. You guys look stupid doing this. EVERYONE knows who she is unless they are disconnected from reality.

It was a joke, besides what she does in her career is meaningless at this point. You think the libs are her friends now, NOT. She will regret her career move.
If she banks money she won't give a damn. I suspect she's banking.

Fair point, she's smart enough to do that. I did not always agree with her and her bushwhack attack on Trump during the first primary debate didn't set well with me, otherwise she was a fine host I mostly enjoyed her show prior to the Trump era.
I admire her. I don't always agree but a strong woman who's a go geter it sexy as fuck
I doubt we will get anything groundbreaking from the interview nor do I think any media person out there would turn down a chance to interview Putin.

Putin is now suggesting that it was Russian party loyalists that hacked into the DNC databases, not him. Clearly intelligence agencies aren't going for that one--LOL Russian intelligence agents don't make a move without his approval.

It's really bad for FOX News that they lost her--because her program was the second largest money maker--Bill O'reilly who was number 1 is also gone now. So viewers have turned off FOX News and turned on CNN.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

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