So NOW there 40 million "uninsured" Obama? ..contrary to this

Twenty years ago, Switzerland had a system very similar to America’s–private insurers, private providers–with very similar problems. People didn’t buy insurance but ended up in emergency rooms, insurers screened out people with pre-existing conditions, and costs were rising fast. The country came to the conclusion that to make health care work, everyone had to buy insurance. So the Swiss passed an individual mandate and reformed their system along lines very similar to Obamacare. The result two decades later: quality of care remains very high, everyone has access, and costs have moderated. Switzerland spends 11% of its GDP on health care, compared with 17% in the U.S. Overall satisfaction with the system is high.

Health Insurance is for Everyone | Fareed Zakaria
Obama once said.. ""We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
Obama at American Medical Association (AMA), Pushes Doctors on Health Care Overhaul - ABC News

46 Million???

Today:Obama: Ignore critics and prepare to shop for health care insurance
"If you are one of 40 million Americans who don’t have health insurance, starting on Tuesday, five days from now, you will finally have the chance to buy quality health care as everybody else,”

OBAMA!!!.....Which is it???

So Obama...
WHY are you including 18 million people THAT DON''T WANT or NEED to buy health insurance as they are under 34 and can afford as they make over $50,000 a year as they pay out of their OWN pocket there health costs!

Subtract those that DON"T WANT from your 40 million leaves 22 million!!!

Now EVEN YOU have said we will not cover the 10 million illegals that the Census says is counted as part of Obama's 40 million!
10 million ARE NOT citizens! That leaves 12 million!

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
So that leave from 22 million Obama 8 million!

NOW why as the head of the government are you totally ignorant that 14 million people that told the Census they were uninsured,
ARE at the poverty level they qualify for Medicaid!!!

WHY are you not subtracting those 14 million that all your grossly inefficient CMS has to do is enroll them!
14 million people who say they are uninsured actual too lazy to register with Medicaid and they are covered!

That leaves less the 2 million from the 40 million Obama above said!

WHAT are we doing in this country if Obama can't even subtract and see there is LESS THEN 2 million truly that want and need ...
NOT 40 million!! NOT 46 Million!!!!

Haven't you posted threads exactly like this thread about 20- 30 times now? I think you may have a obsessive/compulsive disorder.
Anyway and as usual, you're using outdated references. Why not try up-to-date data, instead of data from 4 years ago.
Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage: 2012
Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage: 2011 - U.S Census Bureau
Thank you and please see a shrink! :eusa_whistle:
I am constantly amazed and wonder if I'm not one of the SMARTER and more intelligent people on this country let alone on this forum for sure!!
If most of the idiot comments about "single payer" for example for ONCE just once figured out the
COST maybe you would be smart about it as I am!

For example.. "single payer"... WHO IS THAT????
Right now 1,300 companies pay claims based on premiums. AND GUESS WHAT idiots !
THEY Also pay $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local and maybe property taxes in your town on their offices!
Single payer then means they are gone! As well as the $100 billion!
WHO makes up that $100 billion???
Plus who pays the unemployment checks for the 400,000 unemployed as single payer replaces 1,300 payers/companies!
But none of "single payer" idiots thought about that did you?

You are as stupid about where money comes from in paying taxes as our idiot President who all his life has been paid out of NON-Profit organizations that DEPENDED on taxes or philanthropy!

So he as you other "single-payer types have NO IDEA what it means to work for people that pay taxes!

"I am constantly amazed and wonder if I'm not one of the SMARTER and more intelligent people on this country let alone on this forum for sure!!"
Twenty years ago, Switzerland had a system very similar to America’s–private insurers, private providers–with very similar problems. People didn’t buy insurance but ended up in emergency rooms, insurers screened out people with pre-existing conditions, and costs were rising fast. The country came to the conclusion that to make health care work, everyone had to buy insurance. So the Swiss passed an individual mandate and reformed their system along lines very similar to Obamacare. The result two decades later: quality of care remains very high, everyone has access, and costs have moderated. Switzerland spends 11% of its GDP on health care, compared with 17% in the U.S. Overall satisfaction with the system is high.

Health Insurance is for Everyone | Fareed Zakaria

And Switzerland DID NOT have $850 billion a year spent on duplicate tests, etc. AS ATTESTED TO BY PHYSICIANS who do "defensive medicine" out of FEAR of lawsuits!
Lawyers sue at the drop of the hat! Idiots probably like you also see this as winning the lottery so you sue!
But all this does is compound the problem!

Why do you people defend the millionaires that have caused THE BIGGEST cost elephant "DEFENSIVE MEDICINE"???
If these lawyers were taxed like tanning salons are taxed under ACA because they cause cancer, 10% of lawyers $270 billion would pay the premium for all the 4 million that truly need insurance!
Problem solved! NO need for a 20,000 page rules and regulations that are overwhelming!
Obama once said.. ""We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
Obama at American Medical Association (AMA), Pushes Doctors on Health Care Overhaul - ABC News

46 Million???

Today:Obama: Ignore critics and prepare to shop for health care insurance
"If you are one of 40 million Americans who don’t have health insurance, starting on Tuesday, five days from now, you will finally have the chance to buy quality health care as everybody else,”

OBAMA!!!.....Which is it???

So Obama...
WHY are you including 18 million people THAT DON''T WANT or NEED to buy health insurance as they are under 34 and can afford as they make over $50,000 a year as they pay out of their OWN pocket there health costs!

Subtract those that DON"T WANT from your 40 million leaves 22 million!!!

Now EVEN YOU have said we will not cover the 10 million illegals that the Census says is counted as part of Obama's 40 million!
10 million ARE NOT citizens! That leaves 12 million!

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
So that leave from 22 million Obama 8 million!

NOW why as the head of the government are you totally ignorant that 14 million people that told the Census they were uninsured,
ARE at the poverty level they qualify for Medicaid!!!

WHY are you not subtracting those 14 million that all your grossly inefficient CMS has to do is enroll them!
14 million people who say they are uninsured actual too lazy to register with Medicaid and they are covered!

That leaves less the 2 million from the 40 million Obama above said!

WHAT are we doing in this country if Obama can't even subtract and see there is LESS THEN 2 million truly that want and need ...
NOT 40 million!! NOT 46 Million!!!!

Haven't you posted threads exactly like this thread about 20- 30 times now? I think you may have a obsessive/compulsive disorder.
Anyway and as usual, you're using outdated references. Why not try up-to-date data, instead of data from 4 years ago.
Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage: 2012
Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage: 2011 - U.S Census Bureau
Thank you and please see a shrink! :eusa_whistle:

Same conclusions by Census!
46 million which THEY AGREE includes 18 million that DON"T WANT insurance! Most of them have catastrophic and pay little for routine health services!
The Census ALSO Didn't ask those 14 million that are at poverty level... Do you know you are eligible for Medicaid?" Not their job yet that is the number of people that said
oh I don't have insurance...YET THEY ARE Eligible!
Finally Census admits the 10 million illegals Don't have insurance ! RIGHT!
That adds up to 42 million that either don't want, don't know or are not eligible! NOT 46 million!
While the Affordable Care Act was making its way through Congress in 2009 and 2010,
President Obama famously said:
“Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,” Obama said at one rally in July 2009. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

But the president's promise is turning out to be false for millions of Americans who have had their health insurance policies canceled because they don't meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

According to health policy expert Bob Laszewski, roughly 16 million Americans will lose their current plans because of Obamacare:
Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare | The Weekly Standard
Well one FACT Obama NOW is making come true..
THERE WILL BE 46 million uninsured!!

Remember he told us that it was un American to have 46 million "uninsured"
YET this idiot NEVER took in to account that:
18 million didn't want or need health insurance!
14 million ONLY needed to sign up with Medicaid!
10 million are not citizens!

42 million bogusly counted as "UNINSURED" helped PASS this destructive program!
The main reason people lose their health plan is because the insurance companies were overcharging them and the plan was no longer price competitive so they cancel it.
The main reason people lose their health plan is because the insurance companies were overcharging them and the plan was no longer price competitive so they cancel it.

WRONG. They are losing their plans because they are not (un)aca compliant. Try again, skippy.

People know best what coverage they need, not some fucking government. Can you tell me why it makes sense that a 55 year old single guy with no kids now HAS to pay for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental)?? A coverage he will never need, does not want, and only serves to increase his premium?

Fucking idiots.
The main reason people lose their health plan is because the insurance companies were overcharging them and the plan was no longer price competitive so they cancel it.

The insurance companies are CANCELLING!
People aren't!
But the president's promise is turning out to be false for millions of Americans who have had their health insurance policies canceled because they don't meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

According to health policy expert Bob Laszewski, roughly 16 million Americans will lose their current plans because of Obamacare:
Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare | The Weekly Standard
Told ya so.

Next you'll see more kids starving, and dying of treatable illnesses.

Things are going to start moving very quickly now.
More importantly! The President LIED!!!
Was he not smart enough to understand how insurance works???

YOU don't buy insurance AFTER you find out you have CANCER! Doesn't work!
But that's what is happening!
Of course he lied.

Also, people are dropping off of medicaid because of the debacle. Including kids.
The main reason people lose their health plan is because the insurance companies were overcharging them and the plan was no longer price competitive so they cancel it.

WRONG. They are losing their plans because they are not (un)aca compliant. Try again, skippy.

People know best what coverage they need, not some fucking government. Can you tell me why it makes sense that a 55 year old single guy with no kids now HAS to pay for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental)?? A coverage he will never need, does not want, and only serves to increase his premium?

Fucking idiots.

AGAIN these are the same idiots that seemingly can't comprehend that:
Of Obama's counting of 46 million "uninsured"!
18 million don't want , under 34 don't need, can afford BUT now they are forced to buy! WHY???
14 million didn't seem to know (Government's fault!!) they were covered under Medicaid! So if this govt. so damn smart why can't they get the numbers straight!
10 million are NOT CITIZENS!!!

That means 42 million bogus number of the 46 million! Leaves 4 million! THAT's IT!!!
YET this ACA passed because the "YES" votes DIDN"T KNOW or WORSE DIDN'T CARE because their objective is single payer!
it appears so...

The U.S. individual health insurance market currently totals about 19 million people. Because the Obama administration’s regulations on grandfathering existing plans were so stringent about 85% of those, 16 million, are not grandfathered and must comply with Obamacare at their next renewal. The rules are very complex.

In total, 16 million people who purchase insurance for themselves could lose their current health plans on January 1. And that number doesn’t even count the Americans losing employer-provided health coverage—because their firms are dropping spousal coverage or dropping coverage for part-time workers.

Earlier this year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that in 2014, Obamacare would enroll 7 million people in exchange coverage and 9 million people through Medicaid. (Medicaid’s problems with physician access and patient outcomes are so widespread that some beneficiaries don’t consider the program “real insurance,” but that’s a separate story.) The CBO total of 16 million who will gain coverage is exactly equal to the 16 million Robert Laszewski estimates will lose their existing health plans due to Obamacare’s new mandates.

But based on the opening weeks of Obamacare’s open enrollment period, it’s far from certain that the CBO’s estimate of 7 million exchange enrollees will be reached.

Obamacare | More People Could Lose Coverage Than Gain It
No, they aren't, and they haven't been.

But they will be. Which is good for you...finally the utopia you've been imagining all along!
While the Affordable Care Act was making its way through Congress in 2009 and 2010,
President Obama famously said:
“Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,” Obama said at one rally in July 2009. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

But the president's promise is turning out to be false for millions of Americans who have had their health insurance policies canceled because they don't meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

According to health policy expert Bob Laszewski, roughly 16 million Americans will lose their current plans because of Obamacare:
Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Read the article, or rather blog, and the supporting article. Interesting that not one supported fact was provided. Pure opinion. IOW, pure bullshit. Talk to me when you have more than that.
I did not buy the Democratic claim that there were "46 million uninsured Americans", nor do I buy this claim that "16 million Americans will lose their current plans".

Nevertheless, many of those who are being disenrolled from their current plans are actually going to be eligible for better health insurance coverage, for less money, under the ACA.

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