So Much for Seperation of Church and State.

the left is falling apart? how so?

You can tell by the spasmodic and irrational posting on the board. Ridiculous claims and nonsense criticisms. Outright lies. Attributing actions which were actually committed by the left to the right (see the thread where they're discussing the low-class behavior of the right...and then go on to bring up all the idiotic, low class attacks the LEFT generated).

When posters like Kirk and Sealybobo take over the board for the left, you know things are bad.
How many years have you been saying that?

They lost the 2006 elections, shit their pants, pulled a hail mary move by picking this girl with plenty of baggage, and now we are worried?

We are just not going to let them spin this any old way they want to. She's bad for America, McCain is bad for America, and this is more of the same.

The same people telling George what to do will be telling McCain and Palin what to do.

We just need to fight really hard because the right wing bullshit machine and the media are against us.
I love this.

The left has lost what little cohesiveness they had.

Just look at what 3 conservative commentators got caught saying off camera the other day. This is the truth Allie. This VP pick is the dumbest thing the GOP ever did, besides lie us into Iraq.

Your party is falling apart.

How insulting to all the good republicans McCain could have picked, he went for this nobody? Bad move! I love it!!!!:eusa_clap:
I love this.

The left has lost what little cohesiveness they had.

CT: I also think the Palin pick is insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, too.

PN: Saw Kay this morning.

CT: Yeah, she's never looked comfortable about this --

MM: They're all bummed out.

CT: Yeah, I mean is she really the most qualified woman they could have turned to?

PN: The most qualified? No! I think they went for this -- excuse me-- political bullshit about narratives --

CT: Yeah they went to a narrative.

MM: I totally agree.

PN: Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it.

MM: You know what's really the worst thing about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical.

CT: This is cynical, and as you called it, gimmicky.

MM: Yeah.
Not a defection at all just an attempt to get you to think about this and realize that its not a big deal. She believes God is on her side. Justifying defending your country based on your religious morals is a far cry from religious psycho babble. In fact isn't Obama trying to appeal to Christian voters. Once he answers the question of whether or not he believes God is on Americas side in the war in Iraq then we can continue this discussion. Untill then we can agree that unlike most politicians Palin is up front with her beliefs and not hiding them from liberal attacks.

how mr president, is any war that we start justified by God or Jesus Christ?

In other words, WHAT RELIGIOUS MORALS are you speaking about that could and would justify us starting the war in Iraq....please be specific.

To me, this Blasphemes God???

how mr president, is any war that we start justified by God or Jesus Christ?

In other words, WHAT RELIGIOUS MORALS are you speaking about that could and would justify us starting the war in Iraq....please be specific.

To me, this Blasphemes God???


hey---God sent the Jews arond duking it out with their enemies.
Unfortunately, a candidate can not be honest and tell the dumb American voters the truth, that God is not on our side on this Iraq war. Neither is the rest of the world. Do you think God is against the rest of the world and favors America above all else?

You know what? I think believing in God should disqualify you from being President. What sane adult believes in fairytales? It's rediculous.

The most intelligent men didn't believe. Einstein and Darwin.

I believe that God favors Israel above the rest of the world to be honest and Im a Christian and the bible says those who blessed Israel will be blessed and those who cursed Israel wil be cursed. Israel has no third world allies that I can think of and its two top supporters are the world's super powers.

According to you there is no God and the President who said that would defile the Christian principels this country was formed on. By the way Darwin discredited his own theory of evolution and died a Christian.

When Einstien was asked if he believed in God he said yes

“We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws.”
how mr president, is any war that we start justified by God or Jesus Christ?

In other words, WHAT RELIGIOUS MORALS are you speaking about that could and would justify us starting the war in Iraq....please be specific.

To me, this Blasphemes God???


Lets start with thall shall not kill

The mass murders that were committed by Sadam seem to me enough justification to intervene and go to war. The persecutuion of people of other beliefs. That seems like justification to me. Little girls being raped with knives seems like justification to me. But then again im in the military and not afraid of war. In the bible God's people were a people of war. The mere fact that in the Bible Israel conquered several militaries who were statistically far more superior would be evidence of divine intervention i also turn you to Soddom and Gamorrah. To say that we should stand by while these atrocities occur would blaspheme God

CT: I also think the Palin pick is insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, too.

PN: Saw Kay this morning.

CT: Yeah, she's never looked comfortable about this --

MM: They're all bummed out.

CT: Yeah, I mean is she really the most qualified woman they could have turned to?

PN: The most qualified? No! I think they went for this -- excuse me-- political bullshit about narratives --

CT: Yeah they went to a narrative.

MM: I totally agree.

PN: Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it.

MM: You know what's really the worst thing about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical.

CT: This is cynical, and as you called it, gimmicky.

MM: Yeah.

Er..ok. The off-mic comments of journalists.

Wow. This is really hard-hitting stuff.
Unfortunately, a candidate can not be honest and tell the dumb American voters the truth, that God is not on our side on this Iraq war. Neither is the rest of the world. Do you think God is against the rest of the world and favors America above all else?

You know what? I think believing in God should disqualify you from being President. What sane adult believes in fairytales? It's rediculous.

The most intelligent men didn't believe. Einstein and Darwin.

I guess you'll be sitting home Nov. 4th this year since you have disqualified both candidates.

No fears though, we won't miss you :)

she can share her religion. but she cant use religion as a way to justify our government actitivites.

So I can say "I believe the right thing to do is to Declare War on Iraq" but I can't say "my God told me the right thing to do was to Declare War on Iraq?"

Where is this right established?
Lets start with thall shall not kill

1The mass murders that were committed by Sadam seem to me enough justification to intervene and go to war. 2The persecutuion of people of other beliefs. That seems like justification to me. 3Little girls being raped with knives seems like justification to me. But then again im in the military and not afraid of war. 4 In the bible God's people were a people of war. The mere fact that in the Bible Israel conquered several militaries who were statistically far more superior would be evidence of divine intervention i also turn you to Soddom and Gamorrah. To say that we should stand by while these atrocities occur would blaspheme God

1 Saddam had mass murdered those people 1-2 decades earlier and was not doing such at the time we chose to attack fact, we went to war with saddam in Gulf war one, which was after he had already committed genocide on them....

1.a and the innocent people that died because of our actions by going to war, how is that not murder directed by gvt?

2 Iraq was a secular country, there were Christian communities there, now AFTER this war, the Christians have had to flee and we have Sharia Law on the doorsteps of ruling Iraq.

3 little girls and boys are raped in the usa too, should other gvts come in and kill us because of this happening here?

4 if you are jewish, then that is all fine and dandy I suppose, but Christ while here on Earth taught that we walk an extra unforced mile with our adversaries, and Christ taught to turn the other cheek and Christ taught to love thy enemies as thyself...all because Christ believed that this would be like burning coals on our enemy's heads...eventually bringing peace....i suppose...

So, as a religious person, a Christian, I whole heartedly DISAGREE with you...

Saying that God sent you to war or justifies a war that is unjustifiable and NOT "Just War" as described in religious terms over the centuries, blasphemes God. I stand by my thoughts and words on it....

If this were the Sudan and we went in to save these people that genocide is wiping out, THEN I might agree with you....but this was NOT the case and to attribute this war to being a war of God's is blasphemy....making you all Gods...and you all putting words in God's mouth....i wouldn't do that if i were you....again, this is just my peon opinion! :)

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I think believing in God should disqualify you from being President. The most intelligent men didn't believe. Einstein and Darwin.

"In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views." -Albert Einstein

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It's time to change the thread starter's diapers since he's been spewing a lot of crap as of late.
"I believe the right thing to do is to Declare War on Iraq"
speaking for yourself

"my God told me the right thing to do was to Declare War on Iraq?"
speaking for God.

no one can speak for God. that is blasphemy. and using God as a justification for war? yeah, i'm sure He loves that
Actually, I think that those of the faithful are given the authority to speak for God, as we are his children.

Who said "My God told me the right thing to do" (I'm assuming Bush) and is there a link to a speech transcript or something?
Not a defection at all just an attempt to get you to think about this and realize that its not a big deal. She believes God is on her side. Justifying defending your country based on your religious morals is a far cry from religious psycho babble. In fact isn't Obama trying to appeal to Christian voters. Once he answers the question of whether or not he believes God is on Americas side in the war in Iraq then we can continue this discussion. Untill then we can agree that unlike most politicians Palin is up front with her beliefs and not hiding them from liberal attacks.

she didnt just say God is on our side. she said Got wanted us to attack. that is completely different. it is using God to justify a war that WE started. she cannot speak for God
Actually, I think that those of the faithful are given the authority to speak for God, as we are his children.

christians can speak about God has told them, in the Bible. but they cannot say something which has no Biblical backing and say that God told them such. they can repeat what God has said, but they cannot say what He has never said and claim the words came from Him
she didnt just say God is on our side. she said Got wanted us to attack. that is completely different. it is using God to justify a war that WE started. she cannot speak for God

Still waiting for a link to the quote.

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