So, now liberals don't believe in the 5th and 6th ammendment either?

kaz and bripat are typical brain dead reactionaries and or libertarians.

The FFs created a strong national government to make sure that folks like them would not be creating "insurrections" against the governments of We the People. The 2nd Amendment was created to prevent insurrection.

They are not entitled to their own facts and their own definitions: only their own opinions.

That's 100% wrong, Fakey. Exactly the opposite is the case.
Amendment II. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The Right?s Second Amendment Lies | Consortiumnews Why GW wanted militia to put down insurrections and Indian American troubles.

He used the militia against the whiskey farmers in 1794.

Nope, boyos, GW did not support Dan Shay's type stupidities.

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