So Our Economy's Doing Great?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Where Have All the Start-Ups Gone?


I'm not an economist but don't believe for one minute all that “rosy economy” spouted by the left-wing media. So, it's refreshing to read articles like this that put the whole thing into perspective. Now let's see if the Lefties can make reasonable responses or will simply attack the source.

Read more @ Where Have All the Start-Ups Gone Online Library of Law Liberty
if you buy into what our CIA LAMESTREAM media outlets -fox news,your city newspapers,the idiot box in the CIA media box in the living room says,then yes,our economy is doing
if you buy into what our CIA LAMESTREAM media outlets -fox news,your city newspapers,the idiot box in the CIA media box in the living room says,then yes,our economy is doing

actually nobody says its doing great and certainly not Fox. 2% GDP growth is modest growth and something of a miracle given anti business libturd in Whitehouse.
if you buy into what our CIA LAMESTREAM media outlets -fox news,your city newspapers,the idiot box in the CIA media box in the living room says,then yes,our economy is doing

actually nobody says its doing great and certainly not Fox. 2% GDP growth is modest growth and something of a miracle given anti business libturd in Whitehouse.
Why yes, If we just give the corporations what they want, they will put us all back to work...
Why yes, If we just give the corporations what they want, they will put us all back to work...

a liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism. The law of supply and demand dictates that they sell just enough bananas so none rot on the shelf and employ just enough so none waste our labor resources doing nothing.

Now, as a typical liberal fool you'll change the subject to indicate once again you lack the IQ to understand. What do we expect from a liberal with his pants down?
If you can grow yer own bananas then it wouldn't it make sense that you wouldn't plant too many so that they don't rot on the shelves correct?

The same goes with all of our food. Grow enough to sell locally and keep it fresh.

But NO! America has to have GIANT Feed Lots of Beef and Chicken that manufacture bacteria and ecoli outbreaks. NO! We have to have Free Trade Agreements so we can get our fruits and vegetables "gassed" so they survive being shipped from God knows where and ripen at the just right time. Nutritional Quality you ask? F*ck that! I just want Giant Corporations to make Huge Profits!

And Americans think locally grown food is unclean!
If you can grow yer own bananas then it wouldn't it make sense that you wouldn't plant too many so that they don't rot on the shelves correct?
The same goes with all of our food. Grow enough to sell locally and keep it fresh.

dear, supply equals demand no matter where our bananas come from. It costs money to supply bananas for which there is no demand.
If you can grow yer own bananas then it wouldn't it make sense that you wouldn't plant too many so that they don't rot on the shelves correct?

The same goes with all of our food. Grow enough to sell locally and keep it fresh.

But NO! America has to have GIANT Feed Lots of Beef and Chicken that manufacture bacteria and ecoli outbreaks. NO! We have to have Free Trade Agreements so we can get our fruits and vegetables "gassed" so they survive being shipped from God knows where and ripen at the just right time. Nutritional Quality you ask? F*ck that! I just want Giant Corporations to make Huge Profits!

And Americans think locally grown food is unclean!

While you are correct,we are dependent on big AG.There is a growing movement towards local grown,and many can and will benefit,big AG is still needed,just the number of people dictate that.Far more people can't won't.
My Dad grew up in a house that used the Garage as a Fresh Fruit stand every day. They put out locally grown produce and either sold out what they had or picked up less of it to sell the next day. That's called "Supply and Demand".

It can be done by ANYONE who grows food locally.

No one needs a Giant Corporation and their "Just In Time" management technique (which was designed for automobile manufacturing) telling them what and how much they need. People are smart enough to figger that out themselves.
Where are these links to "rosy economy" and "doing great"?


I call out the OP for constructing a thread out of a strawman ----- and instead of responding he clicks "Agree". :disbelief:

This place is just fucking surreal.
No one needs a Giant Corporation

the world is full of them and they survive because people need what they sell. Not everyone has the time to shop in a 100 Dad's garages or wants to trust a 100 Dad's garages or can afford the prices in a 100 Dad's garages.
Where Have All the Start-Ups Gone?


I'm not an economist but don't believe for one minute all that “rosy economy” spouted by the left-wing media. So, it's refreshing to read articles like this that put the whole thing into perspective. Now let's see if the Lefties can make reasonable responses or will simply attack the source.

Read more @ Where Have All the Start-Ups Gone Online Library of Law Liberty

You mean after 30+ years of Reaganomics and then we had the 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies that put US in the biggest, widest hole since the first GOP great depression? lol
Business InsiderMore: Austerity Barack Obama
One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan

  • JAN. 28, 2012, 4:17 PM
  • 20,481
  • 49
ORIGINAL POST, SEE UPDATE BELOW: Earlier we made the argument that the Obama recovery has been much more impressive than the Reagan recovery since A) The conditions Obama inherited were wildly worse and B) Federal government spending under Obama didn't grow as fast as it did under Reagan.

But we were just looking at Federal Government spending.

Here's a look at annual government spending growth at all levels: federal, state, and local.


Here it's even more lopsided. In Reagan's first four years in office, government spending grew by at least 7.5 percent, and in the first two years, government spending grew by over10 percent year-over-year. Obama hasn't had one year of government spending growth over 7.5 percent, and the growth in government spending in 2011 that appears as the second smallest in this chart, is actually the third smallest since WWII.

Read more: One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider

Damned funny that you should mention that.
Let's see, as Bush II's second term ended we were losing 500,000 jobs a month, the market was headed straight down, and people were beginning to lose their homes. Today, we have had a remarkable recovery for the market, more people are being hired, and the economy is looking stronger every year. There is a very good chance that President Obama will end his second term with the DOW at 20,000, unemployment at between 5% and 6%, and a growing economy. Really a scary thought for you people that have been predicting disaster for 8 years.

And then President Hilary Clinton takes the baton.
. Obama hasn't had one year of government spending growth over 7.5 percent,

dear, Obama is a lib commie who had 3 communist parents and grew up to vote to the left of Bernie Sanders. If he had his way Fed spending would be $6 trillion right now.

Is this really over your head???

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