So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

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Seal the border.
American jobs for Americans.
Tarif imports to protect American jobs.
Let big screen TV's cost 5 grand again so folks who make them can afford food and rent.
Americans don't want to pick vegetables, do yard work, build houses, or do any other hard manual work.

And by the way, if you want to take those jobs away from those who are willing to do them, you better start locking up those legal enablers.
So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

When you have a new God, you don't ask questions. You vote.

Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

Trump has broken promises because he has been opposed from Within the Republican party who have given him minimal support and show no balls.... and he has been continually opposed by the Democrat party and the news media who only print negative stories on Trump. It's pretty much impossible for one person do do it all, it takes a government.
People support Trump because he is an outsider.... I dont think he got much support from either party when he called for term limits.... or for that matter trying to be tough on border security.... Both major parties want illegal immigration... voters knew that Trump would at least try as opposed to more talk by all the others.
Trump is a criminal who has no interest in holding office, other than to use it and see what financial benefit he can get from it. Legally or illegally, he doesn't care.
So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

When you have a new God, you don't ask questions. You vote.

I repeat
Seal the border.
American jobs for Americans.
Tarif imports to protect American jobs.
Let big screen TV's cost 5 grand again so folks who make them can afford food and rent.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

Trump has broken promises because he has been opposed from Within the Republican party who have given him minimal support and show no balls.... and he has been continually opposed by the Democrat party and the news media who only print negative stories on Trump. It's pretty much impossible for one person do do it all, it takes a government.
People support Trump because he is an outsider.... I dont think he got much support from either party when he called for term limits.... or for that matter trying to be tough on border security.... Both major parties want illegal immigration... voters knew that Trump would at least try as opposed to more talk by all the others.
Trump is a criminal who has no interest in holding office, other than to use it and see what financial benefit he can get from it. Legally or illegally, he doesn't care.
If you believe that then you're a moron.
So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

When you have a new God, you don't ask questions. You vote.

Sounds like a cult to me. How can people be sucked in so easily?
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

Trump has broken promises because he has been opposed from Within the Republican party who have given him minimal support and show no balls.... and he has been continually opposed by the Democrat party and the news media who only print negative stories on Trump. It's pretty much impossible for one person do do it all, it takes a government.
People support Trump because he is an outsider.... I dont think he got much support from either party when he called for term limits.... or for that matter trying to be tough on border security.... Both major parties want illegal immigration... voters knew that Trump would at least try as opposed to more talk by all the others.
Trump is a criminal who has no interest in holding office, other than to use it and see what financial benefit he can get from it. Legally or illegally, he doesn't care.
If you believe that then you're a moron.
Ad hominem won't change reality for you. Trump is a proven criminal. That's a fact no one can change.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

Trump has broken promises because he has been opposed from Within the Republican party who have given him minimal support and show no balls.... and he has been continually opposed by the Democrat party and the news media who only print negative stories on Trump. It's pretty much impossible for one person do do it all, it takes a government.
People support Trump because he is an outsider.... I dont think he got much support from either party when he called for term limits.... or for that matter trying to be tough on border security.... Both major parties want illegal immigration... voters knew that Trump would at least try as opposed to more talk by all the others.
Trump is a criminal who has no interest in holding office, other than to use it and see what financial benefit he can get from it. Legally or illegally, he doesn't care.
If you believe that then you're a moron.
Ad hominem won't change reality for you. Trump is a proven criminal. That's a fact no one can change.
In what court of law has he been proven a criminal?
One reason I voted for President Trump is because Democrats no longer believe we're a SOVEREIGN nation with a BORDER and they favor ILLEGAL aliens over American CITIZENS!!
And what you got instead, are seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, many of which involve ripping off the American taxpayer.
Actually 85 and hows that going whats have they turned up after 2 years and hundreds of witnesses indictments of others but none aginst trump. Hummm
Either he is the slickest smartest criminal alive other than doctor evil or democrats are the dumbest bastards to walk the earth . I vote number 2
Sexual assault is against the law too. Take your HS thugs and walk them through a patch of South Texas cactus.

I'm sorry, little Naziboi, but while I have a lot of sympathy for the children who have been abused, I can't stand that you want to USE them in your propaganda. You obviously don't care about them, as you didn't make a peep about it prior to 2017, so forgive me for laughing at your pathetic attempt to play on our heartstrings.
Pre-2017, didn't hear about them being permanently taken away from their parents so they could be sexually abused. Did you?

that's true. The only policy to separate children from their families was Trump's zero tolerance policy.

It's like saying " you didn't hear about NASAs budget when Lincoln was president"

You< sir, are a liar.

Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too

Trump said "Obama had a separation policy; we all had the same policy".

That is a lie (or please name the policy that predated the zero tolerance one which separated families en masse at the border.

Trump was the first president in US history to put together a policy of mass separation of families at the border with the zero tolerance policy put in act on April 6th 2018.

Perhaps there was no formal policy, but it was all done as a reaction to judicial decisions and poorly thought out laws. Here's a link to the 9th Circuit decision that led to the policy. Perhaps you didn't see it the first time it was posted.

Add the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 which requires that requires immigration officials holding a minor to transfer the minor to the care of HHS within 72 hours "after determining that such child is an unaccompanied alien child," William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

So, children cannot be held in facilities with adult offenders and children who are caught with adults who are not their parents cannot be reunited with those adults.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

People just like you. Your ignorant arrogance drove people to vote for Trump.

Because Fuck You, that's why.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?
Classic! You have the OMB narrative down to an art!
The truth got you by the balls eh?
You scum never tell the truth. The media doles out your false narrative.
37 indictments, guilty pleas, immunity pleas, and seventeen criminal investigations into Trump. Tell us all about those "false narratives" with proof Sling Blade?

Which indictments, guilty pleas, immunity pleas and investigations have proven Russian collusion and/or election fraud?
Trump is the biggest scandal in American history, and Trump's cultist Sheep voted for the scandal; https://www.youtub/e.comwatch?v=HgE-rp2RZC8

"biggest scandal in American history"

So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

The alternative was a corrupt, criminal, sexual predator enabling, self-serving, influence peddling, traitor who abandoned Americans to die needlessly, compromised our national security, whose loyalty was bought by our enemies, assisted an attempted coup of a newly elected President, was given her party's nomination after she could not win it, and lost her election which was the worst run campaign in US history, despite the fact she should have been in jail instead of out campaigning.
So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

The alternative was a corrupt, criminal, sexual predator enabling, self-serving, influence peddling, traitor who abandoned Americans to die needlessly, compromised our national security, whose loyalty was bought by our enemies, assisted an attempted coup of a newly elected President, was given her party's nomination after she could not win it, and lost her election which was the worst run campaign in US history, despite the fact she should have been in jail instead of out campaigning.

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Trump is the biggest scandal in American history, and Trump's cultist Sheep voted for the scandal; https://www.youtub/e.comwatch?v=HgE-rp2RZC8

"biggest scandal in American history"

The attempted coup d'etat against the President and the cover up is the biggest scandal in US history.
So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

The alternative was a corrupt, criminal, sexual predator enabling, self-serving, influence peddling, traitor who abandoned Americans to die needlessly, compromised our national security, whose loyalty was bought by our enemies, assisted an attempted coup of a newly elected President, was given her party's nomination after she could not win it, and lost her election which was the worst run campaign in US history, despite the fact she should have been in jail instead of out campaigning.

This sums up the intelligence of those who wanted Hillary and who now live off of hate for our President....
So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

The alternative was a corrupt, criminal, sexual predator enabling, self-serving, influence peddling, traitor who abandoned Americans to die needlessly, compromised our national security, whose loyalty was bought by our enemies, assisted an attempted coup of a newly elected President, was given her party's nomination after she could not win it, and lost her election which was the worst run campaign in US history, despite the fact she should have been in jail instead of out campaigning.

This sums up the intelligence of those who wanted Hillary and who now live off of hate for our President....
Seal the border.
American jobs for Americans.
Tarif imports to protect American jobs.
Let big screen TV's cost 5 grand again so folks who make them can afford food and rent.
When you live off of other people, there comes a point where payment comes due. See how long that a good percentage of the population working in pushing paperwork in many American jobs competes against rising industrial and technical nations building, creating and and inventing scientific breakthroughs at a reasonable cost become the new world leaders.
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