So now it's fair to blame obaaaaaaaama right?

The LIBs have blamed 'Buuuuuuush' for the last 7+ years for Obama's fuckups. Now we can blame BONOBO for the President Biden's fuckups for eight years. Right?
Economy looks bleaker by the day for first quarter
What are you talking about? When have the CONS not blamed Obama? Do the LIBS have some sort of power over what CONS do that I'm not aware of? Is this another instance of "phantom injustice", like how political correctness is supposed to be suppressing free speech, yet right wing yammerers are on the airways 24/7?
The LIBs have blamed 'Buuuuuuush' for the last 7+ years for Obama's fuckups.
Now we can blame BONOBO for the President Biden's fuckups for eight years. Right?
Economy looks bleaker by the day for first quarter
No, we've put the proper blame where it belongs. Secondly, cons have been blaming President Obama for everything since before his inauguration. Lastly, the Vice President isn't running for President this election cycle. Also your racist comparison of the President to a bonobo chimp is noted and repudiated.
One glaring obuthole screw up is obamacare. The only problem with Bush is when the retarded dems took control of congress. Retarded libs.
One glaring obuthole screw up is obamacare. The only problem with Bush is when the retarded dems took control of congress. Retarded libs.
It wasn't the dem's fault that Bush let 9/11 happen. It wasn't the dem's fault that bush invaded Iraq. It wasn't dem's fault that Bush had 2 wars and an unfunded Medicare prescription plan off the books. Bush was a clusterfuck from the start to the finish.
The LIBs have blamed 'Buuuuuuush' for the last 7+ years for Obama's fuckups.
Now we can blame BONOBO for the President Biden's fuckups for eight years. Right?
Economy looks bleaker by the day for first quarter

Any "recovery" was tepid at best and it wasn't from any policy from Boy Blunder Obama. The man is a fucking disaster from the economy to foreign policy...and everything in between
The LIBs have blamed 'Buuuuuuush' for the last 7+ years for Obama's fuckups.
Now we can blame BONOBO for the President Biden's fuckups for eight years. Right?
Economy looks bleaker by the day for first quarter
No, we've put the proper blame where it belongs. Secondly, cons have been blaming President Obama for everything since before his inauguration. Lastly, the Vice President isn't running for President this election cycle. Also your racist comparison of the President to a bonobo chimp is noted and repudiated.

Danny really is just a boy.
The LIBs have blamed 'Buuuuuuush' for the last 7+ years for Obama's fuckups.
Now we can blame BONOBO for the President Biden's fuckups for eight years. Right?
Economy looks bleaker by the day for first quarter

Any "recovery" was tepid at best and it wasn't from any policy from Boy Blunder Obama. The man is a fucking disaster from the economy to foreign policy...and everything in between

As always, stunned by your fact-based, data-driven commentary....
One glaring obuthole screw up is obamacare. The only problem with Bush is when the retarded dems took control of congress. Retarded libs.
It wasn't the dem's fault that Bush let 9/11 happen. It wasn't the dem's fault that bush invaded Iraq. It wasn't dem's fault that Bush had 2 wars and an unfunded Medicare prescription plan off the books. Bush was a clusterfuck from the start to the finish.

Then he passed the Patriot Act and created Homeland Security, which made northern Virginia boom into the east coast's answer to southern California. If you don't have EZPass, don't even try driving around the D.C. Beltway unless you pack a tent and a couple of meals.

And further, how many suspected terrorists has the TSA caught? Answer: 0
One glaring obuthole screw up is obamacare. The only problem with Bush is when the retarded dems took control of congress. Retarded libs.
It wasn't the dem's fault that Bush let 9/11 happen. It wasn't the dem's fault that bush invaded Iraq. It wasn't dem's fault that Bush had 2 wars and an unfunded Medicare prescription plan off the books. Bush was a clusterfuck from the start to the finish.
9-11 was clintons fault. Obuthole is a bigger cluster duck. Retarded libs.

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