so the 40 million that were uninsured a month ago are still

5 million.

There never were 46 million "uninsured" BIGGEST LIE Told to convince congress !

Not when 10 million were not citizens yet counted as "uninsured"!
Not when 14 million counted as uninsured all need do is REGISTER with MEDICAID-- covered!
And 18 million under 34 that make over $50K that don't want or NEED employers' plans THEY are counted FALSELY!

So if these 42 million either are not legal, are already covered OR don't want... what is the true count BEFORE ACA passed?

4 million! That wanted and needed.....NOT 46 million...!

NOW you are correct ! with 4 million that truly want and 4 million being cancelled WE ARE AT 8 million!
BUT if the true number of 4 million was actually used and lawyers taxed 10 % like tanning salons are, those 4 million would
be covered by the $27 billion tax on lawyers... WHICH would be tied directly to the true COST of $850 billion caused

ONE solution... tax the lawyers pay the premium for the 4 million reduce the tax as the $850 billion reduces and
all over time ANY ONE that wants to buy CAN afford!
this is like a student who worked all weekend on a 50 page book report, then the dog ate his homework on sunday night, and monday he has to tell his teacher that it was all Bush's fault.
really sad when the pres makes a speech that was to save the sorry ass of himself and democrats and had little to do with the personal health of americans.
I look to a prez that is more honest than myself.
obama just needs to shut up. the guy just can't open his mouth without causing more controversy, contention, and division
really sad when the pres makes a speech that was to save the sorry ass of himself and democrats and had little to do with the personal health of americans.
I look to a prez that is more honest than myself.
obama just needs to shut up. the guy just can't open his mouth without causing more controversy, contention, and division
What amazes me is that politicians from mobbed up cities like Chicago or New York are mobbed up in kindergarten and Ds can imagine them doing something honest.
Obamacare is a tragic Obomination. Time to scrap it and start over...or better yet, just scrap it.

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