So Obamas putting spikes atop the fence around the Whitehouse to stop fence jumpers?

Wonder if we can get the same level of concern for the rest of us when it comes to the southern fence at OUR border.

White House intruders beware New fence to have metal spikes - Connecticut Post
Bet it still doesn't keep Sharpton out....
Yo, if there is minority hate in this Country? Obama is at the top of the list!!!

Reason why he is doing that?
We need to place a few of them around our Constitution to keep Obama from hopping right over it into Obamaland.
Just be glad he hasn't put an indoor sofa out on the front porch of the White House yet!
Omg Obama is personally installing spikes on top of the Whitehouse fence :ack-1: it's not like people keep trying to jump it or anything
I guess this is the latest con whinefest. Poor cons. Always the victim, never the bride.
Gotta keep them pickaninnies on the plantation somehow - they're getting close to hormone madness!

Remember how nice it was before the left started encouraging their late-nite idol's advocacy of raping the children of politicians he didn't like?
Notice NO OTHER President ever considered doing this? Keeping THEIR OWN people they Represent out of their white house. the man is Paranoid and that should scare us all
Omg Obama is personally installing spikes on top of the Whitehouse fence :ack-1: it's not like people keep trying to jump it or anything

Why does Obama hate undocumented White House visitors?

Everyday he speaks louder to what he is . A HITLER wannabe, tyrant/Marxist, Fascist, etc. and I see now we have Valarie Jarrett is our President. she gave the ok to have OUR white house Lit up by some groups of homosexuals . How did we miss electing her?
anyone ever stop to consider that he is doing it to keep that rabid mother in law from escaping and biting someone in DC?

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