So, now liberals don't believe in the 5th and 6th ammendment either?

Your opinion, bripat, is not evidence for what you believe. No, the American people do not feel as you do at all, except in a small minority.

You hate government. We get that. But . . . governments will always operate.

This is typical far left reactionary nonsense.

That governments will always operate is lefty? If that is so, you must be so far right that bigreb looks like a liberal to you. Quit being silly.

Your such a far left reactionary that you think governments should operate far left, else the world will go to hell.
This is typical far left reactionary nonsense.

That governments will always operate is lefty? If that is so, you must be so far right that bigreb looks like a liberal to you. Quit being silly.

Your such a far left reactionary that you think governments should operate far left, else the world will go to hell.

You are loony. One, governments will operate. Two, our constitutional republic is the best of all governments. Three, you reactionaries will never take over the government.
Liberals absolutely believe in representative government. They just think they should be the only representatives.
That's exactly the point. Obama continued Bush's exact pattern. Liberals went nuts when Bush did his AUMF. Then Obama gives non citizen terrorists American rights and denies a naturalized American his civil rights.

Not that I don't think that the little shit should burn in hell if he is guilty I do. It's the liberal hypocrisy that's astounding.

Amendments 5, 6, 7 and 8 died with Obama's NDAA, where have you been?

Oh so did Hab Corpus.

Wow. Inventing history now, eh?

Ever hear of a guy named George W. Bush?

That's who this shit started with. Obama RENEWED Bush's NDAA.

Allow me to refresh your incredibly short memory:

CBO | S. 2400, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005


And now, a Fox News flashback:

One day after the very first detainee from Guantanamo Bay was transferred to New York City to stand trial, we are now learning some shocking news thanks to The Weekly Standard.

According to Congressman Mike Rogers — who serves on the House Intelligence Committee — the Obama administration is now requiring FBI agents to read Miranda rights to captured terrorists.

The italics were Fox News' emphasis. The Right was outraged at the idea of Mirandizing bad guys.



That fucker read them their RIGHTS? And brought them to TRIAL? Are you KIDDING ME?!?!
That governments will always operate is lefty? If that is so, you must be so far right that bigreb looks like a liberal to you. Quit being silly.

Your such a far left reactionary that you think governments should operate far left, else the world will go to hell.

You are loony. One, governments will operate. Two, our constitutional republic is the best of all governments. Three, you reactionaries will never take over the government.

That's new, I've never seen you advocate our being a republic before. When did the light bulb go off?
Your such a far left reactionary that you think governments should operate far left, else the world will go to hell.

You are loony. One, governments will operate. Two, our constitutional republic is the best of all governments. Three, you reactionaries will never take over the government.

That's new, I've never seen you advocate our being a republic before. When did the light bulb go off?

Yours went off long ago. I have never denied we were a republic at all. You can try to prove it if you want.
That governments will always operate is lefty? If that is so, you must be so far right that bigreb looks like a liberal to you. Quit being silly.

Your such a far left reactionary that you think governments should operate far left, else the world will go to hell.

You are loony. One, governments will operate. Two, our constitutional republic is the best of all governments. Three, you reactionaries will never take over the government.

Far left reactionaries like you want state control in all matters.
You are loony. One, governments will operate. Two, our constitutional republic is the best of all governments. Three, you reactionaries will never take over the government.

That's new, I've never seen you advocate our being a republic before. When did the light bulb go off?

Yours went off long ago. I have never denied we were a republic at all. You can try to prove it if you want.

That wasn't what I said. I asked when you started "advocating" our being a republic. So far I've only ever seen you advocate a strong, central government like the rest of the liberals.
You have not been reading carefully. A strong government (Washington, Adams, Hamilton, so forth and so on) that dominates the states has always been a major theme in our history. A constitutional republic that protects civil rights depends on a strong government, otherwise states will abuse their citizens, a la slavery and race and nativism, etc.
I don't read your stupid links. If you can ever form a real argument. I'll look at it. I know you're a liberal zombie who accepts any explanation from your lord.

Actually, Lakhota has been showing signs of awakening, he/she has been questioning this story, unconvinced of the government fable.

There may be hope!

yes she was actually quick to point out

(correctly btw) that in the boat picture

the suspect was getting out of the boat

instead of into the boat as the news had reported
You have not been reading carefully. A strong government (Washington, Adams, Hamilton, so forth and so on) that dominates the states has always been a major theme in our history. A constitutional republic that protects civil rights depends on a strong government, otherwise states will abuse their citizens, a la slavery and race and nativism, etc.

I get Democrats tossing words like republic out there because it's frequently used by people who don't know what it means. But one thing I never understand about liberals is how even when you're in a discussion about a word, you STILL won't look it up. I realize your whole ideology is built around other people forcing other people to do things for you, but come on man, if you're gong to actually discuss the word, learn what it means.
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You have not been reading carefully. A strong government (Washington, Adams, Hamilton, so forth and so on) that dominates the states has always been a major theme in our history. A constitutional republic that protects civil rights depends on a strong government, otherwise states will abuse their citizens, a la slavery and race and nativism, etc.

I get Democrats tossing words like republic out there because it's frequently used by people who don't know what it means. But one thing I never understand about liberals is how even when you're in a discussion about a word, you STILL won't look it up. I realize your whole ideology is built around other people forcing other people to do things for you, but come on man, if you're gong to actually discuss the word, learn what it means.

kaz is not mainstream, merely a far away reactionary with no consistent political theory, only hatred of those who don't agree. Government is part of society, kid, so you are going to have to live with it all of your lives. Use the dictionary and look up the words, my friend, and then we can talk.
no consistent political theory

Name a view I have that isn't libertarian

only hatred of those who don't agree

You might want to invest in a mirror. See your last comment. If it's not liberal, it's "hate."

Government is part of society, kid, so you are going to have to live with it all of your lives. Use the dictionary and look up the words, my friend, and then we can talk.

All this deflection just shows you still don't know what republic means and you're not interested in looking it up. BTW, I'm not an anarchist. Here's a hint, if I were an anarchist I'd have called myself an anarchist. I said I'm a libertarian because I want to minimize government, not eliminate it.

I always like Democrats, my choice is to be a Republican or an anarchist. You call yourself the intelligent party, but none of you can address my actual views. Republicans actually have little problem understanding I'm not a Republican, a Democrat or an anarchist. Republicans may not be that smart, but they are smarter than you are. And you call yourself the diverse party, but all you grasp is "Democrat" and "not-Democrat." You don't even know what a Republican is because you can't address their actual positions either. You just use it as an insult for "non-Democrats" because it's the worst word you know.
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That's exactly the point. Obama continued Bush's exact pattern. Liberals went nuts when Bush did his AUMF.

No, they didn't. That's revisionist bullshit. Most liberals supported it, because it was Bush going after Al Qaeda, and the liberals didn't want to be seen as "weak on terrorism". Only a few liberals, the Nader/Kucinich crowd, criticized Bush. And that same Nader/Kucinich fringe is now tearing into Obama far more savagely than they tore into Bush.

Again, the consistent thing is the consistency of each individual liberal. And the inconsistent thing is the conservatives ignoring the issue under Bush and suddenly going loony over it under Obama.
You have not been reading carefully. A strong government (Washington, Adams, Hamilton, so forth and so on) that dominates the states has always been a major theme in our history. A constitutional republic that protects civil rights depends on a strong government, otherwise states will abuse their citizens, a la slavery and race and nativism, etc.

Total bullshit, Fakey. That's only been true since the tyrant Lincoln made war on his fellow Americans and raped, murdered, looted and pillaged them.
You have not been reading carefully. A strong government (Washington, Adams, Hamilton, so forth and so on) that dominates the states has always been a major theme in our history. A constitutional republic that protects civil rights depends on a strong government, otherwise states will abuse their citizens, a la slavery and race and nativism, etc.

Total bullshit, Fakey. That's only been true since the tyrant Lincoln made war on his fellow Americans and raped, murdered, looted and pillaged them.

You are entitled to your mistaken opinion.
You have not been reading carefully. A strong government (Washington, Adams, Hamilton, so forth and so on) that dominates the states has always been a major theme in our history. A constitutional republic that protects civil rights depends on a strong government, otherwise states will abuse their citizens, a la slavery and race and nativism, etc.

Total bullshit, Fakey. That's only been true since the tyrant Lincoln made war on his fellow Americans and raped, murdered, looted and pillaged them.

You are entitled to your mistaken opinion.

I'm also entitled to my correct opinion. However, you aren't entitled to your own set of facts. If the founding fathers wanted a strong central government, they would have created one. Instead they created a weak central government with limited powers. Lincoln imposed a strong central government by making war on all those who refused to agree to it.
Total bullshit, Fakey. That's only been true since the tyrant Lincoln made war on his fellow Americans and raped, murdered, looted and pillaged them.

You are entitled to your mistaken opinion.

I'm also entitled to my correct opinion. However, you aren't entitled to your own set of facts. If the founding fathers wanted a strong central government, they would have created one. Instead they created a weak central government with limited powers. Lincoln imposed a strong central government by making war on all those who refused to agree to it.

Yep. The whole purpose of the Constitution was to limit Federal power, not create a strong central government. Jake's a typical Democrat. If you like a word but don't like (or know) the actual definition. Just make it up!
kaz and bripat are typical brain dead reactionaries and or libertarians.

The FFs created a strong national government to make sure that folks like them would not be creating "insurrections" against the governments of We the People. The 2nd Amendment was created to prevent insurrection.

They are not entitled to their own facts and their own definitions: only their own opinions.

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