So Now Hillary Is Good Enough?

Who are these racist bigots against Carson. You right wingers just make shit up. Bunch of lairs, shame on you .

Ya know what . Romney is 10x better than any of the freak shows on the GOP ticket .

You disagree with a black politician, that makes you a racist. This is a fact, it happened to anyone who disagreed with Obama. Are you saying liberals were making shit up?

That's a lie. RWer's didn't simply disagree with his policies. A large percentage of your party doesn't believe he's a US citizen, even to this day. They think he's a Muslim from Kenya.

Would they say that if he were white? Of course not.

I never thought Obama was a Muslim, born in Kenya. I disagreed with Obamacare. I disagreed with him and Bush on TARP. I wanted the Feds to prosecute the bankers that ripped us off. Those on the left, like Franco and JoeB called me a racist. So please quit trying to change history.

There's no changing history that a good deal of your party are racist. At least you don't deny it.

I have no idea why Franco or JoeB called you a racist. I wasn't there. Maybe they had a reason.

I deny say it was true either, did I?

I don't care if you were their or not, the left called people that objected to Obama's policies as racists, the left set the bar.

Now, if a person disagrees with a black politician, that makes you a racist. The left made this shit up. Live with it and learn from it.

You disagree with a black politician, that makes you a racist. This is a fact, it happened to anyone who disagreed with Obama. Are you saying liberals were making shit up?

That's a lie. RWer's didn't simply disagree with his policies. A large percentage of your party doesn't believe he's a US citizen, even to this day. They think he's a Muslim from Kenya.

Would they say that if he were white? Of course not.

I never thought Obama was a Muslim, born in Kenya. I disagreed with Obamacare. I disagreed with him and Bush on TARP. I wanted the Feds to prosecute the bankers that ripped us off. Those on the left, like Franco and JoeB called me a racist. So please quit trying to change history.

There's no changing history that a good deal of your party are racist. At least you don't deny it.

I have no idea why Franco or JoeB called you a racist. I wasn't there. Maybe they had a reason.

I deny say it was true either, did I?

I don't care if you were their or not, the left called people that objected to Obama's policies as racists, the left set the bar.

Now, if a person disagrees with a black politician, that makes you a racist. The left made this shit up. Live with it and learn from it.


It's liberal logic, doesn't have to make sense.
Cause obama was better . He's more likeable , better speaker , has a better story .

Hillary is kinda wooden. She still is Better than the current crew .

You gotta be kidding. I've seen cardboard boxes with more personality than Hillary. Trump will trounce her.
How come she wasn't good enough 8 years ago?

Their token Black man didn't work out. That's why they've turned into racist bigots against Ben Carson.

Who are these racist bigots against Carson. You right wingers just make shit up. Bunch of lairs, shame on you .

Ya know what . Romney is 10x better than any of the freak shows on the GOP ticket .

Every Republican candidate is a better candidate than the liar Hillary.

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