So NOW there 40 million "uninsured" Obama? ..contrary to this


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama once said.. ""We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
Obama at American Medical Association (AMA), Pushes Doctors on Health Care Overhaul - ABC News

46 Million???

Today:Obama: Ignore critics and prepare to shop for health care insurance
"If you are one of 40 million Americans who don’t have health insurance, starting on Tuesday, five days from now, you will finally have the chance to buy quality health care as everybody else,”

OBAMA!!!.....Which is it???

So Obama...
WHY are you including 18 million people THAT DON''T WANT or NEED to buy health insurance as they are under 34 and can afford as they make over $50,000 a year as they pay out of their OWN pocket there health costs!

Subtract those that DON"T WANT from your 40 million leaves 22 million!!!

Now EVEN YOU have said we will not cover the 10 million illegals that the Census says is counted as part of Obama's 40 million!
10 million ARE NOT citizens! That leaves 12 million!

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
So that leave from 22 million Obama 8 million!

NOW why as the head of the government are you totally ignorant that 14 million people that told the Census they were uninsured,
ARE at the poverty level they qualify for Medicaid!!!

WHY are you not subtracting those 14 million that all your grossly inefficient CMS has to do is enroll them!
14 million people who say they are uninsured actual too lazy to register with Medicaid and they are covered!

That leaves less the 2 million from the 40 million Obama above said!

WHAT are we doing in this country if Obama can't even subtract and see there is LESS THEN 2 million truly that want and need ...
NOT 40 million!! NOT 46 Million!!!!
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I seem to remember when this started they were saying that there were like 48 million uninsured.

RIGHT!!! Then there were 50 million! Then Obama says 46 million!

See my point is very simple!
If they can't even figure out how many really need health insurance as they keep
counting people THAT don't want insurance ..18 million!
They count people that don't know they can get Medicaid!
And they count illegals!

Right there is 42 million of the supposedly 48 million or 50 million or Obama's 46 million!

And so to cover from 2 million to at most 8 million you destroy the health system for 300 million!
And believe me if you can't even find out how many how can you expect to deal accurately in
managing 1/6th of the economy!

I laugh at idiots who say well CMS is so efficient!
To think folks that destruction of 1/6th of the economy is BASED totally on the piss poor math of almost everyone!

I mean seriously! 40 million 46 million 50 million... It is not bad enough these total math morons can't settle on an accurate number but WHAT really crocks this is ACA passed by just 6 YES votes!
I am confident that 6 YES votes would have been NO votes if they comprehended the idiocy of using the term..
"46 million uninsured" which at first blush means there are 46 million uninsured! YES!
But who makes up the 46 million??
18 million people that don't want or need and can afford health insurance!
14 million people that don't know all they need do being at the income level is register with Medicaid!
10 million people everyone admits are NOT citizens!
So WHY the hell was ACA ever passed when the truly total uninsured is less the 4 million?
WHY Annual DoD budget, is $553.0 billion (est. 2012).
Take 5% of the $553 billion and you have an annual premium of $5,000 for each of the 4 million that want and need insurance!
You know the Democrats have won, when Republicans are talking about how many uninsured Americans there are.

God bless Barack Obama.
You know the Democrats have won, when Republicans are talking about how many uninsured Americans there are.

God bless Barack Obama.

That is absolutely the stupidest comment I think I've seen on this forum!
A) Who except idiots thinks there are 46 or 48 or 40 million "uninsured" WHEN

10 million illegal aliens counted as "uninsured" !
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

14 million counted as uninsured EVEN though they simply have to register with Medicaid is accurate!

18 million that make over $50k so they can afford, are under 34 but they don't need it and don't want insurance are counted!

NOw are you that math disadvantaged that you can't see the simple fact that there NEVER were 46 or 48 million people that
WANTED insurance (18 million don't want!!!) ,were uninformed they were covered by Medicaid (14 million) or that 10 million were not
legally able to get insurance???
You know the Democrats have won, when Republicans are talking about how many uninsured Americans there are.

God bless Barack Obama.

That is absolutely the stupidest comment I think I've seen on this forum!
A) Who except idiots thinks there are 46 or 48 or 40 million "uninsured" WHEN

10 million illegal aliens counted as "uninsured" !
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

14 million counted as uninsured EVEN though they simply have to register with Medicaid is accurate!

18 million that make over $50k so they can afford, are under 34 but they don't need it and don't want insurance are counted!

NOw are you that math disadvantaged that you can't see the simple fact that there NEVER were 46 or 48 million people that
WANTED insurance (18 million don't want!!!) ,were uninformed they were covered by Medicaid (14 million) or that 10 million were not
legally able to get insurance???

I am uninsured, so is my GF.

I know lots of other people without health insurance.

A single payer system would be better, but it would never pass Congress, so Obama went with the Republican idea of the insurance mandate.
You know the Democrats have won, when Republicans are talking about how many uninsured Americans there are.

God bless Barack Obama.

That is absolutely the stupidest comment I think I've seen on this forum!
A) Who except idiots thinks there are 46 or 48 or 40 million "uninsured" WHEN

10 million illegal aliens counted as "uninsured" !
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

14 million counted as uninsured EVEN though they simply have to register with Medicaid is accurate!

18 million that make over $50k so they can afford, are under 34 but they don't need it and don't want insurance are counted!

NOw are you that math disadvantaged that you can't see the simple fact that there NEVER were 46 or 48 million people that
WANTED insurance (18 million don't want!!!) ,were uninformed they were covered by Medicaid (14 million) or that 10 million were not
legally able to get insurance???

I am uninsured, so is my GF.

I know lots of other people without health insurance.

A single payer system would be better, but it would never pass Congress, so Obama went with the Republican idea of the insurance mandate.

So you can't afford insurance now but are going to magically be able to conform with the mandate on Jan 1st? How does this work out again?
That is absolutely the stupidest comment I think I've seen on this forum!
A) Who except idiots thinks there are 46 or 48 or 40 million "uninsured" WHEN

10 million illegal aliens counted as "uninsured" !
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

14 million counted as uninsured EVEN though they simply have to register with Medicaid is accurate!

18 million that make over $50k so they can afford, are under 34 but they don't need it and don't want insurance are counted!

NOw are you that math disadvantaged that you can't see the simple fact that there NEVER were 46 or 48 million people that
WANTED insurance (18 million don't want!!!) ,were uninformed they were covered by Medicaid (14 million) or that 10 million were not
legally able to get insurance???

I am uninsured, so is my GF.

I know lots of other people without health insurance.

A single payer system would be better, but it would never pass Congress, so Obama went with the Republican idea of the insurance mandate.

So you can't afford insurance now but are going to magically be able to conform with the mandate on Jan 1st? How does this work out again?

I made 86K last year. I can afford health insurance.

But why should I pay someone to lobby Congress to deny me coverage.
You know the Democrats have won, when Republicans are talking about how many uninsured Americans there are.

God bless Barack Obama.

That is absolutely the stupidest comment I think I've seen on this forum!
A) Who except idiots thinks there are 46 or 48 or 40 million "uninsured" WHEN

10 million illegal aliens counted as "uninsured" !
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

14 million counted as uninsured EVEN though they simply have to register with Medicaid is accurate!

18 million that make over $50k so they can afford, are under 34 but they don't need it and don't want insurance are counted!

NOw are you that math disadvantaged that you can't see the simple fact that there NEVER were 46 or 48 million people that
WANTED insurance (18 million don't want!!!) ,were uninformed they were covered by Medicaid (14 million) or that 10 million were not
legally able to get insurance???

I am uninsured, so is my GF.

I know lots of other people without health insurance.

A single payer system would be better, but it would never pass Congress, so Obama went with the Republican idea of the insurance mandate.

Wow... "I KNOW LOTS of people"! REALLY??? THAT is your brilliant RETORT??

Then explain if you know between 4 to 6 million people that make up that "Lotsa people"? and while you are at it..
PLEASE explain why 18 million people that can afford health insurance don't want to buy it??? Maybe it's more expensive then what
they pay out of their pocket?? SO WHY force them to buy health insurance?
Maybe you and your lotsa people are at the poverty level which means YOU ARE Part of the 14 million ignorant people that say "duh.. I don't have health insurance.. but I'm too lazy or dumb to register with Medicaid"!! IS THAT YOU?

Or maybe you are one as your lotsa friends are part of the 10 million ILLEGAL INVADERS of the USA!

Please explain which category you are in because when you add up those numbers and subtract from 46 million you come up with less then
4 million!
I am uninsured, so is my GF.

I know lots of other people without health insurance.

A single payer system would be better, but it would never pass Congress, so Obama went with the Republican idea of the insurance mandate.

So you can't afford insurance now but are going to magically be able to conform with the mandate on Jan 1st? How does this work out again?

I made 86K last year. I can afford health insurance.

But why should I pay someone to lobby Congress to deny me coverage.

THAT makes no sense again!
If you can afford it then where is the "denial"???
Do you smoke? Are you over 65... MEDICARE DUMMY!
I bet you are an extreme sports idiot putting your life on idiotic dangerous activities AND THEN wonder why premiums are high!
I bet you a dumb ass lawyer that has CAUSED the $850 billion a year in duplicates tests, etc that 90% of physicians surveyed say
they do out of fear of lawsuits!
I bet you are that f...king stupid NOT to realize This gigantic wasted number $850 billion is simply paid out of PREMIUMS!
IDIOTs like you though keep stupidly forgetting Premiums are based on claim experiences!
$850 billion in claims paid by Medicare/companies come back in the form of higher taxes and premiums you idiots!!
So you can't afford insurance now but are going to magically be able to conform with the mandate on Jan 1st? How does this work out again?

I made 86K last year. I can afford health insurance.

But why should I pay someone to lobby Congress to deny me coverage.

THAT makes no sense again!
If you can afford it then where is the "denial"???
Do you smoke? Are you over 65... MEDICARE DUMMY!
I bet you are an extreme sports idiot putting your life on idiotic dangerous activities AND THEN wonder why premiums are high!
I bet you a dumb ass lawyer that has CAUSED the $850 billion a year in duplicates tests, etc that 90% of physicians surveyed say
they do out of fear of lawsuits!
I bet you are that f...king stupid NOT to realize This gigantic wasted number $850 billion is simply paid out of PREMIUMS!
IDIOTs like you though keep stupidly forgetting Premiums are based on claim experiences!
$850 billion in claims paid by Medicare/companies come back in the form of higher taxes and premiums you idiots!!

I think you need to go outside and get some fresh air.
I am constantly amazed and wonder if I'm not one of the SMARTER and more intelligent people on this country let alone on this forum for sure!!
If most of the idiot comments about "single payer" for example for ONCE just once figured out the
COST maybe you would be smart about it as I am!

For example.. "single payer"... WHO IS THAT????
Right now 1,300 companies pay claims based on premiums. AND GUESS WHAT idiots !
THEY Also pay $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local and maybe property taxes in your town on their offices!
Single payer then means they are gone! As well as the $100 billion!
WHO makes up that $100 billion???
Plus who pays the unemployment checks for the 400,000 unemployed as single payer replaces 1,300 payers/companies!
But none of "single payer" idiots thought about that did you?

You are as stupid about where money comes from in paying taxes as our idiot President who all his life has been paid out of NON-Profit organizations that DEPENDED on taxes or philanthropy!

So he as you other "single-payer types have NO IDEA what it means to work for people that pay taxes!
I made 86K last year. I can afford health insurance.

But why should I pay someone to lobby Congress to deny me coverage.

THAT makes no sense again!
If you can afford it then where is the "denial"???
Do you smoke? Are you over 65... MEDICARE DUMMY!
I bet you are an extreme sports idiot putting your life on idiotic dangerous activities AND THEN wonder why premiums are high!
I bet you a dumb ass lawyer that has CAUSED the $850 billion a year in duplicates tests, etc that 90% of physicians surveyed say
they do out of fear of lawsuits!
I bet you are that f...king stupid NOT to realize This gigantic wasted number $850 billion is simply paid out of PREMIUMS!
IDIOTs like you though keep stupidly forgetting Premiums are based on claim experiences!
$850 billion in claims paid by Medicare/companies come back in the form of higher taxes and premiums you idiots!!

I think you need to go outside and get some fresh air.

I think you should stop breathing rectum gas as it certainly has rotted your thinking capacity!
THAT makes no sense again!
If you can afford it then where is the "denial"???
Do you smoke? Are you over 65... MEDICARE DUMMY!
I bet you are an extreme sports idiot putting your life on idiotic dangerous activities AND THEN wonder why premiums are high!
I bet you a dumb ass lawyer that has CAUSED the $850 billion a year in duplicates tests, etc that 90% of physicians surveyed say
they do out of fear of lawsuits!
I bet you are that f...king stupid NOT to realize This gigantic wasted number $850 billion is simply paid out of PREMIUMS!
IDIOTs like you though keep stupidly forgetting Premiums are based on claim experiences!
$850 billion in claims paid by Medicare/companies come back in the form of higher taxes and premiums you idiots!!

I think you need to go outside and get some fresh air.

I think you should stop breathing rectum gas as it certainly has rotted your thinking capacity!

Seriously, I am worried about you.

Try to relax.
I am uninsured, so is my GF.

I know lots of other people without health insurance.

A single payer system would be better, but it would never pass Congress, so Obama went with the Republican idea of the insurance mandate.

So you can't afford insurance now but are going to magically be able to conform with the mandate on Jan 1st? How does this work out again?

I made 86K last year. I can afford health insurance.

But why should I pay someone to lobby Congress to deny me coverage.

And so your complaint is what then? You make 86 grand a year but won't go purchase insurance because you are waiting for someone else to foot the bill?
What difference does it make?

Well FRANK... 6 idiots voted YES to pass ACA based on totally bogus numbers!
YOUR health care system is being destroyed for less then 4 million people !
Tax lawyers 10% and that would have paid the premiums for those 4 million people!
Tax lawyers would reduce $850 billion a year in totally wasted insurance claims filed by
people that had wasted duplicate tests done by physicians that did so out of fear of lawsuits!

It's because idiots like YOU don't even for a second comprehend that 18 million people don't want or need insurance!
14 million people don't know they qualify for Medicaid and 10 million are not citizens.
That leaves a problem that can be solved with $20 billion a year paid out to the 4 million that truly want and need insurance the next time they go to the hospital and say they can't pay! Good hospitals bill the company that gets the $20 billion in premiums!
THAT simple! NO messing or destroying 1/6th of the economy!

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