So, our ultimate choice come November

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Yes, Gary Johnson
Trying to find out more on his stance regarding children and heroin. Someone implied he wanted them to take it.

Nonsense. Johnson has only advocated legalizing marijuana, not even heroin for adults.

I disagree with him on that. For adults. Keep in mind that alcohol is illegal for children and it's a crime to give it to them. That should be the law for drugs as well. But making drugs illegal is just stupid. It doesn't work and then we have all the crime in addition to the drugs
Oh's a cornerstone of the wacked out libertarian party (different than real libertarians)....

Gary Johnson on Drugs

Prescriptions for heroin & methadone at local pharmacy
Q: How would the legalization of heroin actually work?
A: Only addicts would be allowed to get drugs. They would have to get a prescription.

Q: But wouldn't there still be a large group of people who use heroin casually? Wouldn't there still be a black market?

A: Yes, you bet. But it is going to reduce the problem, which is a start. We have to look at the other users, too. We should start with the drug addicts and then explore the problem posed by the other users. For drug addicts, we should look at all the tools in the box. One of the ideas I proposed is that methadone should be available from drugstores, not just from clinics. One of the criticisms of methadone clinics is their clientele. Why don't we just allow people to go to drugstores and get their methadone with a prescription? Heroin maintenance is another idea I proposed. It's a harm-reduction strategy. Instead of pretending that drugs are going to go away, we should do everything we can to minimize the negative impact of drugs.

Source: Interview with David Sheff in Playboy Magazine , Jan 1, 2001
Post the part regarding children.
Again....ask someone help you with the reading part.....

Your post doesn't say Johnson wants to make heroin legal

Your post doesn't mention children

Seem you're the one needing some reading help right now
Mod Message:

Thread turned into posters talking past each. Nothing got resolved or moved along for pages.
Don't DO that in Z2. Respect the topics. Don't just :poke:each other for pages.

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