So mobs of liberals becoming very violent, assaulting Trump supporters; Lock & Load!!

Advising people to "lock and load" is not telling people to shoot within any interpretation of English.

And the part about center mass?

A wise reminder, if attacked. Common firearms etiquette toward an attacker.

Please explain what it means.

I see you are not qualified to discuss gun issues, as I suspected.

I obviously know what it means. That is why I want you to state it and then explain how he isn't telling people to murder others.

I have neither time nor motivation to teach you remedial English.
Its okay for Trumpery to tell his fans to "punch", hit, kill people and when they obey, the RWNJ traitors are here threatening to murder anyone who gets in their way.

And yes, premeditated killing is murder.

Just another example of the right's never-ending attacks on the US Constitution.
Its okay for Trumpery to tell his fans to "punch", hit, kill people and when they obey, the RWNJ traitors are here threatening to murder anyone who gets in their way.

And yes, premeditated killing is murder.

Just another example of the right's never-ending attacks on the US Constitution.

Stating in a general sense that you are willing to shoot someone to defend your life is not premeditated murder.
I think people need to pay attention to loose cannons like the OP. Its true that people like him are scared to death and armed. They're dangerous because there is no way of knowing when one of them will suffer a true psychotic break and go on a killing spree.

What about your own loose cannons?
Classic liberal regressive action. It's called "preaching the tolerance".
Funny how the left wing howled that the very left leaning McCain and Romney were not progressive enough. They claim that the RNC needs to nominate a more progressive canidate.

So now that Trump is obviously going to win the nomination they are claiming he is a progressive and the Republicans shouldn't support him. My how nice it is that the left wing has the right wing's back. Even to being hypocritical.
Actually, we didn't howl at all. We just voted for Obama.....twice. He won.....twice. :D

yeah, just like Bush won twice, the second while at war. Go figure.
Before the election you beat them.
After the election you shoot them.

After the election, teh GOP will spend decades trying to wash Trump off their brand.

How much time have they spent washing losers like Romney and McCain off their brand? It would seem their brand is not all that clean now considering they are getting beat to hell by an orange clown. Some brands aren't worth saving.
Everyone see the chaos in California yesterday when left wingers became violent and assaulted all the Trump supporters? Attacking cops? Destroying property???

Yeah...yeahh....but...but...but....remember that one white Trump guy in NC!!!???

Lock and load folks. The summer is gonna bring lots of left wing violence. Remember...if you're mass.
Yeah! let's take a page from the Irish Book of Political Comportment and introduce the gun to American politics. What could possibly go wrong?
Before the election you beat them.
After the election you shoot them.

After the election, teh GOP will spend decades trying to wash Trump off their brand.

That's what the Libbos said about Reagan.

And it turned out to be true.

Reagan - crooked, corrupt, lied, cheated and stole from the American people. Most certainly one of the worst presidents in US history.

Well if the economy is any measure of how good a presidency is, would that make Obama the worst ever, or at least much worse than Ronnie?
Everyone see the chaos in California yesterday when left wingers became violent and assaulted all the Trump supporters? Attacking cops? Destroying property???

Yeah...yeahh....but...but...but....remember that one white Trump guy in NC!!!???

Lock and load folks. The summer is gonna bring lots of left wing violence. Remember...if you're mass.

You are seriously telling people to shoot others on a forum? I would think that should be against forum rules if it isn't.

Advising people to "lock and load" is not telling people to shoot within any interpretation of English.

And the part about center mass?

A wise reminder, if attacked. Common firearms etiquette toward an attacker.

Please explain what it means.
Aim for the belly.
Your private life will suddenly explode
There will be phantoms
There will be fires on the road
and the white man dancing
Everyone see the chaos in California yesterday when left wingers became violent and assaulted all the Trump supporters? Attacking cops? Destroying property???

Yeah...yeahh....but...but...but....remember that one white Trump guy in NC!!!???

Lock and load folks. The summer is gonna bring lots of left wing violence. Remember...if you're mass.

Yes, please shoot some protesters. That will work out really well for you.

If a mob of them tries to drag me out of the car to beat me and who knows what else.....yes....they might get to play catch with hollow points.

If anyone stops my car and breaks into it to get me or anyone with me, they will get shot with a 45 hollow point.
Everyone see the chaos in California yesterday when left wingers became violent and assaulted all the Trump supporters? Attacking cops? Destroying property???

Yeah...yeahh....but...but...but....remember that one white Trump guy in NC!!!???

Lock and load folks. The summer is gonna bring lots of left wing violence. Remember...if you're mass.

You are seriously telling people to shoot others on a forum? I would think that should be against forum rules if it isn't.
What is wrong with asserting the right to defend oneself?

Where is your criticism of these animals who are assaulting people and damaging their property?
Everyone see the chaos in California yesterday when left wingers became violent and assaulted all the Trump supporters? Attacking cops? Destroying property???

Yeah...yeahh....but...but...but....remember that one white Trump guy in NC!!!???

Lock and load folks. The summer is gonna bring lots of left wing violence. Remember...if you're mass.

When children don't get what they want, they throw a temper tantrum.
There's a reason that the more educated you are the more liberal you become. There's a reason that the lower your IQ as a child the more likely you are to being conservative when you vote.

Lol, link?

Most references to that bullshit statistic only look at verbal IQ and not overall IQ.

Are Liberals More Intelligent than Conservatives? Another Broken Study Says It Is So – Iron Shrink

When psychologists speak about IQ, they typically break it into two major components: verbal intelligence (VIQ) and performance intelligence (PIQ). PIQ refers to abilities like spatial reasoning that cannot be measured by verbal tests, and certainly are not captured by the PPVT.

And this is where we encounter a major problem with Kanazawa’s data. By using a study that measures only verbal ability (and very little of it), he is ignoring PIQ altogether. A child whose PIQ is higher than his or her VIQ – a common occurrence – is effectively tossed out of the pool of “more intelligent” people. That skews the data in favor of Kanazawa’s hypothesis.

It is commonly accepted that children who excel on verbal scales are likelier to succeed in school than those who do not. Children who have high VIQ scores, and therefore perform well in school, are likelier than their verbally challenged classmates to go to college. It is common among the highly educated for VIQ to be significantly higher than PIQ (see for example Kaufman & Lichtenberger, 1999).

Moreover, children who struggle with VIQ but who have perfectly solid PIQ scores are more likely than their counterparts to drop out of school (Romi & Marom, 2007). That does not make them unintelligent, but simply intellectually mismatched for a word-based academic environment. These children may even be more intelligent, on balance, than their classmates.

Pew Report: Republicans Smarter Than Democrats: Tea Party More Educated

In a scientific survey of 1,168 adults conducted during September and October of last year, respondents were asked not only multiple-choice questions, but also queries using maps, photographs and symbols. Among other subjects, participants identified international leaders, cabinet members, Supreme Court justices, nations on a world map, the current unemployment and poverty rates and war casualty totals.

In a 2010 Pew survey, Republicans outperformed Democrats on 10 of 12 questions, with one tie and Democrats outperforming Republicans on just 1 of the 12. In the latest survey, however, Republicans outperformed Democrats on every single one of 19 questions.

Amusingly, the Pew report attempted to soften the stark partisan knowledge disparity:

“Republicans generally outperformed Democrats on the current quiz. On 13 of the 19 questions, Republicans score significantly higher than Democrats and there are no questions on which Democrats did better than Republicans. In past knowledge quizzes, partisan differences have been more muted, though Republicans often have scored somewhat higher than Democrats.”

Lol, there was once a time when I would say that Liberals for the most part were more open minded and literate than Conservatives, but not these days. To be a liberal in todays college environment you have to excel at knuckling down to peer pressure and swallow what the instructor tells you without question.
I obviously know what it means. That is why I want you to state it and then explain how he isn't telling people to murder others.

Dude, he is telling people to be prepared to defend themselves which by definition is not murder.

Please change your account name, it is much too ironic.

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