So Moochelle wants paid- Laura Bush sets Her Straight

The Obama's don't do anything for Free unless forced to. Last I checked we didn't elect Michele to run anything or campaign for school lunches. and don't think she didn't make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ off of it

I guess you'll be providing a link now.

Some people enjoy being angry all the time. Negative Nancy here, is one of them.
The real reason of the miserable disposition of Michelle is not that she does not get paid.

It is the fact that she does not get LAID.
figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America

Just when I thought Faux News was the only media source that lied....along come several other right-wing sources..... Obama was talking about equal pay for equal work for American women in the workforce, something that Republicans in Congress don't believe in and the dumbass women that vote for them are in total agreement. Granted....people like Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Joni Ernst are probably not entitled to equal pay....but many women are and conservative women continue to vote against their own interests...tsk, tsk.
OP is a lie.

You know when Obama spoke and mentioned that he was seeking equal pay for equal work for women in the workforce, Faux News and other right-wing sources, who consider women as second class citizens quickly made up this bullshit story to get the women focused on Michelle Obama wanting to get paid, and not on something that would benefit them. They've bought it because they are not able to research things out to find out they are being lied to............:D
Can you imagine a CEO telling his board his wife has a tough job and should get paid?

This is what happens when you elect an imbecile to POTUS. Obama is literally the dumbest, least experience person to ever become POTUS. All he does is take marching orders from Soros. Every time he speaks his own "ideas" we get 57 States, Asthma breathalyzer and this
In this case he was speaking to the stupidity of his audience. Playing up the war on women with a straw woman argument and you know those dumbasses are buying it.
Another reason why democrats should not be allowed to vote.
figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America
Obama didn`t complain and his wife didn`t ask to be paid. Are you shitstains capable of telling the truth...or actually reading?

Are you Obots capable of having a sense of humor? my gawd get off your knees already
Michelle: Food Nazi
Frankie boy, there are only 1 million of 17 million WW2 vets left among us but you choose to insult them. Let this be your first book.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich A History of Nazi Germany William L. Shirer Ron Rosenbaum 9781451651683 Books
Michelle just has only to wait two years...
People will be lining up demanding she take one of their "no show" jobs where she could make a small fortune.
Can you imagine a CEO telling his board his wife has a tough job and should get paid?

This is what happens when you elect an imbecile to POTUS. Obama is literally the dumbest, least experience person to ever become POTUS. All he does is take marching orders from Soros. Every time he speaks his own "ideas" we get 57 States, Asthma breathalyzer and this
In this case he was speaking to the stupidity of his audience. Playing up the war on women with a straw woman argument and you know those dumbasses are buying it.
Another reason why democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Well that's true, The sad part is that Democrat voters are even dumber than Obama
figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America
Obama didn`t complain and his wife didn`t ask to be paid. Are you shitstains capable of telling the truth...or actually reading?

Are you Obots capable of having a sense of humor? my gawd get off your knees already
Michelle: Food Nazi
Frankie boy, there are only 1 million of 17 million WW2 vets left among us but you choose to insult them. Let this be your first book.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich A History of Nazi Germany William L. Shirer Ron Rosenbaum 9781451651683 Books

My Dad was one of the ones who passed

What's your point?
Can you imagine a CEO telling his board his wife has a tough job and should get paid?

This is what happens when you elect an imbecile to POTUS. Obama is literally the dumbest, least experience person to ever become POTUS. All he does is take marching orders from Soros. Every time he speaks his own "ideas" we get 57 States, Asthma breathalyzer and this
In this case he was speaking to the stupidity of his audience. Playing up the war on women with a straw woman argument and you know those dumbasses are buying it.
Another reason why democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Well that's true, The sad part is that Democrat voters are even dumber than Obama
And the democrats count on that stupidity. Just ask Gruber.

That was a CLASSY first lady, MaBella Obama not so much. Neither her or her hubby knows the definition of Class.

Laura Bush was the perfect Stepford wife and worthless as First Lady......and you are not someone to be giving advice on "class"..........

Depends on what you think a First Lady is supposed to do.

Seems you'all think the president and First Lady are supposed to barge in on our lives and tell us how to shit.

I on the other hand believe they have their function in life and it shouldn't constantly invade ours.
figures she thinks the tax payer should pay for her daily grazing at the buffet trough.


Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid; Laura Bush Sets Her Straight

Read more at Michelle-O Complains About Not Getting Paid Laura Bush Sets Her Straight Vision to America
Obama didn`t complain and his wife didn`t ask to be paid. Are you shitstains capable of telling the truth...or actually reading?

Are you Obots capable of having a sense of humor? my gawd get off your knees already
Michelle: Food Nazi
Frankie boy, there are only 1 million of 17 million WW2 vets left among us but you choose to insult them. Let this be your first book.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich A History of Nazi Germany William L. Shirer Ron Rosenbaum 9781451651683 Books

My Dad was one of the ones who passed

What's your point?
My point is that you have no idea who the Nazis were. Michelle is a food Nazi? Fucking moron! Even Stephanie called to say you were an embarrassment.

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