So Obama said in yesterdays interview that our open borders are unsustainable yet i can not find one single link

LOL It was estimated that the wall would cost 5 million. I think 3.8 billion had it covered.

Another pigheaded idiot. That's you.
Didn't change a thing. Here is what you said:

Lol....the Pentagon isn't even funded.

We are $30 trillion in debt. We aren't paying for a lot of things and when people are asked to step up and pay they cry a river.
That was the estimated cost. Would it cost more?? Probably and I'd say that 3.8 billion would have taken care of it.
Unrestrained and unrestricted immigration is a major focus for voters all over the world. And despite the wishes of the various democratic governments they need to get a handle on it.
Most voters have severe issues with this... because illegal immigrants have no vested interest in the communities they reside within. They are a leech on every community they are within.

These illegal immigrants are responsible for illicit drugs, prostitution, pickpocketing, and shoplifting while draining the resources of a community of altruistic efforts. Some of these activities even fund terrorist organizations. So it's little wonder why most people don't want them. Legal immigration is a whole other thing...these people have skills and are usually contributing members of any community.

So...let's see if the Democrats all of a sudden get behind the idea of a wall along our Southern border.
We are $30 trillion in debt. We aren't paying for a lot of things and when people are asked to step up and pay they cry a river.
Our debt level doesn't mean the Pentagon has no funds, Dipshit.

You are a Grade A Moron.
I happen to agree with him obviously but am not shocked that our dishonest media isn't reporting on this today except of course the few right leaning sites.

Kinda hard to have an honest dialog when the left leave out or hide half the facts of any topic.
Yeah Obama's solution was to have the executive branch stand down from enforcing immigration laws and use an executive order to make illegals legal. He remains a lying sack of shit.
I posted a link from msnbc.

MSN is not MSNBC. The original article was also from ABC's Good Morning America.

So why aren't MSNBC, CNN, CBS, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Politico, Slate, Rolling Stone, DailyKos, Washington Post, Time, The Atlantic, Raw Story, Salon, the New Yorker, the Daily Beast, Politifact, NPR, Alternet, CredoAction, and ThinkProgress even mentioning it?

FOX News is all over it, as well as other scandals pertaining to the Biden administration. But wait.....isn't Fox News supposed to be "FAUX News" according to you people?

Let's face it: You people on the left are just plain ignorant. It may or may not have something to do with your upbringing or education, I don't know. But you can bet that one of the reasons is because nobody is actually informing you about news events. The lying, disingenuous left-wing media just doesn't want you to know. They just don't want you to know how bad of a job your President is doing, and that is what you call "journalistic irresponsibility."

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