So on Monday Letitia James can grab Trump's empire? (Poll)

So what are Trump's options?

  • Tell Letitia James if she drops the charges he'll drop out of the 2024 race?

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Let Letitia James take all of his property?

    Votes: 15 30.6%
  • Appeal to every court he can think of to get a delay until his appeals are processed?

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Keep cool knowing that when he is elected president he can settle the score...

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Other options...see my post.

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
He did not. He merely compared the Trump value to the assessors value.

Certainly the fair market value is higher than the assessor’s value. It’s not 23 times higher.
You aren't getting that Engeron said Trump overvalued MAL by 2,300%.
If Engeron was competent he would have said Trump overvalued MAL by _____% not 2,300%.
That property isn't severly restricted by commercial and historical zoning.

Trump can't subdivide the property, he can't tear down the mansion and build something else, and he has to maintain it as a resort.

That's why it's not particularly valuable. It was a white elephant when he bought it for 10 million 20 years ago.
You have no clue of what you’re talking about…But don’t let that stop you, it never has before…
The Deed Restrictions for Mara Lago, say it can not ever be a private residence....for anyone, including Trump. He's been fighting with the county over it.... So I'm not certain under the law in fla. If it is considered his private residence....??
He does claim part of it to be his permanent residence so any attempt to seize would be tied up in court for years.
He did not. He merely compared the Trump value to the assessors value.

Certainly the fair market value is higher than the assessor’s value. It’s not 23 times higher.
If Engeron was competent he would have compared Trump's MAL value to some realistic value, not to the tax assessor's number.
Engeron is a political hack, 2,300% overvaluation was hackery.
Why is it fair for Trump, but unfair for you….? It’s laughable.

I never said I could claim on legal paper work that the value of my home is 2,300 times more than the tax assessment.

If I claim my home equity it will be based on professional assessed value not a made up number.

That’s is the difference.

You have no clue of what you’re talking about…But don’t let that stop you, it never has before…
I know exactly what I am talking about.

If Trump could have turned a $10MM investment into a 1 Billion property, he'd have sold it by now.

Instead, he's got a gaudy golf club that barely makes any more, can't be turned into anything else, and isn't worth anything near what he claims it is .
Don't take his property. Trump would make a spectacle of it. Don't allow that.

Instead, keep grabbing his bank accounts. Whenever money shows up anywhere, take it. Much easier than grabbing property. It will take a while, but there's no hurry.

The beauty is that if Trump can't pay his debts, the banks will be the ones seizing his assets. Let the private sector handle that.

There's a good reason no one will loan Trump money.

If Trump loses, he can't pay it back.

And if Trump wins, he'd use dictatorial powers to declare he doesn't have to pay back any loans.

It's a lose-lose for the banks, so the only way they win is not to play.

Calm down! The process of seizing assets is a long process. The AG just does not go and take over a building in one day. There is a process. The AG can start the Process on Monday, but it may be some time before the real estate is seized and levied. Once the property is levied by the State of NY, it will be auctioned off to pay Trump’s debt.

She should start with his airline so he has to fly commercial like the sucker's who give him money.

That way the MAGA rabble's donations to the poor thing when he comes a begging won't be used for him to run around the Country on his private airliner so he play the sympathy card at his rallies for his mob to lap up.

I hear Letitia James is moving into the TRUMP Tower Penthouse
She will have to fumigate it first

It's going to be a fire sale. Trump doesnt have the luxury to sit around and wait for the best offer.

Excuses for illegal behavior.

Isn't it just amazing; the scope of Trump's rip-off that he would owe so much money when his chickens finally come home to roost?

Better for Trump to be a Communist and take things instead then?

Trump is mortgaged up to the tits, existing on other people's money as usual, so this will be complicated as hell.

He won't be able to lie his way out of this, like he did when he got other people's money to begin with.

He's now a target for anyone in any country in the world to help him financially. He is absolutely compromised. That's what happens when you're "the King of Debt". I just hope he doesn't have any more critical classified documents he can sell.

It means Trump is a theft, he will do all kinds of dodgy things.

If Trump breaks the law.... he's going to find people come after him for breaking the law. If he can't afford it, he's in the same boat as everyone else who can't afford it.

Admit his guilt, become a monk.


That seems, in my opinion, to be a bit of histrionics and hyperbole.

I mean by that, the State of New York need not "take possession of all".

It need only seize enough to back up the required surety backing the judgement......$400+ million.

If, in fact, the assets are worth "$10 billion" as the defendant himself once asserted, well, the $400+ million shouldn't carve away too much of those holdings.

True that?

You be you. Go for it. See what you can do to change it. K?

The news reported that the State wants his company and properties to keep their value and worth in order to ever collect the millions he owes....The liens through a court is just securing their cut, in the sale, when it happens?
Today's the day, ShitLordos, are you ready? :D

You aren't getting that Engeron said Trump overvalued MAL by 2,300%.

It’s not very honest to edit out half the sentence and take it out of context.
Problem is MAL can't be seized (at least entirely) due to Trump claiming it as his primary residence. Florida law protects primary residences from seizure. That's why O.J. moved to Florida.

The primary residence exception applies to individual private ownership.

MAL isn’t a private residence it is a business entity. If MAL was owned by Trump the individual that’s one thing. But MAL is owned by the Trump corporate entity.

That changes things.

If Engeron was competent he would have compared Trump's MAL value to some realistic value, not to the tax assessor's number.
Engeron is a political hack, 2,300% overvaluation was hackery.
That’s the problem, is that Trump didn’t compare it to something comparable. He used valuations from properties without restricted deeds.
I never said I could claim on legal paper work that the value of my home is 2,300 times more than the tax assessment.

If I claim my home equity it will be based on professional assessed value not a made up number.

That’s is the difference.

So, the bank never did their own due diligence?
The Post estate wanted $20 million for it. Trump offered $15 million, the Post Estate declined. So Trump bought the ocean front lot in front of Mara Lago for $2 million and spread the rumor that he was going to build a high rise hotel in front of the Post Mansion blocking their views....

Mara Lago property worth was no longer the value once was ....driving the market price down due to Trump's purchase of the beachfront lot in front.

Trump made the Post family estate a low ball offer of $8 million, and they accepted....
He does claim part of it to be his permanent residence so any attempt to seize would be tied up in court for years.
I updated my above post! It is his residence!!! You are right!! get around the 3 month maximum of living there restriction, Trump was able to claim in 2019, that he was an employee, and the deed restrictions allowed employee staff to live there year round....
I updated my above post! It is his residence!!! You are right!! get around the 3 month maximum of living there restriction, Trump was able to claim in 2019, that he was an employee, and the deed restrictions allowed employee staff to live there year round....

Yes he lives there, but it's not his privately owned residence, MAL is a corporation owned by the Trump Organization.

Therefore I can see the individual privately owned residence exception not being applicable. There is no exemption for living in corporate housing.

Yes he lives there, but it's not his privately owned residence, MAL is a corporation owned by the Trump Organization.

Therefore I can see the individual privately owned residence exception not being applicable. There is no exemption for living in corporate housing.

Agreed, but again, point was he has enough of a claim to delay any seizure for years, especially since Florida is run by idiots like DeSantis.
Agreed, but again, point was he has enough of a claim to delay any seizure for years, especially since Florida is run by idiots like DeSantis.

Oh no doubt.

Just pointing out to others that may read the thread that MAL isn't in Trump's name as a personal residence.

It's a business entity and he's allowed to live there due to a "he's an employee charade."


It’s not very honest to edit out half the sentence and take it out of context.
I think Trump will flip about and claim MAL is his residence, which would prevent it from being seized.

Bank accounts will come first. They're easy.

To seize property, it's a long process. They have to petition the court for each piece of property, and then assign it to an independent agent to put it up for sale. The state doesn't just rush in with police and grab it.

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