So Posting Your Junk On Twitter Is A Worse Offense Than Getting Busted w/Cocaine?

Look at what the USMB RWers posted when the Dems finally forced Weiner out:

Note [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION]'s and my, now banned, nemesis Califnornia Girl's responses were.

Not to mention the title and the OP of the thread.

There was thousand-page thread about Weiner during the scandal which was chuck-full of rage, poutrage and/or faux outrage towards Anthony Weiner imploring him to resign and for the Democrats to force him out, couldn't find it and I won't spend any more time looking, but you all remember and know it's true.
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Everybody said posting your junk is worse than cocaine use. Learn to read, old man.
Is that it folks?

Anthony Weiner was forced to step down.

The GOP opened a can of you-know-what and the Democrats capitulated.

The GOP has been notably silent on this Trey Radel's cocaine bust.

Marco Rubio was on camera saying no comment when asked about the situation.

Radel got a slap on the wrist, in fact, he didn't even get handcuffed.

A very liberal sentence.

Is that how it should have went down?

Radel admitted he is an alcoholic who does coke. He should have to give up his seat, and then go to jail, for breaking the law. :evil:
Is that it folks?

Anthony Weiner was forced to step down.

The GOP opened a can of you-know-what and the Democrats capitulated.

The GOP has been notably silent on this Trey Radel's cocaine bust.

Marco Rubio was on camera saying no comment when asked about the situation.

Radel got a slap on the wrist, in fact, he didn't even get handcuffed.

A very liberal sentence.

Is that how it should have went down?

Obama used coke. Should he be impeached?

Show us the proof or just please, sit down and STFU. Provide images, documentation, like Radel's confession or Weiner's Twitter photos...or else just step away from your computer and walk out of the room. Go grow vegetables or learn to knit.
Obama had written in his first book, "Dreams From My Father" (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine ("maybe a little blow"). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.

Where are all the libtards asking Barry to step down?
You are such a fucking hack. Everyone in this thread is saying he should step down or be in jail.

YOU are the hack, hack.

WTF cares what some USMB members say, where is that message coming from in the CURRENT RW members of Congress?

My OP says that Marco Rubio DECLINED to comment on the matter.

What does that tell you hack?

She said the willful blindness HERE! She didn't mention congress. And I addressed her not you.
I won't let an attack of that nature go unanswered, whether or not it was directed at me or someone else.

The willful blindness being addressed here is the willful blindness to the fact that RWers in Congress are hypocrites on this matter, not-so-much that the USMB RWers are.
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It's because a good number of them hit the blow on occasion, while not too many post their junk on the net
Everybody said posting your junk is worse than cocaine use. Learn to read, old man.

It is worse you stupid bitch. It involve other people while the cocaine doesn't. But everyone ALSO said he should not be in office.
Dunno why you're trying to excuse bad behavior by pointing at other bad behavior.
YOU are the hack, hack.

WTF cares what some USMB members say, where is that message coming from in the CURRENT RW members of Congress?

My OP says that Marco Rubio DECLINED to comment on the matter.

What does that tell you hack?

She said the willful blindness HERE! She didn't mention congress. And I addressed her not you.
I won't let an attack of that nature go unanswered, whether or not it was directed at me or someone else.

The willful blindness being addressed here is the willful blindness to the fact that RWers in Congress are hypocrites on this matter, not-so-much that the USMB RWers are.

You wont let....lmao

Who the hell are you? Her daddy? Get bent tool
OMG. The degree of rationalization and willful blindness here is just staggering!

Just - any one of you. Tell me you would be just as forgiving if there was a D after his name.

You are such a fucking hack. Everyone in this thread is saying he should step down or be in jail.

YOU are the hack, hack.

WTF cares what some USMB members say, where is that message coming from in the CURRENT RW members of Congress?

My OP says that Marco Rubio DECLINED to comment on the matter.

What does that tell you hack?

Has anyone seen any mention of this on Fox Noise? Here's their online report. NO MENTION OF THE SLAP ON THE WRIST OF A $250 FINE:

"""Republican Florida Rep. Trey Radel said late Wednesday he will take a leave of absence and donate his salary after pleading guilty to misdemeanor cocaine possession, one day after his run-in with the law was made public. Radel was sentenced to one year of supervised probation for purchasing 3.5 grams of cocaine, valued at $250, from an undercover officer. He also had a vial of cocaine at his apartment which police later confiscated.
“I’ve let down our country,” Radel said at a press conference Wednesday night. “I’ve let down our constituents. I’ve let down my wife, and even though he doesn’t know it, I’ve let down my 2-year-old son.”
Radel recalled the support he received from constituents when his mother died. He said they made him feel like "Southwest Florida's adopted son." (Oh cry me a river.....)
"I hope, like family, Southwest Florida can forgive me for this. I've let them down, but I do believe in faith, forgiveness and redemption, and I hope to come out of this a stronger, a better man for all of you."
According to a statement from Ronald Machen Jr., U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, FBI and DEA agents learned recently that Radel was buying cocaine for personal use and sometimes sharing it.
"Today's guilty plea emerges from a broader narcotics investigation that brought to light information that a sitting member of Congress was routinely using and buying cocaine. Once this information was confirmed, law enforcement could not ignore this illegal conduct," Machen said in the statement.
Radel said that his leave of absence takes effect immediately and that he had filed the necessary papers with the House clerk. In the meantime, he said constituent services would continue. He gave no indication he was going to resign.
"I want to come out of this stronger," Radel said in court, later adding that he wants to "continue serving this country."

A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement Tuesday the incident was between Radel, his family and his constituents, but that "members of Congress should be held to the highest standards."

The maximum penalty for the charge Radel faces was 180 days of imprisonment and/or a fine of $1,000. The probe that led to the charge against Radel involved multiple law enforcement agencies, including the FBI. """

These fuckers are afraid to mention that the bastard got off for a $250 fine!
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So typical. Marc isn't getting the responses here he hoped for so he points at some other totally unrelated thread. He posted this thread thinking this idiot would be defended by us and when that didn't happen he brought up comments by other posters in another thread that isn't even related.
OMG. The degree of rationalization and willful blindness here is just staggering!

Just - any one of you. Tell me you would be just as forgiving if there was a D after his name.
Why? I would ask both to step down. Actually, all three since the President of the United States has confessed to using cocaine, he should go too.
It's because a good number of them hit the blow on occasion, while not too many post their junk on the net

Wiener prolly was on coke when posting his junk...:lol:
Hell, he may have kept his job if he had a line of coke on his junk when he took the picture!

Course, he'd have some Canadian Mayor after him, but we don't talk about that.....
So typical. Marc isn't getting the responses here he hoped for so he points at some other totally unrelated thread. He posted this thread thinking this idiot would be defended by us and when that didn't happen he brought up comments by other posters in another thread that isn't even related.
So typical. Marc isn't getting the responses here he hoped for so he points at some other totally unrelated thread. He posted this thread thinking this idiot would be defended by us and when that didn't happen he brought up comments by other posters in another thread that isn't even related.

GMU, why do you even bother answering bait-threads like these?

dimocrap scum are only trying to throw their self-proclaimed moral superiority in your face.

Which is a joke. They are the most disgusting human beings the planet has ever known.

This is one of three threads about the same topic. Which the Mods have chosen to overlook.

I said he should resign, what else is there to say?

Now dimocrap scum want to equate a guy buying coke (like 90% of dimocraps do every week) with a dimocrap scumbag tweeting his junk to underage girls?

Just ignore them. You do this far too often.

Narcissists should be ignored, not enabled
You are such a fucking hack. Everyone in this thread is saying he should step down or be in jail.

YOU are the hack, hack.

WTF cares what some USMB members say, where is that message coming from in the CURRENT RW members of Congress?

My OP says that Marco Rubio DECLINED to comment on the matter.

What does that tell you hack?

Has anyone seen any mention of this on Fox Noise? Here's their online report. NO MENTION OF THE SLAP ON THE WRIST OF A $250 FINE:

"""Republican Florida Rep. Trey Radel said late Wednesday he will take a leave of absence and donate his salary after pleading guilty to misdemeanor cocaine possession, one day after his run-in with the law was made public. Radel was sentenced to one year of supervised probation for purchasing 3.5 grams of cocaine, valued at $250, from an undercover officer. He also had a vial of cocaine at his apartment which police later confiscated.
“I’ve let down our country,” Radel said at a press conference Wednesday night. “I’ve let down our constituents. I’ve let down my wife, and even though he doesn’t know it, I’ve let down my 2-year-old son.”
Radel recalled the support he received from constituents when his mother died. He said they made him feel like "Southwest Florida's adopted son." (Oh cry me a river.....)
"I hope, like family, Southwest Florida can forgive me for this. I've let them down, but I do believe in faith, forgiveness and redemption, and I hope to come out of this a stronger, a better man for all of you."
According to a statement from Ronald Machen Jr., U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, FBI and DEA agents learned recently that Radel was buying cocaine for personal use and sometimes sharing it.
"Today's guilty plea emerges from a broader narcotics investigation that brought to light information that a sitting member of Congress was routinely using and buying cocaine. Once this information was confirmed, law enforcement could not ignore this illegal conduct," Machen said in the statement.
Radel said that his leave of absence takes effect immediately and that he had filed the necessary papers with the House clerk. In the meantime, he said constituent services would continue. He gave no indication he was going to resign.
"I want to come out of this stronger," Radel said in court, later adding that he wants to "continue serving this country."

A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement Tuesday the incident was between Radel, his family and his constituents, but that "members of Congress should be held to the highest standards."

The maximum penalty for the charge Radel faces was 180 days of imprisonment and/or a fine of $1,000. The probe that led to the charge against Radel involved multiple law enforcement agencies, including the FBI. """

These fuckers are afraid to mention that the bastard got off for a $250 fine!

I found out about it watching fox news. They reported him as a Republican and one who was caught buying cocaine and admitting a cocaine abuse problem. It was newsworthy and thus they reported it.

Get a life bro. You are a clueless sheep following the wrong people.
OMG. The degree of rationalization and willful blindness here is just staggering!

Just - any one of you. Tell me you would be just as forgiving if there was a D after his name.
Why? I would ask both to step down. Actually, all three since the President of the United States has confessed to using cocaine, he should go too.

Past-tense. He wasn't busted, he didn't keep using, and I think it's pretty damn obvious he made something of his life.

It is flat-out ridiculous that you can't just look at a Republican without trying to point the finger elsewhere. I didn't excuse Weiner's idiocy by bringing up wide-stance dude, or guy who went to Venezuela with his mistress on the taxpayer's dime or any of your other idiots, and you have no idea how much I would absolutely love it if just ONCE, for fuck's sake, you would return the favor.

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