So Much For Democrats Calling Others 'Racists' - Thank You, Chuck Schumer: Racist and Proud Of It!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Remember when the Democrats' own personal leaked e-mails exposed them as being RACIST, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites?

Just when you think they are about to live that down, that people are going to forget all about that, the Democrats proudly step forward to remind everyone that they are STILL racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites!

Thank you Democrats, especially / specifically Chuck Schumer!

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer faced a stern rebuke from congressional colleagues for citing skin color in voting against a white federal judge nominee earlier this week."

Lindsey Graham may have said it best when he responded by saying:

"Voting against a highly qualified nominee because of the color of his skin does nothing to bring our country and nation together. Frankly it is a massive step backward."
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) March 1, 2018

Schumer slammed for citing skin color in vote against white judicial nominee
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."
- Joe Biden
Diversity to a liberal is not a diversity of thought or talents or socio-economic backgrounds. It's a diversity of skin color.
Remember when the Democrats' own personal leaked e-mails exposed them as being RACIST, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites?

Just when you think they are about to live that down, that people are going to forget all about that, the Democrats proudly step forward to remind everyone that they are STILL racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites!

Thank you Democrats, especially / specifically Chuck Schumer!

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer faced a stern rebuke from congressional colleagues for citing skin color in voting against a white federal judge nominee earlier this week."

Lindsey Graham may have said it best when he responded by saying:

"Voting against a highly qualified nominee because of the color of his skin does nothing to bring our country and nation together. Frankly it is a massive step backward."
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) March 1, 2018

Schumer slammed for citing skin color in vote against white judicial nominee
THose new hawk politicians are real assholes!
Liberalism really must be a mental disorder if they think they can win elections in a white majority country on a white-hating platform.
Every now and then a Democrat will accidently reveal who they really are and what they really think, Schumer slipped.
Liberalism really must be a mental disorder if they think they can win elections in a white majority country on a white-hating platform.
Obama spent years aiding and abetting terrorists, enemies of this country Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, and violent illegals...illegally spied on reporters / the media / Americans / US Senators / USSC Justices...illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against those who opposed his winning a 2nd term, allowed Americans to be needlessly killed...and still won re-election. His followers still 'worship' and defend him, attempting to re-write history with every word that comes out of their mouths.

Do you really think most people at election time will remember how:

...Democrats openly declared they would be obstructionists to try to block everything the GOP and Trump tried to do, blocking all progress / benefit for this country for the benefit of their own party?

...Democrats were and continue to be exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites?

...Democrats stood with violent illegals instead of Americans in order to shut the government down? How they continue to violate US Law to aid and abet violent illegals / MS-13?

...Democrats opposed giving Americans back any of their own money in tax reform and how they have vowed to overturn it and take that money back?

...Democrats became known as the party of criminal sexual acts, the party whose politicians not only paid off their victims but made doing so with tax dollars an actual process in Congress overseen / run by a Committee?

...That they colluded, collaborated, schemed, violated laws, committed sedition, Obstruction, and even Treason to protect their own and attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President?

...Trump had more economic success in his 1st year than Obama had in his entire 8 years - growing economy, booming stock market, lowest unemployment rate in 49 years, has accomplished more in his 1st year and a half than Reagan supposedly did...?

The Democrats' only chance is to avoid all the facts and whip the radicals into an emotional frenzy based on lies and propaganda, and driven by hate...and they have proven they are mre than capable of doing so.
Liberalism really must be a mental disorder if they think they can win elections in a white majority country on a white-hating platform.
Obama spent years aiding and abetting terrorists, enemies of this country Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, and violent illegals...illegally spied on reporters / the media / Americans / US Senators / USSC Justices...illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against those who opposed his winning a 2nd term, allowed Americans to be needlessly killed...and still won re-election. His followers still 'worship' and defend him, attempting to re-write history with every word that comes out of their mouths.

Do you really think most people at election time will remember how:

...Democrats openly declared they would be obstructionists to try to block everything the GOP and Trump tried to do, blocking all progress / benefit for this country for the benefit of their own party?

...Democrats were and continue to be exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites?

...Democrats stood with violent illegals instead of Americans in order to shut the government down? How they continue to violate US Law to aid and abet violent illegals / MS-13?

...Democrats opposed giving Americans back any of their own money in tax reform and how they have vowed to overturn it and take that money back?

...Democrats became known as the party of criminal sexual acts, the party whose politicians not only paid off their victims but made doing so with tax dollars an actual process in Congress overseen / run by a Committee?

...That they colluded, collaborated, schemed, violated laws, committed sedition, Obstruction, and even Treason to protect their own and attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President?

...Trump had more economic success in his 1st year than Obama had in his entire 8 years - growing economy, booming stock market, lowest unemployment rate in 49 years, has accomplished more in his 1st year and a half than Reagan supposedly did...?

The Democrats' only chance is to avoid all the facts and whip the radicals into an emotional frenzy based on lies and propaganda, and driven by hate...and they have proven they are mre than capable of doing so.

I've been aware of most of those things for years. What I hate most about Obamaggot (& rest assured he is my most hated living thing walking the earth today) is his treasonous Islam fellatio. The Bowe Bergdahl mess, releasing 5 al-qaida kingpins and giving them $5 billion for the release of one deserter who happened to be a fellow muslim. Or his gutting NASA and making it all about "muslim outreach" when that sewer rat religion has never had a scientific accomplishment of its own (the ones they claim were stolen from societies they conquered). Or railroading America into accepting multi-digit numbers of muslim "fake refugee" welfare shoppers, right after the Paris massacre, putting Americans in unnecessary danger. And since Obama's "refugees" were mostly military-aged men, that proves it was a muslim Trojan Horse technique called the hijrah. I've been studying Obama's favorite hate ideology for 6 years, I know all the dirty secret tactics that muslim filth like to pull. And Typhoid Barry was the biggest Islam facilitator in the history of this country.

Remember Obama's treasonous lie, "Islam has been woven into the fabric of America since the beginning." Um no, not one of the Founding Fathers were muslim and the Quran is the extreme antithesis of the U.S. Constitution. Unless he's counting the Barbary Coast pirates who attacked our ships and declared war on America since the 1780s. Ergo, any liberal who wants to import America's longest self-proclaimed enemy in this country, is a traitor both legally and morally.
Liberalism really must be a mental disorder if they think they can win elections in a white majority country on a white-hating platform.
Obama spent years aiding and abetting terrorists, enemies of this country Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, and violent illegals...illegally spied on reporters / the media / Americans / US Senators / USSC Justices...illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against those who opposed his winning a 2nd term, allowed Americans to be needlessly killed...and still won re-election. His followers still 'worship' and defend him, attempting to re-write history with every word that comes out of their mouths.

Do you really think most people at election time will remember how:

...Democrats openly declared they would be obstructionists to try to block everything the GOP and Trump tried to do, blocking all progress / benefit for this country for the benefit of their own party?

...Democrats were and continue to be exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites?

...Democrats stood with violent illegals instead of Americans in order to shut the government down? How they continue to violate US Law to aid and abet violent illegals / MS-13?

...Democrats opposed giving Americans back any of their own money in tax reform and how they have vowed to overturn it and take that money back?

...Democrats became known as the party of criminal sexual acts, the party whose politicians not only paid off their victims but made doing so with tax dollars an actual process in Congress overseen / run by a Committee?

...That they colluded, collaborated, schemed, violated laws, committed sedition, Obstruction, and even Treason to protect their own and attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President?

...Trump had more economic success in his 1st year than Obama had in his entire 8 years - growing economy, booming stock market, lowest unemployment rate in 49 years, has accomplished more in his 1st year and a half than Reagan supposedly did...?

The Democrats' only chance is to avoid all the facts and whip the radicals into an emotional frenzy based on lies and propaganda, and driven by hate...and they have proven they are mre than capable of doing so.

I've been aware of most of those things for years. What I hate most about Obamaggot (& rest assured he is my most hated living thing walking the earth today) is his treasonous Islam fellatio. The Bowe Bergdahl mess, releasing 5 al-qaida kingpins and giving them $5 billion for the release of one deserter who happened to be a fellow muslim. Or his gutting NASA and making it all about "muslim outreach" when that sewer rat religion has never had a scientific accomplishment of its own (the ones they claim were stolen from societies they conquered). Or railroading America into accepting multi-digit numbers of muslim "fake refugee" welfare shoppers, right after the Paris massacre, putting Americans in unnecessary danger. And since Obama's "refugees" were mostly military-aged men, that proves it was a muslim Trojan Horse technique called the hijrah. I've been studying Obama's favorite hate ideology for 6 years, I know all the dirty secret tactics that muslim filth like to pull. And Typhoid Barry was the biggest Islam facilitator in the history of this country.

Remember Obama's treasonous lie, "Islam has been woven into the fabric of America since the beginning." Um no, not one of the Founding Fathers were muslim and the Quran is the extreme antithesis of the U.S. Constitution. Unless he's counting the Barbary Coast pirates who attacked our ships and declared war on America since the 1780s. Ergo, any liberal who wants to import America's longest self-proclaimed enemy in this country, is a traitor both legally and morally.
don't forget the pardon for old traitor chelsea Manning.

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