So, President Trump tells Hillary to Disarm Her Bodyguards if She Feels Safe

I think it's great how Trump has become a staunch supporter of "gun rights" in this cycle.

He says things that average citizens want to say!!!!! Let's elect him president!

Dude....he says things he knows you want to hear. And you don't care if he's lying to you or not. That's below average.

"You can keep your plan if you like your plan"
The cops acted stupidly.
I've been saying this to these anti-gun batshit crazy Leftist whack-jobs for months! Disarm the elitists who want to disarm the citizens....

Yeah, right.

Hillary, Obama - talking out of your filthy asses

President Trump will end all of this stupidity, and all this LGBT and PC bullshit as well immediately following his inauguration. Live it up while you can, Lib-shits:

Trump to Hillary: If guns don't keep you safe, disarm your bodyguards

it is true

hillary is a limousine liberal

do as i say

not as i do
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

So, depending on how important you are determines the need for a weapon for self defense?


obviously leftards believe in the classes

and that some classes have more value then others
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

So, depending on how important you are determines the need for a weapon for self defense?


obviously leftards believe in the classes

and that some classes have more value then others

But Obama railed against the 1-percent. Made them villains. Seems Obama is conflicted

I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

So, depending on how important you are determines the need for a weapon for self defense?


obviously leftards believe in the classes

and that some classes have more value then others

But Obama railed against the 1-percent. Made them villains. Seems Obama is conflicted


exactly hillery as well
what exactly does a First Lady do that they deserve protection the same as their worthless husbands? They get protection and then work to take AWAY OURS
what exactly does a First Lady do that they deserve protection the same as their worthless husbands? They get protection and then work to take AWAY OURS

average libtards are dime a dozen they do not deserve protection

only affluent libtards such as hillary or other upper class folks qualify
I think it's great how Trump has become a staunch supporter of "gun rights" in this cycle.

He says things that average citizens want to say!!!!! Let's elect him president!

Dude....he says things he knows you want to hear. And you don't care if he's lying to you or not. That's below average. worked for Obama and you morons voted for him.
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

But if she is in a gun free zone she has nothing to fear.

And...we all know....if you own nice things, or are the wrong color near the ghetto or a herd of Obama voters, you're in danger.
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

But if she is in a gun free zone she has nothing to fear.

And...we all know....if you own nice things, or are the wrong color near the ghetto or a herd of Obama voters, you're in danger.
If you live near a negro ghetto and own a garbage can you have to chain it to a fucking phone pole or it will be stolen.
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

Who the fuck cares who she is or was? Her life isn't worth any more than mine or anyone who wants to protect themselves.

Goose meet gander. If guns are bad Hillary needs to disarm her body guards, Obama too for tha tmatter
Not only should Hillary dis-arm her guards, so should Obama and the rest of these Liberal fucking assclowns denouncing gun ownership, wanting to tighten restrictions. Let these peckerheads LEAD by example. Walk around out there in public, like the rest of us do.

Why does the Secret Service have to have automatic assault rifles to defend these anti-gun morons.


Trump (the man with the brain), a gun supporter, is entitled to have armed protection.
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

Her life is worth more than mine? There are more regular folks murdered everyday than former first ladies. How many first ladies have been murdered in the past couple of centuries?
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

Her life is worth more than mine? There are more regular folks murdered everyday than former first ladies. How many first ladies have been murdered in the past couple of centuries?
So, you don't think First Ladies deserve Secret Service protection?
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

Her life is worth more than mine? There are more regular folks murdered everyday than former first ladies. How many first ladies have been murdered in the past couple of centuries?
So, you don't think First Ladies deserve Secret Service protection?
I don't think someone that claims you do not need firearms to protect yourself deserves, well, firearms to protect themselves. How about you?
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, but it's still a stupid thing to say. She's a former First Lady. The average Joe isn't in need of Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

Her life is worth more than mine? There are more regular folks murdered everyday than former first ladies. How many first ladies have been murdered in the past couple of centuries?
So, you don't think First Ladies deserve Secret Service protection?

Do I deserve to be able to protect myself?

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