So Obama can "evolve" on issues; But Romney "flip flops"??

Here's what cracks me up: Obama comes out and says gay marriage is a state issue (identical to Romney, btw), but he's okay with it personally. The left cheers. Now, if a conservative President had said EXACTLY THE SAME THING, the left would be screaming "Not good enough! We need federal recognition!". Hysterical.

Anyway, for the record, I couldn't give a crap who marries who. We still have freedom of speech, go ahead and call yourself married. Marriage was central to society long before we had anything resembling what we call 'government' today. We don't need need government defining marriage for anyone, gay or straight. Outside of military and immigration, government need not know your personal relationships. The laws and tax codes that reference marriage should be repealed. This is my opinion.
the 80 independents dont care about men and women marrying inanimate objects and animals,,,its the economy and us regular americans arent as stupid as the obama administration.
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.
Were you expecting the leftist media to get up off their knees, wipe their chins and point out the fact that Obama is just another politician? After years of building up this nothing into the President because he's got a little more melanin than most and can read from a teleprompter fairly well? Dare they let slip the fact that this useless man has less leadership experience than that guy running the convenience store on the corner?

Hell, this guy is not even that good a politician. If it weren't for white guilt, black racism and the idiot who told McCain to nominate Sarah Palin, Obama would still be carrying around Dick Durbin's jock in the Senate.

Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

Did you happen to notice the MANY other pro-gay rights issues President Obama has addressed? They have been substantial and numerous.

As opposed to Mittens never having met an opinion he didn't like for a few minutes or so.

Maybe you should actually READ about these issues ... You'll find them in my sig. Or, don't actually READ about them.

I don't think it would mean much to you anyway. You'll just re-tell the same lies. After all, you see lying working for the Romney's.

Like the way the White House came out today and said they would not push for the repeal of DOMA, or the way the administration deports legally married illegal aliens just because they are gay? Are those the issues you are talking about?

The only reason you think Obama is scoring any points with the LGBT community is you aren't one, you don't know any, and you don't actually care about what they think because you think that they are idiots, which makes you a perfect Democrat.
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

I think the major difference is, Obama has been on the right side of every other issue when it comes to fairness and equality for gays, so yeah, they are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Because it is a difficult issue.

Romney's flip flops are usually the result of naked political oppurtunism. It's not that you see soul-searching on a difficult issue, you see, "how is that one poll testing?" Even his own advisors compare his views to an Etch-a-sketch, what else aer we to think.

If by right you mean he has consistently broken promises, is willing to take advantage of DOMA to deport gay immigrants, is willing to pander to rich idiots that think lip service and empty promises counts more than action, and he refuses to actually urge the Democrats to make fairness and equality part of the party platform, then you are entirely correct, he is on the right side, as in the side of the Republicans.
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

actually, all that happened is that he let his words match his actions.

you rightwingnuts really are desperate. it's so funny.

I think you just hit the nail on the head. He is saying I support gay marriage, but only if I don't actually have to support it, which is why I am going to say states should decide, match his actions as a narcissist.
2nd time I am asking luddite, so what? whats changed, exactly then? why all the hubbub?

Well, I kind of think there was collusion that Obama picks now to do this, and the WaPo runs a story that Little Willard liked to beat up the ghey kids. Hmmmm..

That said, I think what has changed is public opinion.

In 2004, 60% were against legalizing gay marriage. It's now down to 43% and declining. We as a nation are changing our mind, because we see the states where it has already happened and all the horrible things they said would happen haven't. God has not wiped us from the face of the Earth like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Yet, for some reason, the issue keeps losing when it goes to a vote.

I can actually explain that, can you?
2nd time I am asking luddite, so what? whats changed, exactly then? why all the hubbub?

Well, I kind of think there was collusion that Obama picks now to do this, and the WaPo runs a story that Little Willard liked to beat up the ghey kids. Hmmmm..

That said, I think what has changed is public opinion.

In 2004, 60% were against legalizing gay marriage. It's now down to 43% and declining. We as a nation are changing our mind, because we see the states where it has already happened and all the horrible things they said would happen haven't. God has not wiped us from the face of the Earth like Sodom and Gomorrah.

I agree. To most people, what others do with consenting adults just isn't all that important. If no one else is hurt, why should I care what my neighbors are doing?

I'm middle-aged but from what I read and hear, the youngsters are wondering what all the Sturm und Drang is about. Leave people alone, stop trying to control their private and personal lives.

If there is one thing I believe its that we're all just trying to make our way through this world, take care of our families, love one another and maybe even leave a positive mark. You can't do those things if you spend all your time trying to take freedoms away from your fellow American.

The Rs are wrong on this. And, worse, most of them say they are "Christian".

Can you explain why, if the Republicans are wrong about what people actually want, the issue has lost every single time it came up for a vote?
Well, I kind of think there was collusion that Obama picks now to do this, and the WaPo runs a story that Little Willard liked to beat up the ghey kids. Hmmmm..

That said, I think what has changed is public opinion.

In 2004, 60% were against legalizing gay marriage. It's now down to 43% and declining. We as a nation are changing our mind, because we see the states where it has already happened and all the horrible things they said would happen haven't. God has not wiped us from the face of the Earth like Sodom and Gomorrah.

I agree. To most people, what others do with consenting adults just isn't all that important. If no one else is hurt, why should I care what my neighbors are doing?

I'm middle-aged but from what I read and hear, the youngsters are wondering what all the Sturm und Drang is about. Leave people alone, stop trying to control their private and personal lives.

If there is one thing I believe its that we're all just trying to make our way through this world, take care of our families, love one another and maybe even leave a positive mark. You can't do those things if you spend all your time trying to take freedoms away from your fellow American.

The Rs are wrong on this. And, worse, most of them say they are "Christian".

Can you explain why, if the Republicans are wrong about what people actually want, the issue has lost every single time it came up for a vote?

Simple, he can't, because all the public opinion polls are structured to deliver the desired results. The fact remains, marriage between the opposite sex is a social, and yes religious vehicle, designed specifically for procreation and responsibilities insuring the offspring will survive, mature, in a safe secure environment, perpetuate the species. The majority of the population understand this basic premise and fully understand the implications resulting from same sex marriage, which they do not support. As for a union which extend legal and financial benefits to the surviving beneficiary of this type of relationship is an issue the IRS and courts need to address. Progressives and liberals don't accept the law of nature when it contradicts their beliefs.
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

There is a difference between evolving on one or two issues and flip-flopping on absolutely EVERYTHING.

I agree.

Which brings up the question, why aren't you upset about every single issue Obama has flopped on?
Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

Obama could not say he was for gay marriage in 2008. You righties wish. But he was probably ok with it. But who can blame him. He was calculated and wise.

Big difference between this flip flop and Romney's.

Will Romney or won't he take us to war with Iran? Will he continue to send jobs overseas? Will he deregulate the banks again? Would he kill unions and collective bargaining and social security and medicare?

Who can trust Romney. Better the devil we know than the devil we don't know.
Would Romney really have killed Bin Ladin? In 2008 he chastized Obama for saying he would kill Bin Ladin without Pakistans approval. And Bush said he wasn't all that concerned with Bin Ladin. He disbanded the Get Bin Ladin Task Force.

And since Romney is no different from Bush, we can only assume his flip flop is hogwash.

P.S. Think about how the GOP said they were good at the economy and then REALLY fucked it up, and then they say they are good at national security and international issues but then they get hit on 9-11 and then can't win Iraq or Afganistan.

Are the GOP good at anything? Who's buying anything they say? They suck!
The GOP did one thing right. If you are in the top 1%, the GOP have done a fabulous job the last 20 years. If you are not rich, the GOP haven't done anything right. But yet so many middle class right wingers keep on keepin on.
Would Romney really have killed Bin Ladin? In 2008 he chastized Obama for saying he would kill Bin Ladin without Pakistans approval. And Bush said he wasn't all that concerned with Bin Ladin. He disbanded the Get Bin Ladin Task Force.

And since Romney is no different from Bush, we can only assume his flip flop is hogwash.

P.S. Think about how the GOP said they were good at the economy and then REALLY fucked it up, and then they say they are good at national security and international issues but then they get hit on 9-11 and then can't win Iraq or Afganistan.

Are the GOP good at anything? Who's buying anything they say? They suck!

Thanks for the hilarious read! Do you really believe this nonsense? I don't know if I should laugh, or be concerned. If I'm not mistaken a little bit more than the GOP got hit on 9/11, and the cause of it went well back to the first failed attempt on the WTC in 1993 under a certain Democrat's watch. It is absurd to even speculate how Romney would, or wouldn't have acted in a hypothetical situation he will never face in the first place. As far as "winning" in Iraq, and Afghanistan I shudder to think what your interpretation of what "winning" is in those two examples... Maybe a Burger King in downtown Baghdad?
2nd time I am asking luddite, so what? whats changed, exactly then? why all the hubbub?

Well, I kind of think there was collusion that Obama picks now to do this, and the WaPo runs a story that Little Willard liked to beat up the ghey kids. Hmmmm..

That said, I think what has changed is public opinion.

In 2004, 60% were against legalizing gay marriage. It's now down to 43% and declining. We as a nation are changing our mind, because we see the states where it has already happened and all the horrible things they said would happen haven't. God has not wiped us from the face of the Earth like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Yet, for some reason, the issue keeps losing when it goes to a vote.

I can actually explain that, can you?

You mean it keeps losing in places where you can marry your cousin, Clem?
2nd time I am asking luddite, so what? whats changed, exactly then? why all the hubbub?

Well, I kind of think there was collusion that Obama picks now to do this, and the WaPo runs a story that Little Willard liked to beat up the ghey kids. Hmmmm..

That said, I think what has changed is public opinion.

In 2004, 60% were against legalizing gay marriage. It's now down to 43% and declining. We as a nation are changing our mind, because we see the states where it has already happened and all the horrible things they said would happen haven't. God has not wiped us from the face of the Earth like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Yet, for some reason, the issue keeps losing when it goes to a vote.

I can actually explain that, can you?

it's because minority rights always lose. if we put desegregation up for a vote in the same places, it would lose, too.

that's why rights shouldn't be the subject of a vote. and why this type of thing is the raison d'etre of the supreme court. (not that they're doing their job right now).
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Has anyone else noticed the liberals, Hollywood elite, media, etc, etc, are all in step with celebration of Obama's new flip flop on the gay marriage issuee, but they say the president "evolved", not "flip flopped"? Romney is accused of "flip flopping" on the issues. But Obama does a complete 180 degree change, and they say he "evolved"?????:cuckoo:

So....what the fuck? Is there just no shame in liberals? No limit to how far they'll sell their souls for this man? He announces, on the eve of a liberal hollywood elitist fundraiser, that he is NOW in favor of gay marriage. And they say he "evolved". Hypocrites.

Obama could not say he was for gay marriage in 2008. You righties wish. But he was probably ok with it. But who can blame him. He was calculated and wise.

You mean he lied to the American people instead of flip-flopping?
Would Romney really have killed Bin Ladin? In 2008 he chastized Obama for saying he would kill Bin Ladin without Pakistans approval. And Bush said he wasn't all that concerned with Bin Ladin. He disbanded the Get Bin Ladin Task Force.

And since Romney is no different from Bush, we can only assume his flip flop is hogwash.

P.S. Think about how the GOP said they were good at the economy and then REALLY fucked it up, and then they say they are good at national security and international issues but then they get hit on 9-11 and then can't win Iraq or Afganistan.

Are the GOP good at anything? Who's buying anything they say? They suck!

Thanks for the hilarious read! Do you really believe this nonsense? I don't know if I should laugh, or be concerned. If I'm not mistaken a little bit more than the GOP got hit on 9/11, and the cause of it went well back to the first failed attempt on the WTC in 1993 under a certain Democrat's watch. It is absurd to even speculate how Romney would, or wouldn't have acted in a hypothetical situation he will never face in the first place. As far as "winning" in Iraq, and Afghanistan I shudder to think what your interpretation of what "winning" is in those two examples... Maybe a Burger King in downtown Baghdad?

before the first WTC attack, there was no reason to suspect that they would try to hit us there.

before 9/11, they ignored intel saying that bin laden wanted to attack the US using our planes. they had intel saying that there were people of arab descent taking flying lessons where they said they didn't want to learn to take off and land, but only to steer, big jets.

as for dems getting on board, yes, but not for an attack... if you actually read the resolution, it was solely to give bush the means to assert himself DIPLOMATICALLY. he was obligated to come back to congress before any attack.

he didn''t.

he was obligated to abide by the final reports of the observers about whether iraq was cooperating with inspections.

he didn't.

hans blix' final report said that iraq was being cooperative and there were no signs of WMD's.

so i'm not quite sure what your point is... are you trying to say that the pointless iraq war, which de-stabilized the entire middle east and has allowed iran to become an unprecedented danger to its neighbors, was somehow a success?


facts are your friends.
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Yes, civil union to full marriage. Meaning......NOT a gay marriage, to IS a gay marriage.

He flip flopped.

NOW, Im to the right, but I actually am OK with allowing gay marriage. AND...I'm ok with a politician changing a stance. After all they are REPRESENTATIVES. They REPRESENT the views of who they govern. So, if their voting population takes a sudden change in opinion on a topic, their rep should reflect that accordingly.

Thus, I have NO PROBLEM with the fact that Obama changed his stance. He represents 300M people. If he thinks 151M of them want gay marriage to be allowed, his job is to REPRESENT that view, like any politician.

My problem is the media and hypocrisy of how they are covering it. One guy "evolves", the other "flip flops".

Yes, as a Christian, I believe homosexuality is a sin. BUT, I also believe in live and let live mostly, within some basic laws. So I believe we should be free to sin if we wish. Allow gay marriage. It isn't gonna make me sin in that way. We allow overeating too, and that is a sin. We allow, even promote, lust, and that is a sin. Making it legal to sin doesn't mean we have to do it.

I'm fine with gay marriage, and with Obama changing his stance on it. Just be consistent in credit/critique with it.

:clap2:well said.

I agree, the selectivity is dishonest. and the fact that not one msm org./entity calls this what it is and perpetuates the administration language, tells us exactly what to expect for the rest of the race.

General note- Here........

Romney has flip flopped, several times....

there, wasn't hard was it?

Now you obamabots try, ready?

Oh ..what?

The ice baths are full? :lol:

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