So Otraitor Plans To Instsitute Racial Quotas For Every Neighborhood In The US -


Jul 7, 2015
This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.
Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Forced Residential Diversity Truth Revolt

In the Obama administration's quest to bring about "racial and economic justice," it has launched what theNY Post is calling an "unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race." One of goals of this data collection is to use it for legal grounds to impose "residential diversity" that would force municipalities to bring people of different economic levels and races together.

So how do Americans feel about government-imposed "residential diversity"? In short, they hate it. A recentRasmussen poll of likely voters found that an overwhelming majority of Americans reject the idea of the government deciding where people should live.

In June, Rasmussen found that 83 percent of likely voters polled said the government should not be involved in diversifying neighborhoods economically. An even larger percent (86%) do not believe the government should play a role in determining where people can live. Only 8 percent for both questions believed the government should play a role.
This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.
In fact, they will be integrating by the house, for every one white family they will share their house with a black family...
This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.
In fact, they will be integrating by the house, for every one white family they will share their house with a black family...
You are pretty much fucked then. Your 43 acres will become a fucking trailer park.. you got to share, right?
This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.
In fact, they will be integrating by the house, for every one white family they will share their house with a black family...
You are pretty much fucked then. Your 43 acres will become a fucking trailer park.. you got to share, right?
No, I had the closest Indian reservation to annex me...
Did you really not believe that the government is mining every scrap of information they could about everyone?
That's what the Patriot Act and the NSA is for.
They were doing it before Obama, they'll do it after.
Americans allowed it out of's here to stay.
what the fuck is the problem? please, let us know just what is wrong with having the information?
Did you really not believe that the government is mining every scrap of information they could about everyone?
That's what the Patriot Act and the NSA is for.
They were doing it before Obama, they'll do it after.
Americans allowed it out of's here to stay.

Yep. Americans fear every bogeyman they are spoon fed
This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.

The government is doing standard statistical analysis on publicly available data on things like race, gender and income. It's the same stuff that has been available through the census agency forever.

Click me > American FactFinder

The NY Post is a rightwing tabloid that depends on the fact that you don't have the intellectual resources to question their bullshit, which is tireless. When I lived in the city I used to buy it because it's actually quite funny. Now, the GOP has created an industry of fake news for idiots like the OP.

However, if the OP wants to learn about government power & data collection, he should actually set the bar higher and read some Foucault, who has created the most intellectually dense and well-researched work in this area.
Click me > Governmentality Notes on the Thought of Michel Foucault

Lastly, everybody knows that the OP is a well-meaning but very under-educated apparatchik for the rightwing. We all know he said nothing when Bush created the largest, most secretive surveillance bureaucracy in American history. The Patriot Act instituted the most sweeping data collection a supposedly free society has ever seen, from internet to phone & bank records to library checkouts and book purchases. And we all know that when Bush was raping the Constitution, the OP wrapped himself in a flag and cheered. And don't tell me the Left rolled over too because the Left is the party of government, so of course the Left rolled over; of course they believed that government was competent and ethical enough to create a Soviet-style surveillance bureaucracy without compromising civil rights and privacy.

But the American Right is supposed to be different. Their role in American politics is to push back against government power, no matter how good the cause or how noble the intent. The Right believes that the biggest evil of all is giving government more power. They tell us that government doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat, and that they can't solve big problems without making them wore. Yet, when Bush started talking about eradicating evil in the world and remaking whole Arab nations, people like the OP went along with it. [Talk about an impossibly big problem with unintended consequences and expenses. Bush declared war on a verb - terrorism - which gave Washington unlimited and never-ending power to waste our money and monitor/record our behavior]. And now the OP is worried that Obama is doing standard census-level data analysis on race and income so that he can more effectively utilize the benign powers of HUD.

And we're supposed to take him seriously.

(Dude, the barn door has been open for years. And you did nothing. You didn't even know it was open because the rightwing tabloid bubble didn't mention it. And now we're supposed to treat you like the grand enlightener? You're kidding right?)
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This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.

This is standard statistical analysis on publicly available data on things like race, gender and income. It's the same stuff that has been available through the census agency forever.

Go here to this census website and look at the information that has been collected since Nixon. Click me > American FactFinder

The NY Post is a rightwing tabloid that depends on the fact that you don't have the intellectual resources to question their bullshit, which is tireless. When I lived in the city I used to buy it because it's actually quite funny. Now, the GOP has created an industry of fake news for idiots like the OP.

However, if the OP does want to see how government uses data collection, he should actually set the bar higher and read some Foucault, who has created the most intellectually dense and well-researched work in this area.
Governmentality Notes on the Thought of Michel Foucault

Lastly, everybody knows that the OP is a well-meaning but very under-educated apparatchik for the rightwing. We all know he said nothing when Bush created the largest, most secretive surveillance bureaucracy in American history. The Patriot Act instituted the most sweeping data collection a supposedly free society has ever seen, from internet to phone & bank records to library checkouts and book purchases. And the OP just rolled over. And don't tell me the Left rolled over too because the Left is the party of government, so of course the Left believed that government was competent and ethical enough to create a Soviet-style surveillance bureaucracy without compromising civil rights and privacy.

But the Right is different. Their role in American politics is to push back against government power, no matter how good the cause or how noble the intentions to help the American people. The Right believes that biggest evil of all is giving government more power. They tell us that government doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat, and that they can't solve big problems without making them wore. Yet, when Bush started talking about eradicating evil in the world and remaking whole Arab nations, people like the OP went along with it. [Talk about an impossibly big project with unintended consequences and expenses]. And when Bush said he needed to give Washington bureaucrats unprecedented power to spy on American citizens and collect data on them, people like the OP simply went along with it, obediently. And now he's worried that Obama is doing standard census-level data analysis about race and income so that he can more effectively utilize the benign powers of HUD...

And we're supposed to take him seriously.
well put. although this seems more like moving the traditional data in a sabermetrics direction it's still just data analysis. what's the scary thing that's supposed to happen?
This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.
You better hope he doesn't plan to institute moron quotas for the whole nation.
This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.
In fact, they will be integrating by the house, for every one white family they will share their house with a black family...
The communists in Russia did something very similar.
ROFL at those saying, "so what" - sheesh. I'm glad there are fewer of you than us. This is about moving people around, based on race, to diversify neighborhoods that in the estimation of the Oliar regime, are too white. The report is real. The effort is real. Ozero himself has spoken of it in terms of remaking of neighborhoods based on racial quotas. Ignoring it, attacking the source (ultimately the Oracist gang), attacking me, will not change those facts.

Megyn Kelly Unloads on Obama over Plans to Regulate the Diversity of Neighborhoods
This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.

This is standard statistical analysis on publicly available data on things like race, gender and income. It's the same stuff that has been available through the census agency forever.

Go here to this census website and look at the information that has been collected since Nixon. Click me > American FactFinder

The NY Post is a rightwing tabloid that depends on the fact that you don't have the intellectual resources to question their bullshit, which is tireless. When I lived in the city I used to buy it because it's actually quite funny. Now, the GOP has created an industry of fake news for idiots like the OP.

However, if the OP does want to see how government uses data collection, he should actually set the bar higher and read some Foucault, who has created the most intellectually dense and well-researched work in this area.
Governmentality Notes on the Thought of Michel Foucault

Lastly, everybody knows that the OP is a well-meaning but very under-educated apparatchik for the rightwing. We all know he said nothing when Bush created the largest, most secretive surveillance bureaucracy in American history. The Patriot Act instituted the most sweeping data collection a supposedly free society has ever seen, from internet to phone & bank records to library checkouts and book purchases. And the OP just rolled over. And don't tell me the Left rolled over too because the Left is the party of government, so of course the Left believed that government was competent and ethical enough to create a Soviet-style surveillance bureaucracy without compromising civil rights and privacy.

But the Right is different. Their role in American politics is to push back against government power, no matter how good the cause or how noble the intentions to help the American people. The Right believes that biggest evil of all is giving government more power. They tell us that government doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat, and that they can't solve big problems without making them wore. Yet, when Bush started talking about eradicating evil in the world and remaking whole Arab nations, people like the OP went along with it. [Talk about an impossibly big project with unintended consequences and expenses]. And when Bush said he needed to give Washington bureaucrats unprecedented power to spy on American citizens and collect data on them, people like the OP simply went along with it, obediently. And now he's worried that Obama is doing standard census-level data analysis about race and income so that he can more effectively utilize the benign powers of HUD...

And we're supposed to take him seriously.
well put. although this seems more like moving the traditional data in a sabermetrics direction it's still just data analysis. what's the scary thing that's supposed to happen?

It's not just the data collecting. It's the plan to diversify neighborhoods, which has been reported on by numerous media outlets lately.

I would think the best way to unite everyone would be to have honest discussion and encourage people to reach out to each other. Instead, Obama has been divisive and accusatory. Things are worse than ever with race relations and pushing people together against their will isn't going to solve the problem.
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This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.

This is standard statistical analysis on publicly available data on things like race, gender and income. It's the same stuff that has been available through the census agency forever.

Go here to this census website and look at the information that has been collected since Nixon. Click me > American FactFinder

The NY Post is a rightwing tabloid that depends on the fact that you don't have the intellectual resources to question their bullshit, which is tireless. When I lived in the city I used to buy it because it's actually quite funny. Now, the GOP has created an industry of fake news for idiots like the OP.

However, if the OP does want to see how government uses data collection, he should actually set the bar higher and read some Foucault, who has created the most intellectually dense and well-researched work in this area.
Governmentality Notes on the Thought of Michel Foucault

Lastly, everybody knows that the OP is a well-meaning but very under-educated apparatchik for the rightwing. We all know he said nothing when Bush created the largest, most secretive surveillance bureaucracy in American history. The Patriot Act instituted the most sweeping data collection a supposedly free society has ever seen, from internet to phone & bank records to library checkouts and book purchases. And the OP just rolled over. And don't tell me the Left rolled over too because the Left is the party of government, so of course the Left believed that government was competent and ethical enough to create a Soviet-style surveillance bureaucracy without compromising civil rights and privacy.

But the Right is different. Their role in American politics is to push back against government power, no matter how good the cause or how noble the intentions to help the American people. The Right believes that biggest evil of all is giving government more power. They tell us that government doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat, and that they can't solve big problems without making them wore. Yet, when Bush started talking about eradicating evil in the world and remaking whole Arab nations, people like the OP went along with it. [Talk about an impossibly big project with unintended consequences and expenses]. And when Bush said he needed to give Washington bureaucrats unprecedented power to spy on American citizens and collect data on them, people like the OP simply went along with it, obediently. And now he's worried that Obama is doing standard census-level data analysis about race and income so that he can more effectively utilize the benign powers of HUD...

And we're supposed to take him seriously.
well put. although this seems more like moving the traditional data in a sabermetrics direction it's still just data analysis. what's the scary thing that's supposed to happen?

It's not just the data collecting. It's the plan to diversify neighborhoods, which has been reported on by numerous media outlets lately.

I would think the best way to unite everyone would be to have honest discussion and encourage people to reach out to each other. Instead, Obama has been divisive and accusatory. Things are worse than ever with race relations and pushing people together isn't going to solve the problem.
He's not trying to bring people together, neither is his party and its surrogates. They want division. They want animosity. Dems can't win outside an atmosphere of discord and hate, dividing us into groups and pitting us against each other.
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This is beyond belief.

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database New York Post

Every zip code mapped by race, and if your neighborhood is over 50% White, get ready for some diversification.

Yes, he wants move us around based on race, socially engineer every neighborhood in this country.

If you think we've seen fundamental transformation up until now, it appears we haven't seen anything yet.

Wonder what he's saving for last...

I pray there is enough of this great nation, under attack from within, to restore after his traitorous term ends.

This is standard statistical analysis on publicly available data on things like race, gender and income. It's the same stuff that has been available through the census agency forever.

Go here to this census website and look at the information that has been collected since Nixon. Click me > American FactFinder

The NY Post is a rightwing tabloid that depends on the fact that you don't have the intellectual resources to question their bullshit, which is tireless. When I lived in the city I used to buy it because it's actually quite funny. Now, the GOP has created an industry of fake news for idiots like the OP.

However, if the OP does want to see how government uses data collection, he should actually set the bar higher and read some Foucault, who has created the most intellectually dense and well-researched work in this area.
Governmentality Notes on the Thought of Michel Foucault

Lastly, everybody knows that the OP is a well-meaning but very under-educated apparatchik for the rightwing. We all know he said nothing when Bush created the largest, most secretive surveillance bureaucracy in American history. The Patriot Act instituted the most sweeping data collection a supposedly free society has ever seen, from internet to phone & bank records to library checkouts and book purchases. And the OP just rolled over. And don't tell me the Left rolled over too because the Left is the party of government, so of course the Left believed that government was competent and ethical enough to create a Soviet-style surveillance bureaucracy without compromising civil rights and privacy.

But the Right is different. Their role in American politics is to push back against government power, no matter how good the cause or how noble the intentions to help the American people. The Right believes that biggest evil of all is giving government more power. They tell us that government doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat, and that they can't solve big problems without making them wore. Yet, when Bush started talking about eradicating evil in the world and remaking whole Arab nations, people like the OP went along with it. [Talk about an impossibly big project with unintended consequences and expenses]. And when Bush said he needed to give Washington bureaucrats unprecedented power to spy on American citizens and collect data on them, people like the OP simply went along with it, obediently. And now he's worried that Obama is doing standard census-level data analysis about race and income so that he can more effectively utilize the benign powers of HUD...

And we're supposed to take him seriously.
well put. although this seems more like moving the traditional data in a sabermetrics direction it's still just data analysis. what's the scary thing that's supposed to happen?

It's not just the data collecting. It's the plan to diversify neighborhoods, which has been reported on by numerous media outlets lately.

I would think the best way to unite everyone would be to have honest discussion and encourage people to reach out to each other. Instead, Obama has been divisive and accusatory. Things are worse than ever with race relations and pushing people together isn't going to solve the problem.
He's not trying to bring people together, neither is his party and its surrogates. They want division. They want animosity. Dems can't win outside an atmosphere of discord and hate, dividing us into groups and pitting us against each other.

So I can tell you are the second type. Good. I can always use the entertainment.
ROFL at those saying, "so what" - sheesh. I'm glad there are fewer of you than us. This is about moving people around, based on race, to diversify neighborhoods that in the estimation of the Oliar regime, are too white. The report is real. The effort is real. Ozero himself has spoken of it in terms of remaking of neighborhoods based on racial quotas. Ignoring it, attacking the source (ultimately the Oracist gang), attacking me, will not change those facts.

Megyn Kelly Unloads on Obama over Plans to Regulate the Diversity of Neighborhoods
so you're just worried that a black guy is going to live near you, is that it?

using available data to allocate funds where they are better spent isn't a bad idea. knowledge isn't the enemy, 'conservatives'

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