So Now Hillary Is Good Enough?

How come she wasn't good enough 8 years ago?

Their token Black man didn't work out. That's why they've turned into racist bigots against Ben Carson.

Who are these racist bigots against Carson. You right wingers just make shit up. Bunch of lairs, shame on you .

Ya know what . Romney is 10x better than any of the freak shows on the GOP ticket .

You disagree with a black politician, that makes you a racist. This is a fact, it happened to anyone who disagreed with Obama. Are you saying liberals were making shit up?

That's a lie. RWer's didn't simply disagree with his policies. A large percentage of your party doesn't believe he's a US citizen, even to this day. They think he's a Muslim from Kenya.

Would they say that if he were white? Of course not.
Democrats will take anybody. They have no standards.

I'm sitting back waiting for one of them to come along and offer a new pickup truck. When that happens, I'm turning Democrat. It may even happen this year with Burn Me Sanders. He'll just put it on the top 2% ers tab like he's doing most everything else. He did admit the other day though that under his Socialist agenda, EVERYONE's taxes will increase.
Taxes? Obumble done fixed that when the Demoncrats passed Obamanation without a republican vote.

How come she wasn't good enough 8 years ago?
Obama was more hope and change. Hillary is admitting we need the Clinton's back.
Hillary is admitting that the Democrats and Obozo (who she worked for) FUCKED US!!!

So how about another round???

Yes, almost all the insurers are bailing out of Obamacare. It is a total disaster.

Are you kidding its a gift to the insurance giants. They get government money for poor people. People who aren't poor have to pay $300 a month. If anyone's complaining its people who are lower middle class because its forcing them to buy something expensive.

Im all for single payer. Socialized medicine. Then it'd be $150 a month not $300
Hillary has always been good enough. She just got fucked over by the DNC and a few other powerful friends (like the Kennedys).
Cause obama was better . He's more likeable , better speaker , has a better story .

It oughtta be. He didn't write it.
He has a great team too. Hasn't screwed up once where bush screwed up the housing mkt, job mkt, stock mkt

Too funny.

He has done nothing BUT screw up. He is the greatest mistake this country has ever made.

No, that title goes to GW bush .

But tell me how obama is the worst . Be specific . Cause we know how you right wingers just make shit up all the time .

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