So much for the "consensus" myth....

They get nuttier all the time don't they

It's like some kind of mass stupidity. Earlier mamooth tried to argue that 2 heat lamps operating at 150 F can heat one another beyond 150 F.. The fact they are both 150 F seems to beyond his comprehension. I posed the thought experiment just to see how many people would miss the fact both are 150 F and sure enough, not one of the numan fan base could grasp it. And the funniest part, Ian, rather than admit that his god Roy Spencer has been lying to him, decides he no longer understands the english language and pretended to not understand it..

Imagine a whole world where probably 2 out of every 5 people are that damn willfully ignorant. They would rather be a fool than confront their chosen messiahs.. I said it before it was like a religious cult, and all these has just confirmed it to me. the true believers like Mamooth, if the world fell into a total polar freeze for 6 months, she'd still be on here ranting about global warming. People like this......perpatually miserable.......absolutely must have a "cause" to get behind or their world comes apart. All these activist assholes have this in common......they gotta find some meaning in the world or the walls start creeping in at all 4 corners.

Indeed.......sceptics could spend 100 years and nothing is going to change in the attitude of the climate OC's, no matter what goes on in the real world. To me, its all about posting up important stuff for the people who come into this forum without a identify this stuff for what it is: a far left fantasy that is out of step with the mainstream.

Thankfully......our side is winning in dominating fashion, thus, the goal is to continue that effort. For me, I want people to know that if they follow the lead of these fucking nutters, their house will be in foreclosure in the blink of an eye due to mega-electric bills and additional taxes.:coffee: The bubble dwellars dont give a shit about long as their wealth redistribution agenda is met.'d laugh your ass off. My 13 year old son already humilates adults entangled in the web of the whole global warming matrix. Its hysterical to watch........

You should get your 13 year old son to explain what the study really said then - it's clearly beyond you.
If you were writing a paper about the effect of climate change on polar bears, would you put something in your summary to the effect of "I really believe that anthropogenic climate change is a real thing"?
Of course you wouldn't, because the assumption of the article is that AGW is real and you are just reporting on the effects on polar bears.
I'd like to give you the benefit of some doubt and suggest that the point is rather subtle and hard to grasp BUT IT ISN'T, I think you're too dumb to figure it out.
But that's long as you're happy in your ignorance I'm happy for you.

Well it seems if it were in dispute enough to warrant a study prove its consensus acceptance like this paper I would... See the problem yet?

If they had 12,000 papers on climate change to begin with, and 66% of them didn't picka side at all, there is no consensus... The majority are undecided by their own numbers. Case of consensus is closed.

Why would they state a position on an issue that, by the very nature of their paper, is assumed to be true by the writer and the reader.
Why would the writer of a paper on clouds put in his summary that he believes that clouds are made out of water droplets?
I have no doubt that you can't understand this oh-so-subtle point though.

No, no socko.. They took the papers using a search for things relating to global warming expressly. If what you claim were the case they would have added those papers to the "pro" side by default. They didn't and why? Because they knew that those papers did not take a side period.. Nice try..
They get nuttier all the time don't they

It's like some kind of mass stupidity. Earlier mamooth tried to argue that 2 heat lamps operating at 150 F can heat one another beyond 150 F.. The fact they are both 150 F seems to beyond his comprehension. I posed the thought experiment just to see how many people would miss the fact both are 150 F and sure enough, not one of the numan fan base could grasp it. And the funniest part, Ian, rather than admit that his god Roy Spencer has been lying to him, decides he no longer understands the english language and pretended to not understand it..

Imagine a whole world where probably 2 out of every 5 people are that damn willfully ignorant. They would rather be a fool than confront their chosen messiahs.. I said it before it was like a religious cult, and all these has just confirmed it to me. the true believers like Mamooth, if the world fell into a total polar freeze for 6 months, she'd still be on here ranting about global warming. People like this......perpatually miserable.......absolutely must have a "cause" to get behind or their world comes apart. All these activist assholes have this in common......they gotta find some meaning in the world or the walls start creeping in at all 4 corners.

Indeed.......sceptics could spend 100 years and nothing is going to change in the attitude of the climate OC's, no matter what goes on in the real world. To me, its all about posting up important stuff for the people who come into this forum without a identify this stuff for what it is: a far left fantasy that is out of step with the mainstream.

Thankfully......our side is winning in dominating fashion, thus, the goal is to continue that effort. For me, I want people to know that if they follow the lead of these fucking nutters, their house will be in foreclosure in the blink of an eye due to mega-electric bills and additional taxes.:coffee: The bubble dwellars dont give a shit about long as their wealth redistribution agenda is met.'d laugh your ass off. My 13 year old son already humilates adults entangled in the web of the whole global warming matrix. Its hysterical to watch........

All it takes is a look at some countries that are at the point of no return down the road where the nut cases on this side of the ocean want to go.
Smart Grid - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten
Nachtspeicherheizungen sollten abgeschafft werden.
Nach Greenpeace-Berechnungen erzeugen sie dreimal mehr Klimagase als Gas-Brennwertkessel und zehnmal mehr als Holzpelletheizungen
A "Nachtspeicher Heizung" is a heat storage device that Germans have been using since hydro bills went through the roof.


At night the power used to be ~ 1/2 price and home owners used to store heat for daytime use when a new hydro tax (1999) came into effect.
Now Greenpeace says that these heat storage devices cause 3 times more greenhouse gasses than a natural gas fired plant and push for legislation to outlaw these heating systems.
All homes will also have to be equipped with "smart meters" and "smart appliances" and it`s no longer up to you when to do the laundry or when you can take a hot shower, but depends on when wind and solar power will let you have the power.
It`s the ultimate lefty dream,...being able to micro manage other people`s lives and in Germany it`s a reality.
Imagine you have to get a "numan" permission when you want to do your laundry or turn on your furnace...or pay a huge fine if your wife turned on the toaster
while you charged that mandatory electric car
In Germany the entire "renewable energy" pipe dream is back firing big time and the "remedies" are getting ever more ridiculous.

If Americans already got pissed off when the left was trying to make a grab for their right to bear arms only knew the grim reality behind the green on the outside, red inside water melon movement they would quash it till it does not even twitch any more.
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No, we were discussing the OP's misunderstanding of a scientific study of peer-reviewed papers.
gslack has no idea either.
I don't know about light bulbs and blankets.

Tell ya what, I'm right here. Instead of talking about me,why don't you try talking to me.

As you said previously you didn't bother reading earlier posts before jumping in, so why not start now? Got a whole mess of them before this one. If you're going to say I have no clue to somebody, start with showing how..

Try reading my earlier posts then, I thought I explained it pretty well.
Where did I say that I didn't read earlier posts?
I even found the study mentioned in the OP.

Oh that's right, that was the OTHER CONVERSATION where you didn't read the earlier posts and mentioned me... My bad... Maybe you should actually talk to me when you want to speak about me next time and we won't have this problem...

I did read your earlier posts, your excuse of the 66% having no opinion is that the papers are by default and matter of course pro agw because why? Because you claim they are.. Uh-huh... And somehow the people who did the story knew better and didn't add them to the pro list..

Perhaps you should talk to them and explain your logic, maybe they will forgo the whole scientific thing and go with your hypothesis..
It's like some kind of mass stupidity. Earlier mamooth tried to argue that 2 heat lamps operating at 150 F can heat one another beyond 150 F.. The fact they are both 150 F seems to beyond his comprehension. I posed the thought experiment just to see how many people would miss the fact both are 150 F and sure enough, not one of the numan fan base could grasp it. And the funniest part, Ian, rather than admit that his god Roy Spencer has been lying to him, decides he no longer understands the english language and pretended to not understand it..

Imagine a whole world where probably 2 out of every 5 people are that damn willfully ignorant. They would rather be a fool than confront their chosen messiahs.. I said it before it was like a religious cult, and all these has just confirmed it to me. the true believers like Mamooth, if the world fell into a total polar freeze for 6 months, she'd still be on here ranting about global warming. People like this......perpatually miserable.......absolutely must have a "cause" to get behind or their world comes apart. All these activist assholes have this in common......they gotta find some meaning in the world or the walls start creeping in at all 4 corners.

Indeed.......sceptics could spend 100 years and nothing is going to change in the attitude of the climate OC's, no matter what goes on in the real world. To me, its all about posting up important stuff for the people who come into this forum without a identify this stuff for what it is: a far left fantasy that is out of step with the mainstream.

Thankfully......our side is winning in dominating fashion, thus, the goal is to continue that effort. For me, I want people to know that if they follow the lead of these fucking nutters, their house will be in foreclosure in the blink of an eye due to mega-electric bills and additional taxes.:coffee: The bubble dwellars dont give a shit about long as their wealth redistribution agenda is met.'d laugh your ass off. My 13 year old son already humilates adults entangled in the web of the whole global warming matrix. Its hysterical to watch........

You should get your 13 year old son to explain what the study really said then - it's clearly beyond you.

Socko, my son's 17. Skooks son is 13.. If your going tostalk and talk about me, best follow the conversation better...

Two threads you talk about me, and now you're starting to seem creepy..Whats your sudden obsession with me about?
Well it seems if it were in dispute enough to warrant a study prove its consensus acceptance like this paper I would... See the problem yet?

If they had 12,000 papers on climate change to begin with, and 66% of them didn't picka side at all, there is no consensus... The majority are undecided by their own numbers. Case of consensus is closed.

Why would they state a position on an issue that, by the very nature of their paper, is assumed to be true by the writer and the reader.
Why would the writer of a paper on clouds put in his summary that he believes that clouds are made out of water droplets?
I have no doubt that you can't understand this oh-so-subtle point though.

No, no socko.. They took the papers using a search for things relating to global warming expressly. If what you claim were the case they would have added those papers to the "pro" side by default. They didn't and why? Because they knew that those papers did not take a side period.. Nice try..

If you actually read the story, they consciously decided to put the ones that didn't state a position on the 'no opinion expressed' side.
You're right that they searched papers relating to global warming - but they only examined the summaries. the true believers like Mamooth, if the world fell into a total polar freeze for 6 months, she'd still be on here ranting about global warming. People like this......perpatually miserable.......absolutely must have a "cause" to get behind or their world comes apart. All these activist assholes have this in common......they gotta find some meaning in the world or the walls start creeping in at all 4 corners.

Indeed.......sceptics could spend 100 years and nothing is going to change in the attitude of the climate OC's, no matter what goes on in the real world. To me, its all about posting up important stuff for the people who come into this forum without a identify this stuff for what it is: a far left fantasy that is out of step with the mainstream.

Thankfully......our side is winning in dominating fashion, thus, the goal is to continue that effort. For me, I want people to know that if they follow the lead of these fucking nutters, their house will be in foreclosure in the blink of an eye due to mega-electric bills and additional taxes.:coffee: The bubble dwellars dont give a shit about long as their wealth redistribution agenda is met.'d laugh your ass off. My 13 year old son already humilates adults entangled in the web of the whole global warming matrix. Its hysterical to watch........

You should get your 13 year old son to explain what the study really said then - it's clearly beyond you.

Socko, my son's 17. Skooks son is 13.. If your going tostalk and talk about me, best follow the conversation better...

Two threads you talk about me, and now you're starting to seem creepy..Whats your sudden obsession with me about?

I'm sure your son is a fine lad.
What is this other thread of which you speak?
Why would they state a position on an issue that, by the very nature of their paper, is assumed to be true by the writer and the reader.
Why would the writer of a paper on clouds put in his summary that he believes that clouds are made out of water droplets?
I have no doubt that you can't understand this oh-so-subtle point though.

No, no socko.. They took the papers using a search for things relating to global warming expressly. If what you claim were the case they would have added those papers to the "pro" side by default. They didn't and why? Because they knew that those papers did not take a side period.. Nice try..

If you actually read the story, they consciously decided to put the ones that didn't state a position on the 'no opinion expressed' side.
You're right that they searched papers relating to global warming - but they only examined the summaries.

AND if they could have made the argument those papers in fact did express an opinion pro-agw as you claim is "assumed", then they would have done so and added them to the pro list..Wouldn't they.. Of course they would have.. Your argument is a silly one..
You should get your 13 year old son to explain what the study really said then - it's clearly beyond you.

Socko, my son's 17. Skooks son is 13.. If your going tostalk and talk about me, best follow the conversation better...

Two threads you talk about me, and now you're starting to seem creepy..Whats your sudden obsession with me about?

I'm sure your son is a fine lad.
What is this other thread of which you speak?

Seems funny you posted to mamooth earlier saying that very thing yet it's different now.. It's called editing and it's not new...

He is, and you don't know him. And you certainly never asked about him until now, and now you just spoke about me and him as if you somehow know enough to do so, mysteriously...

Not a safe game your playing socko, you will get caught...
Socko, my son's 17. Skooks son is 13.. If your going tostalk and talk about me, best follow the conversation better...

Two threads you talk about me, and now you're starting to seem creepy..Whats your sudden obsession with me about?

I'm sure your son is a fine lad.
What is this other thread of which you speak?

Seems funny you posted to mamooth earlier saying that very thing yet it's different now.. It's called editing and it's not new...

He is, and you don't know him. And you certainly never asked about him until now, and now you just spoke about me and him as if you somehow know enough to do so, mysteriously...

Not a safe game your playing socko, you will get caught...

You brought him into the conversation, not me.
Now, where's this other thread that I've been stalking you in?
And, what post are you talking about to Mamooth?
I don't have any idea. For no apparent reason, gslack suddenly started screaming that I'd edited some post in a manner that made me a liar and just all-around horrible person. Even though I asked him directly, he still won't tell anyone what the post was, or what it was that I supposedly edited out. Or in. It's all a mystery. He just keeps shrieking over and over that I did it. I'm writing it off to the fact that he and polarbear lose their shit completely around me. Something about me makes those two crazy.

Oh, he also regularly accuses anyone who disagrees with him either of being a sockpuppet, or of running sockpuppets. It changes from day to day, as to whether you are a sock, or whether you run socks. So pay little attention when he accuses you, since he accuses everyone.

It's best to just ignore him. He delights in sidetracking every topic into endless pissing matches about nothing, so you'll frustrate him most by simply not responding.
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I don't have any idea. For no apparent reason, gslack suddenly started screaming that I'd edited some post in a manner that made me a liar and just all-around horrible person. Even though I asked him directly, he still won't tell anyone what the post was, or what it was that I supposedly edited out. Or in. It's all a mystery. He just keeps shrieking over and over that I did it. I'm writing it off to the fact that he and polarbear lose their shit completely around me. Something about me makes those two crazy.

Oh, he also regularly accuses anyone who disagrees with him either of being a sockpuppet, or of running sockpuppets. It changes from day to day, as to whether you are a sock, or whether you run socks. So pay little attention when he accuses you, since he accuses everyone.

It's best to just ignore him. He delights in sidetracking every topic into endless pissing matches about nothing, so you'll frustrate him most by simply not responding.

Phew, cheers.
So the madness is his, not mine.
The wee world inside his head doesn't sound like a very nice place.
I'm sure your son is a fine lad.
What is this other thread of which you speak?

Seems funny you posted to mamooth earlier saying that very thing yet it's different now.. It's called editing and it's not new...

He is, and you don't know him. And you certainly never asked about him until now, and now you just spoke about me and him as if you somehow know enough to do so, mysteriously...

Not a safe game your playing socko, you will get caught...

You brought him into the conversation, not me.
Now, where's this other thread that I've been stalking you in?
And, what post are you talking about to Mamooth?

No you did shmuck.. I talked about him in another thread, skooks talked about his son, and you talked about mine.. Thanks for clarifying whose sock you are..
I don't have any idea. For no apparent reason, gslack suddenly started screaming that I'd edited some post in a manner that made me a liar and just all-around horrible person. Even though I asked him directly, he still won't tell anyone what the post was, or what it was that I supposedly edited out. Or in. It's all a mystery. He just keeps shrieking over and over that I did it. I'm writing it off to the fact that he and polarbear lose their shit completely around me. Something about me makes those two crazy.

Oh, he also regularly accuses anyone who disagrees with him either of being a sockpuppet, or of running sockpuppets. It changes from day to day, as to whether you are a sock, or whether you run socks. So pay little attention when he accuses you, since he accuses everyone.

It's best to just ignore him. He delights in sidetracking every topic into endless pissing matches about nothing, so you'll frustrate him most by simply not responding.

Liar.. You know exactly what went on admiral, and your sock double team is too obvious. You keep forgetting what conversations you had using which persona.. Grow up and take your sock with you.
Seems funny you posted to mamooth earlier saying that very thing yet it's different now.. It's called editing and it's not new...

He is, and you don't know him. And you certainly never asked about him until now, and now you just spoke about me and him as if you somehow know enough to do so, mysteriously...

Not a safe game your playing socko, you will get caught...

You brought him into the conversation, not me.
Now, where's this other thread that I've been stalking you in?
And, what post are you talking about to Mamooth?

No you did shmuck.. I talked about him in another thread, skooks talked about his son, and you talked about mine.. Thanks for clarifying whose sock you are..
Link please?
You brought him into the conversation, not me.
Now, where's this other thread that I've been stalking you in?
And, what post are you talking about to Mamooth?

No you did shmuck.. I talked about him in another thread, skooks talked about his son, and you talked about mine.. Thanks for clarifying whose sock you are..
Link please?

If you were talking to skooks about his son why not stop mentioning me in your posts? You seem to like mentioning me a lot, so who the hell are you talking to? me or skooks? If it's skooks don't talk about me in the post and problem solved..

Now I'm going toask again why you kept talking about me in your posts here, and why this obsession with me. If you want to talk about me talk to me.Don't end posts to others with "gslack is or does or thinks, etc" ..

Again your excuses are as ridiculous as your manner here.
No you did shmuck.. I talked about him in another thread, skooks talked about his son, and you talked about mine.. Thanks for clarifying whose sock you are..
Link please?

If you were talking to skooks about his son why not stop mentioning me in your posts? You seem to like mentioning me a lot, so who the hell are you talking to? me or skooks? If it's skooks don't talk about me in the post and problem solved..

Now I'm going toask again why you kept talking about me in your posts here, and why this obsession with me. If you want to talk about me talk to me.Don't end posts to others with "gslack is or does or thinks, etc" ..

Again your excuses are as ridiculous as your manner here.

Link please?

If you were talking to skooks about his son why not stop mentioning me in your posts? You seem to like mentioning me a lot, so who the hell are you talking to? me or skooks? If it's skooks don't talk about me in the post and problem solved..

Now I'm going toask again why you kept talking about me in your posts here, and why this obsession with me. If you want to talk about me talk to me.Don't end posts to others with "gslack is or does or thinks, etc" ..

Again your excuses are as ridiculous as your manner here.


no to what? LOL,there wasn't a yes or no question silly..
If you were talking to skooks about his son why not stop mentioning me in your posts? You seem to like mentioning me a lot, so who the hell are you talking to? me or skooks? If it's skooks don't talk about me in the post and problem solved..

Now I'm going toask again why you kept talking about me in your posts here, and why this obsession with me. If you want to talk about me talk to me.Don't end posts to others with "gslack is or does or thinks, etc" ..

Again your excuses are as ridiculous as your manner here.


no to what? LOL,there wasn't a yes or no question silly..

Ok then.........................purple.

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