So President Trump was right about Huawei and ZTE being CCP spy networks


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Once again he has been vindicated, this time by our own FCC.

US Sets Start Date for Fund to ‘Rip and Replace’ Huawei and ZTE Network Equipment

"The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Sept. 27 announced the start date for a $1.9 billion program to repay U.S. telecom carriers to “rip and replace” network equipment manufactured by Huawei, ZTE, and other China-based companies designated as national security threats.

Carriers will be able to apply for the funds beginning on Oct. 29 through Jan. 14, 2022. The FCC adopted rules in December last year requiring carriers to replace all equipment made by Huawei and ZTE.

The FCC designated Huawei and ZTE as national security threats on June 30 last year, barring U.S. firms from using an $8.3 billion government fund to buy equipment from either firm.

“Both companies have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and China’s military apparatus, and both companies are broadly subject to Chinese law obligating them to cooperate with the country’s intelligence services,” FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a statement at the time. “We cannot and will not allow the Chinese Communist Party to exploit network vulnerabilities and compromise our critical communications infrastructure.”

US Sets Start Date for Fund to 'Rip and Replace' Huawei and ZTE Network Equipment
Once again he has been vindicated, this time by our own FCC.

US Sets Start Date for Fund to ‘Rip and Replace’ Huawei and ZTE Network Equipment

"The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Sept. 27 announced the start date for a $1.9 billion program to repay U.S. telecom carriers to “rip and replace” network equipment manufactured by Huawei, ZTE, and other China-based companies designated as national security threats.

Carriers will be able to apply for the funds beginning on Oct. 29 through Jan. 14, 2022. The FCC adopted rules in December last year requiring carriers to replace all equipment made by Huawei and ZTE.

The FCC designated Huawei and ZTE as national security threats on June 30 last year, barring U.S. firms from using an $8.3 billion government fund to buy equipment from either firm.

“Both companies have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and China’s military apparatus, and both companies are broadly subject to Chinese law obligating them to cooperate with the country’s intelligence services,” FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a statement at the time. “We cannot and will not allow the Chinese Communist Party to exploit network vulnerabilities and compromise our critical communications infrastructure.”

US Sets Start Date for Fund to 'Rip and Replace' Huawei and ZTE Network Equipment
“But, but, but, Orange Man lies about everything!”
Once again he has been vindicated, this time by our own FCC.

US Sets Start Date for Fund to ‘Rip and Replace’ Huawei and ZTE Network Equipment

"The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Sept. 27 announced the start date for a $1.9 billion program to repay U.S. telecom carriers to “rip and replace” network equipment manufactured by Huawei, ZTE, and other China-based companies designated as national security threats.

Carriers will be able to apply for the funds beginning on Oct. 29 through Jan. 14, 2022. The FCC adopted rules in December last year requiring carriers to replace all equipment made by Huawei and ZTE.

The FCC designated Huawei and ZTE as national security threats on June 30 last year, barring U.S. firms from using an $8.3 billion government fund to buy equipment from either firm.

“Both companies have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and China’s military apparatus, and both companies are broadly subject to Chinese law obligating them to cooperate with the country’s intelligence services,” FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a statement at the time. “We cannot and will not allow the Chinese Communist Party to exploit network vulnerabilities and compromise our critical communications infrastructure.”

US Sets Start Date for Fund to 'Rip and Replace' Huawei and ZTE Network Equipment
Of course he was right. He passed on what our intelligence community found long before he poured himself down the escalator.

Once again he has been vindicated, this time by our own FCC.

US Sets Start Date for Fund to ‘Rip and Replace’ Huawei and ZTE Network Equipment

"The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Sept. 27 announced the start date for a $1.9 billion program to repay U.S. telecom carriers to “rip and replace” network equipment manufactured by Huawei, ZTE, and other China-based companies designated as national security threats.

Carriers will be able to apply for the funds beginning on Oct. 29 through Jan. 14, 2022. The FCC adopted rules in December last year requiring carriers to replace all equipment made by Huawei and ZTE.

The FCC designated Huawei and ZTE as national security threats on June 30 last year, barring U.S. firms from using an $8.3 billion government fund to buy equipment from either firm.

“Both companies have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and China’s military apparatus, and both companies are broadly subject to Chinese law obligating them to cooperate with the country’s intelligence services,” FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a statement at the time. “We cannot and will not allow the Chinese Communist Party to exploit network vulnerabilities and compromise our critical communications infrastructure.”

US Sets Start Date for Fund to 'Rip and Replace' Huawei and ZTE Network Equipment
Yeah he was but the lib propaganda media will never ever admit it.
Reality vs. Your fantasy

Seems to happen a lot
Talk from a politician means absolute shit to me. It might matter to you federal supremacists that cant live without pols telling you how to live but everyone is not like that.
Actions speak louder than words. Like removing chinese companies with direct ties to the chinese military from the banned list. Companies that are overseeing the uyghur oppression.
But hey. Why not have pentagon related companies invest in and ship products to our enemy? As long as he speaks bad about them. Thats all that matters.
Reality vs. Your fantasy

Seems to happen a lot
Reminds of you and your cultist ilk saying trump was bought by putin while he sanctioned the shit our of russians and russian companies.
I never claimed biden was bought by Xi. But he does go easy on them DESPITE his rhetoric. Thats why I was surprised.
Trump was right about Joe Biden being part of the CCP spy network too...
Yes, China owns the Bidens.

Talk from a politician means absolute shit to me.
So you invent fantasies. Meanwhile, Trump sat around and flapped his gums, while Biden launched the Buy American program. While Trump alienated our democratic allies, Biden is unifying them in a stance to deal with China. Biden's ban on investment in Chinese companies is much broader than Trump's. But you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Reality vs. Your fantasy.
Another delusional weirdo
Of course Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are guilty of influence peddling but they are not like Donald Trump and his sons. But don’t worry for the Bidens.

The Bidens will waltz away scot-free like the winning dance team on Dancing With the Stars while Trump would have ended up impeached and his son in prison.

There are different rules of laws in our nation. The more liberal one applies to people like Hillary Clinton, Joe and Hunter Biden and Nancy Pelosi. That rule of law includes a gold plated Get Out of Jail Free card. The strict rule of law applies to outsiders like Trump and his family and to the “little people” like you and me.

Of course Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are guilty of influence peddling but they are not like Donald Trump and his sons. But don’t worry for the Bidens.

The Bidens will waltz away scot-free like the winning dance team on Dancing With the Stars while Trump would have ended up impeached and his son in prison.

There are different rules of laws in our nation. The more liberal one applies to people like Hillary Clinton, Joe and Hunter Biden and Nancy Pelosi. That rule of law includes a gold plated Get Out of Jail Free card. The strict rule of law applies to outsiders like Trump and his family and to the “little people” like you and me.

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Yes, you think your unevidenced fantasies about the Bidens deserve more attention than the Trump scandals caught on audio and video. I get it.

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