So Moochelle wants paid- Laura Bush sets Her Straight

Tell Michelle to get her fat ass back in the kitchen and make us some
And none of that healthy crap either....
And don't ferget to bring us some damm cold beers....

oh dear. put on your flame suit. :50:

Michelle gets to live in the WH thanks to her hubby....
She get's a staff and lots of perks.
She should STFU....and be thankful she gets to be at the top of the charts as far as being on the government dole.
The pinnacle of success for a member of the Democrat party.
I wonder what she'll look like in twenty years?
They say what's in the heart ends up showing on the face. Remember 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'?
I actually just had an involuntary shudder. No shit.
True or not, I wish that useless bitch would do nothing. Any time she does something we suffer.
It's hard for me to look at and listen to the Obamas so I think I should be paid.
Yep, the Obama's are a true definition of privileged '1%'ers. They are millionaires racking in the money, and feel entitled to huge salaries for all their 'hard work'. If they hate their 'jobs', they can do everyone a favor and resign.
Michelle gets to live in the WH thanks to her hubby....
She get's a staff and lots of perks.
She should STFU....and be thankful she gets to be at the top of the charts as far as being on the government dole.
The pinnacle of success for a member of the Democrat party.
Also the Obama's will be able to do speech tours, and suck up to corporations for dough in a few years. So impatient.
BHO and his angry wife show their lack of class on a daily basis. Unfortunately they will continue to embarrass this nation for decades to come.
BHO and his angry wife show their lack of class on a daily basis. Unfortunately they will continue to embarrass this nation for decades to come.
You should have added yourself to the Democratic email list during the elections last year. Those emails were so damn annoying they must have lost votes.

Literally every day it was 'donate x to have the privilege of BBQ'ing with the Obama's', and in the fine print you had to pay for most of the event activities and be Obama's slave for x amount of time.

Those emails pissed me off so much, that I considered emailing back whoever sent them, but I did one better and used my vote to help make a Republican governor of my state. ;)
OP is a lie.

Yepp. OP is a lie.

No audio, no video, no eyewitnesses, no quotes, no media coverage, no criticism of this from the right in 2012. For Righties who are too stupid to read, the link in the OP is to a site from "Vision to America". The article is dated Thursday November 6, 2014 (2.5 months ago from today) and claims that:

In the year two thousand and twelve Michelle Obama complained several times about being First Lady and not getting paid. While we thought that drama was over, Obama stepped in for his wife and complained as well a few days ago.

When Obama stopped in Colorado on Wednesday he tried to woo the women voters by complaining that Michelle was not being paid for First Lady duties.

So, the article makes claims about things said in 2012 and even claims that Pres.Obama said something very similar one day before the article was published, in Colorado. Remember, November 5th, 2014 was exactly one day after the 2014 mid-terms. So, I checked the White House Calendar for that week in November, you can as well, it is public domain:

President s Schedule - November 2 to November 8 2014 The White House

And here is what it looked like:

Obama schedule Nov 5 2014.png

As you can see, on November 5th, no trips were recorded. And if you think the WH does not record them, think again. Here is what LAST Wednesday looked like, when the President went to Idaho and Kansas for his post SOTU tour:

Obama schedule Jan 21 2015.png

The OP is a complete lie, based on a website that lied. First Lady Michelle Obama has not complained about not being paid. She is a high powered, well versed attorney who also knows Constitutional Law and she already knew that FLOTUSes are not paid.

And the line that is quoted is not to be found on video or audio. Any Righties out there want to find video or audio?

Oh, and what does "Vision to America" say about itself? Well, look:

About Us Vision to America

Vision To America is a division of Christian Worldview Communications, LLC. Founded in 2006 by Gary DeMar and Brandon Vallorani, Vision to America exists to help America return to our Founding Father’s vision for a Christian Republic. America was once a light to the world—a place that God blessed with liberty and prosperity. Today, Americans are taught that the Almighty State has all the answers. As a result, our God-given liberties are being traded for a false sense of security. It is our Vision to see Americans once again recognize that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights and that this Creator is the God of the Bible.

Gary DeMar, who founded the website, came originally from PA, now lives in GA. He is an author who makes money writing Christian books. He also has a Masters of Divinity.

He is, unsurprisingly, a staunch Tea Partier:

The Tea Party Matters Ask Scott Brown

Official Tea Party USA - Member Blogs Preview

Nuff said. The OP is a lie.

Luddly Neddite
Dot Com
OP is a lie.

Yepp. OP is a lie.

No audio, no video, no eyewitnesses, no quotes, no media coverage, no criticism of this from the right in 2012. For Righties who are too stupid to read, the link in the OP is to a site from "Vision to America". The article is dated Thursday November 6, 2014 (2.5 months ago from today) and claims that:

In the year two thousand and twelve Michelle Obama complained several times about being First Lady and not getting paid. While we thought that drama was over, Obama stepped in for his wife and complained as well a few days ago.

When Obama stopped in Colorado on Wednesday he tried to woo the women voters by complaining that Michelle was not being paid for First Lady duties.

So, the article makes claims about things said in 2012 and even claims that Pres.Obama said something very similar one day before the article was published, in Colorado. Remember, November 5th, 2014 was exactly one day after the 2014 mid-terms. So, I checked the White House Calendar for that week in November, you can as well, it is public domain:

President s Schedule - November 2 to November 8 2014 The White House

And here is what it looked like:

View attachment 36226

As you can see, on November 5th, no trips were recorded. And if you think the WH does not record them, think again. Here is what LAST Wednesday looked like, when the President went to Idaho and Kansas for his post SOTU tour:

View attachment 36225

The OP is a complete lie, based on a website that lied. First Lady Michelle Obama has not complained about not being paid. She is a high powered, well versed attorney who also knows Constitutional Law and she already knew that FLOTUSes are not paid.

And the line that is quoted is not to be found on video or audio. Any Righties out there want to find video or audio?

Oh, and what does "Vision to America" say about itself? Well, look:

About Us Vision to America

Vision To America is a division of Christian Worldview Communications, LLC. Founded in 2006 by Gary DeMar and Brandon Vallorani, Vision to America exists to help America return to our Founding Father’s vision for a Christian Republic. America was once a light to the world—a place that God blessed with liberty and prosperity. Today, Americans are taught that the Almighty State has all the answers. As a result, our God-given liberties are being traded for a false sense of security. It is our Vision to see Americans once again recognize that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights and that this Creator is the God of the Bible.

Gary DeMar, who founded the website, came originally from PA, now lives in GA. He is an author who makes money writing Christian books. He also has a Masters of Divinity.

He is, unsurprisingly, a staunch Tea Partier:

The Tea Party Matters Ask Scott Brown

Official Tea Party USA - Member Blogs Preview

Nuff said. The OP is a lie.

Luddly Neddite
Dot Com

Footnote: Gary DeMar is also a 7-Hills Dominionist who believes in the Death Penalty for gay people:

What Would Dominionists Do With Gays

Obviously, certain sins often may escape detection. Homosexuals who practice behind closed doors are out-of-bounds for the courts, of course, unless others witness their criminal behavior. Such behavior may not be dealt with by courts in history, but will be dealt with by God, either in history (e.g., AIDS) or eternity. The law that requires the death penalty for homosexual acts effectually drives the perversion of homosexuality underground, back to the closet, to the dark realm of shameful activity.

Nice fellow, what?
BHO and his angry wife show their lack of class on a daily basis. Unfortunately they will continue to embarrass this nation for decades to come.

yep, Just like Jimma Carter and Billy hound dog Clinton does
they think we want them in our lives FOREVER. that's that self love/importance they believe they are and how can we not live without them. I just roll my eyes and turn the channel

Released January 30, 2014, long before the article quoted in the OP.

That being said, I agree with former First Lady Laura Bush's ideas.

The date of the article in the OP is irrelevant. The article stated clearly that Moochelle said this back in 2012.

Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight
Posted on November 6, 2014 by V2A

In the year two thousand and twelve Michelle Obama complained several times about being First Lady and not getting paid. While we thought that drama was over, Obama stepped in for his wife and complained as well a few days ago.

When Obama stopped in Colorado on Wednesday he tried to woo the women voters by complaining that Michelle was not being paid for First Lady duties.

“I want to make sure that when she’s working she’s getting paid the same as men, I gotta say that First Ladies right now don’t get paid, even though that’s a tough job!” Said Obama.

On the other end, a respected and humble first lady Laura Bush had some choice words about getting paid for her duties.​

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