So on Monday Letitia James can grab Trump's empire? (Poll)

So what are Trump's options?

  • Tell Letitia James if she drops the charges he'll drop out of the 2024 race?

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Let Letitia James take all of his property?

    Votes: 15 30.6%
  • Appeal to every court he can think of to get a delay until his appeals are processed?

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Keep cool knowing that when he is elected president he can settle the score...

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Other options...see my post.

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
Looks like Trump won't be able to post a $500,000,000 bond.

That means Letitia James can take possession of all of Trump's assets.

Will Trump lose everything but Mar-a-Lago? (I think Desantis would keep NY out of FL.)

View attachment 919755
Putin will bail him out. He has already invested millions in trump.
I'm wondering if Trump is forcing her to seize assets just to show America just how low the Democratic Party has sunk.
How ridiculous and lame is the right, just read this. The supposed party of law and order, The constitution party, the flag and bible party. What a joke!. There has never been a more anti American, fake christian,treasonous, hater of our constitution and flag, MAGA's are total scum ,bottom feeding hate driven cruel evil anti Christs traitors. .

You got a cartoon, I got real life proof as to what the Democlown shitshow is:


This one's a thief that Biden appointed:

And this:

So who will the NY dem commies go after next?

Durst family $16b

New York’s 10 biggest property owners (2024)​

Silverstein $20b WTC owner
Anyone at all see the logic in this trash.
Looks like Trump won't be able to post a $500,000,000 bond.

That means Letitia James can take possession of all of Trump's assets.

Will Trump lose everything but Mar-a-Lago? (I think Desantis would keep NY out of FL.)

View attachment 919755
Trump can take out a mortgage on his own properties that are not fully leveraged by other mortgages.

Trump can borrow it from Jarod and Ivanka.

If the court approves, she can begin seizing what assets he has on paper,

The leans all can be dropped if he wins his appeal.
Trump can take out a mortgage on his own properties that are not fully leveraged by other mortgages.

Trump can borrow it from Jarod and Ivanka.

If the court approves, she can begin seizing what assets he has on paper,

The leans all can be dropped if he wins his appeal.
By that time there's irreparable harm and grounds for massive lawsuits.

They're not thinking this thing through.
Trump might do nothing knowing that such a massive seizure would devastate New York. Perhaps fatally. It's called a poison pill. It's been done before by the really gutsy.

Shitpants losing everything is comical, the man is a total loser has been his whole life. He literally is the clown who lost more money then anyone else from


in the history of this country.
And has lost more money than you'll ever see in your lifetime. Why worry about others' wealth, though?

I don't see the point in it. :dunno:
Trump might do nothing knowing that such a massive seizure would devastate New York. Perhaps fatally. It's called a poison pill. It's been done before by the really gutsy.

Trump's properties are already mortgaged to the hilt. He's been broke for a decade.
Soon all you'll be left with are millions of foreign nationals with no loyalty to America in your states. What could go wrong?
By all standards not only do immigrants make better Americans then any Republican , republicans are by far create more crime then Immigrants. Every type of crime. Illegal immigrants make for a better neighbor then any Right winger. I would rather live in a whole neighborhood of illegals then having a MAGA for my neighbor. and there is no fact or statistic that says otherwise.
So how do these MAGA's hold their head's up when everything they say is proven wrong in front of everyone on the site. and knowing their sources of information are cartoon characters that are a laughing stock to anyone who has the capacity to think.

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