So much for the discussion over Trump ties to Russia...once again the media buys his bs


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
The MSM single handily gave us Trump by covering the guys bs 25 hours a day and now here we go again, being derailed by all the shit that's going on in NK. To date, I've yet to hear one word about the investigation on Trump and our election.

Folks, amazing how short our memory becomes when we allow the media to dictate what's important to us. This man was contacted by the Russians to enfluence our elections and here we are stressing over a 4 foot tall rice eating maggot in NK.
The MSM single handily gave us Trump by covering the guys bs 25 hours a day and now here we go again, being derailed by all the shit that's going on in NK. To date, I've yet to hear one word about the investigation on Trump and our election.

Folks, amazing how short our memory becomes when we allow the media to dictate what's important to us. This man was contacted by the Russians to enfluence our elections and here we are stressing over a 4 foot tall rice eating maggot in NK.
Despite your febrile distress, NK is simply more important than the investigation right now. In fact, the very truth that you are distressed over this tells me that you're more interested in complaining about Trump than you are about justice being served and the very real possibility of war.
Maybe the reason they haven't came up with any real evidence or smoking gun is because their isn't any? Do you really think with all the pit bulls on Trump's tail if they had any proof it wouldn't have already hit virtually every liberal biased news source on the planet? Maybe instead they should fire James Comey and hire a real investigative team so they can go after the Clinton's for all their KNOWN PROVEN criminality. Besides the email debacle and numerous other highly questionable crimes involving their bogus foundation, how about when Billy boy met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac? Or check Obama the Muslim traitor who committed so many high treasonous deeds against this country, it's truly a wonder America is even still here. You know like when he traded 5 Taliban Commanders for one worthless deserter named Bowe Bergdahl? And in that incident he also flew skids of cash to Iran so they could continue funding their terrorist activities? Then there's the Benghazi incident where he ignored the pleas of four Americans for more security allowing them to be slaughtered. He spent all America's money as fast as possible, divided the country racially, and most probably tried to fix this last election by allowing millions of illegals in and giving them voting rights.

So basically maybe instead of focusing on the right they should turn their attention on the left instead?

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