So Much for Blacks Running From Biden

I think that some of our younger blacks don't see a lot of things. Not referring to you, more like the 20-30 somethings.

Notice how blacks are in positions of leadership in the Democratic Party. Asians got a hate crime billl. Blacks got a hate crime bill years ago. I think we need to pay real close attention to how blacks are positioned. The most powerful Democrats are a black man and his wife. Now we have another black woman in a high leadership position in Kamala Harris. Hakeem Jeffiries is in line to become Speaker. The head of the DNC is black. so I think we need to do some serious thinking about things. Because it has taken 60 years to get to the point where we have this leadership and looking to the future things can get done. We need to get a black person positioned to be in line for Senate majority leader. If that happens the filibuster could very well be eliminated. It was the filibuster that killed police reform.
I'm half w/the youngsters.

I have the sense to know the danger of it, but at the same time, it's time for a change.

The taken for granted thing by the Democrats and the left, is a real thing.

It has to stop.

Losing to Trump because of their refusal to take Black Americans seriously should cause them to reconsider.

If Biden wins, he'll have to do it w/white women, which is what I foresee happening.
I'm half w/the youngsters.

I have the sense to know the danger of it, but at the same time, it's time for a change.

The taken for granted thing by the Democrats and the left, is a real thing.

It has to stop.

Losing to Trump because of their refusal to take Black Americans seriously should cause them to reconsider.

If Biden wins, he'll have to do it w/white women, which is what I foresee happening.
These youngsters aren't thinking. For example iin 2016, the refusal of blacks to vote put Trump in. Then trump appointed 3 judges that ended affiirmative action. So losing to trump because we feel the Democrats aren't doing enough is unwise. There are a record number of black legislators and yet we keep talking about how the democratic party iis ignoring us. At some poinnt we have to get realistic. When Democrats passed the infrastructure bill that is creating good paying jobs, blacks are getting good paying jobs. When Biden stood with Union workers, he stood with blacks who are union workers. The black unemployment rate is lower under Biden than anyone else. He has appointed more black judges to the courts who can sentence police who commit crimes against blacks.. The ADOS generation does not think. All sitting this one out does is hurt us worse. If we choose not to vote annd trump wins, we give the racists exactly what they want.. And we will certainly be ignored then. I'm to old to go back to Jim Crow. I hate racism just like every other black person, but I''m not going to make it possible for a racist to become president so I can tell Democrats that they should pay more attention to what I want..
Black folk are sick and tired of being taken for granted.

They see what happened w/the Chinese Bill that got signed immediately once a perceived threat to Chinese Americans were determined.

They have never observed such movement for Black American issues.

I agree w/your sentiment, but I also agree w/the sentiment of the Black community in general.

The Democrats have brought this on themselves and they don't seem to be changing.

Have you observed them really listening to Black American's requests?

Note: They are NOT running to Republicans, for you dodo birds out there.
Wow .. close but not quite .. 🙃
These youngsters aren't thinking. For example iin 2016, the refusal of blacks to vote put Trump in. Then trump appointed 3 judges that ended affiirmative action. So losing to trump because we feel the Democrats aren't doing enough is unwise. There are a record number of black legislators and yet we keep talking about how the democratic party iis ignoring us. At some poinnt we have to get realistic. When Democrats passed the infrastructure bill that is creating good paying jobs, blacks are getting good paying jobs. When Biden stood with Union workers, he stood with blacks who are union workers. The black unemployment rate is lower under Biden than anyone else. He has appointed more black judges to the courts who can sentence police who commit crimes against blacks.. The ADOS generation does not think. All sitting this one out does is hurt us worse. If we choose not to vote annd trump wins, we give the racists exactly what they want.. And we will certainly be ignored then. I'm to old to go back to Jim Crow. I hate racism just like every other black person, but I''m not going to make it possible for a racist to become president so I can tell Democrats that they should pay more attention to what I want..
You love your own racism, you wouldn’t be you without it..

It’s pimping dinosaurs like you that need to die off for Blacks to realize their full freedom and potential again before they were bought off and morally devastated in the 60’s by President L. Johnson.. 100 years he said..
We need to get a black person positioned to be in line for Senate majority leader. If that happens the filibuster could very well be eliminated. It was the filibuster that killed police reform.
Lol. The filibuster will kill the Filibuster Kill Bill...

I mean, I feel for you guys but it's pretty fucking funny how dysfunctional your system is.

Well, if one doesn't have to suffer it, of course...
You love your own racism, you wouldn’t be you without it..

It’s pimping dinosaurs like you that need to die off for Blacks to realize their full freedom and potential again before they were bought off and morally devastated in the 60’s by President L. Johnson.. 100 years he said..
No one black listens to white racists. So move on Jethro.
No one black listens to white racists. So move on Jethro.
Funny .. you’ve always been a predictable little dinosaur..🦖 .. I’m thinking you like white Democrats because they’re simps to your racism.
This guy speaks the truth. Democrats need to start talking about what they have done. We hear Republicans talking all the time.

Go MF'ing Brag! Plies Calls Out Biden/Harris For Not Bragging About Accomplishments​

Apparently, some are leaving the plantation.
Talk about cognitive dissonance, can you even post without parasitic race baiting?
I don't race bait. You are white and you show cognitive dissonance.

In the real world that's called fact.
Black folk are sick and tired of being taken for granted.

They see what happened w/the Chinese Bill that got signed immediately once a perceived threat to Chinese Americans were determined.

They have never observed such movement for Black American issues.
This is 100% correct. And empty symbolism, is all that Blacks ever got.

For example, Kamala recently celebrated Black people's chance at a better American future --by hosting a Hip-Hop 50yr celebration in her backyard at her WashDC mansion... where she brought out a few half-Black celebs and some White HISP celebs to help with the bamboozlement.

Meanwhile... she celebrated White HISP illegal imms, this way:

The Democrats have brought this on themselves and they don't seem to be changing.

You are correct!
All while Blacks like IM2 do not care to address the Democrat's refusal to change. He is too busy being like, Roland Martin, out trying to convince Blacks that in exchange for you all's vote --you all should be okay with receiving only some shelter, on the Democrat's plantation.
I don't race bait. You are white and you show cognitive dissonance.

In the real world that's called fact.
Well, if you can't be honest then this is just humor..

moving on, I'm bored..
I'm half w/the youngsters.

I have the sense to know the danger of it, but at the same time, it's time for a change.

The taken for granted thing by the Democrats and the left, is a real thing.

It has to stop.

Losing to Trump because of their refusal to take Black Americans seriously should cause them to reconsider.

If Biden wins, he'll have to do it w/white women, which is what I foresee happening.
I think the best course is to vote for Biden this tiime and if Democrats do not work on police reform in the next 4 years,, make a move to the Green Party. Years ago, long before Obama, I think it wass 1996, the Green Party nominated a black man for presiident. We could make the Green party a legit and competitive 3rd party by 2028.

The problem I have with the ADOS generation is that some of the demands they make are unrealistic. I read the platform and I do agree with Professor Darity's proposal, but there are other parts of that platform that are unconstitutional.

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