So the Communists of the US of A think that President Trump is going to do a Reichstag moment on them. Do you know that event?

No choice either way. But that 'election' was some bullshit. All the "left side" know that too. If the "right side" would have done the same this country would have burned to the ground.
Both sides just went along with it. This country is fucked.

It probably wasn't in the machines. It definitely was in the mail-in and absentee ballots. They cheat with impunity and have been doing it for years. The fascinating thing to watch is this: their hubris is so large that they honestly, truly believed they would never get caught; that they never CAN get caught.

We shall see.

Lots and lots and lots of verses in the Good Book about pride and falling.
This is the sad part. Once they do prove this election was a complete fraud...nothing will happen.

And get this...people will still go VOTE!


That's the craziest thing. The right side dipshits on here talking about their guy running in 2024, and who they will choose to run everything is cool.

I live in a country of complete...blanket...mongoloid retards.

It's like I am walking around with robots.
I would ask the OP to define "communism" and name some communists with examples of them advocating communism, but why bother.

Trumpsters just burp the word out all day without even knowing what it means.
No problem.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praising communism.
Love is blind, I guess. This is incredible. It's still difficult to believe.
Watch some of the Trumptards videos on you tube with Jordan Klepper, THAT'S incredible and difficult to believe.
I've reached a point where I don't watch that stuff much any more. It's depressing.

I just had a Trumpster on another thread tell me that COVID doesn't produce variants and that the Delta is like the common cold.

So I'm still trying to get my head around exactly what the fuck is happening here.
Those folks are truly disturbed.
We're not going to have our heads around this for quite a while.

Dead serious, can you think of a similar period in world history? There are obviously some comparisons, but back then they didn't have an alternate universe media screaming at them 24/7. This is just unique, unprecedented.

I cannot think of a time in world history where so many people were sucking their thumbs over a break in to the Capitol building where some people dressed up in very strange costumes took selfies, laughed, propped their feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk and carried a podium around. No. I can't imagine a time where said adults were still crying about this months and months later, where the men (MEN) involved cried incessantly about their trauma.

These same criers really have loved to invoke the Civil War lately, not realizing that when MOST Americans think of the Civil War, we picture men getting limbs amputated in tents. Very young men. Like teenagers. And the people invoking said Civil War are crying incessantly about an "insurrection" and involved breaking into a building and

So, right, Mac. Just keep crying, I guess.

And I cannot think of a time when a vast section of the population believed in "alternate" facts. Rejecting science, rejecting what they can see right in front of their own eyes...all in service and a former reality TV game show host. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep, it's official. You people have lost your fucking minds! :)

This is a bunch of wind. Rejecting what? Science and facts. I could give you days and days of science that has been decimated by covid and the response of public health in the last year, and the Democrats own it top to bottom. You will begin paying in 2022.

We could, for example, start with the efficacy of masks, and then work our way to lockdowns, and then closed schools.

Dumpster fire, start to finish.

And thanks for making my point for me. :) I only have to look at the number of unvaccinated people causing the spike in infections and hospitalizations to know you people aren't dealing in reality.

Oh yeah, and don't bet the farm on 2022. Long way until election day. If you had asked me the day after the election, I would have told you it was all but certain Republicans would take back
the House in 2022 and pad their advantage in the Senate. Sorry, no more. I don't think this will turn out like you think it will.

10,000 people have died from the vaccines--and those are just the ones officially reported, and just in the US. And just in 6 months. That is way, way too many to die from a so-called inoculation. Shame none of you see a problem with that.

Your party is imploding. Yes.

There is no direct evidence that these people died as a result of getting the vaccine. Anecdotal "evidence" from unverified and non-peer reviewed alt-right internet media sites
and questionable "medical professionals" does not constitute evidence. Shame on you for being not only ignorant, but selfish as well.

1. Your shaming means to me that you're caught and you don't know what to do

2. In just the few months these terrible vaccines have been out, the CDC has already admitted to blood clots, myocarditis (!) and now GBS. And they're not even approved yet! Terrible vaccine. Terrible.

I'm not shaming you. There is no reason to point out that which everyone can see. You live in an alternate reality.
And while Democrats have their own issues, I don't see them collapsing in on themselves the way Republicans have. They've gone all in on

The above are side effects of the vaccine. To be expected. They were reported. They are being investigated. Again, no deaths have been directly attributed to the vaccine.
So what about the millions upon millions of people who have been vaccinated with no ill effects? See, here's where your ignorance and selfishness shines through. You're
using a small set of adverse reactions to justify your unwillingness to do the right thing. When there are millions of people who have gotten it..and are just fine.
Joint Chiefs chairman feared potential ‘Reichstag moment’ aimed at keeping Trump in power
In the waning weeks of Donald Trump’s term, the country’s top military leader repeatedly worried about what the president might do to maintain power after losing reelection, comparing his rhetoric to Adolf Hitler’s during the rise of Nazi Germany and asking confidants whether a coup was forthcoming, according to a new book by two Washington Post reporters.

Reichstag fire - Wikipedia
The Reichstag fire (German: Reichstagsbrand, About this soundlisten (help·info)) was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday 27 February 1933, precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler's government stated that Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch council communist, was the culprit, and it attributed the fire to communist agitators.

1st off i dont believe anything that the Warshington Compost, posts in their newspaper, especially from their "confidants" in the military. The who rag newspaper is a propaganda machine for the Communists. But think about it. Why would the Communists of the left worry about President Trump trying to get back in power?

View attachment 512980
But isn't this what conservatives have claimed Dems were going to do to them -- just for being conservative and white??

I mean it has basically been the preferred fear-mongering go-to tactic for the past 20 or 30 years....

Obama was supposed to have mass executions and throw everyone in FEMA camps, Jade-Helm, blah blah blah......nothing happened...

And from what I have seen on this very message board -- Biden was supposed to be having mass executions of Christians by now on national TV....still nothing tho....
No choice either way. But that 'election' was some bullshit. All the "left side" know that too. If the "right side" would have done the same this country would have burned to the ground.
Both sides just went along with it. This country is fucked.

It probably wasn't in the machines. It definitely was in the mail-in and absentee ballots. They cheat with impunity and have been doing it for years. The fascinating thing to watch is this: their hubris is so large that they honestly, truly believed they would never get caught; that they never CAN get caught.

We shall see.

Lots and lots and lots of verses in the Good Book about pride and falling.
This is the sad part. Once they do prove this election was a complete fraud...nothing will happen.

And get this...people will still go VOTE!


That's the craziest thing. The right side dipshits on here talking about their guy running in 2024, and who they will choose to run everything is cool.

I live in a country of complete...blanket...mongoloid retards.

It's like I am walking around with robots.
and you will still vote for the current cult leader of choice come 2022 and 2024....

So continue on with your online cosplay
No choice either way. But that 'election' was some bullshit. All the "left side" know that too. If the "right side" would have done the same this country would have burned to the ground.
Both sides just went along with it. This country is fucked.

It probably wasn't in the machines. It definitely was in the mail-in and absentee ballots. They cheat with impunity and have been doing it for years. The fascinating thing to watch is this: their hubris is so large that they honestly, truly believed they would never get caught; that they never CAN get caught.

We shall see.

Lots and lots and lots of verses in the Good Book about pride and falling.
This is the sad part. Once they do prove this election was a complete fraud...nothing will happen.

And get this...people will still go VOTE!


That's the craziest thing. The right side dipshits on here talking about their guy running in 2024, and who they will choose to run everything is cool.

I live in a country of complete...blanket...mongoloid retards.

It's like I am walking around with robots.
and you will still vote for the current cult leader of choice come 2022 and 2024....

So continue on with your online cosplay
Ad hominem from one of the sleeple...
No choice either way. But that 'election' was some bullshit. All the "left side" know that too. If the "right side" would have done the same this country would have burned to the ground.
Both sides just went along with it. This country is fucked.

It probably wasn't in the machines. It definitely was in the mail-in and absentee ballots. They cheat with impunity and have been doing it for years. The fascinating thing to watch is this: their hubris is so large that they honestly, truly believed they would never get caught; that they never CAN get caught.

We shall see.

Lots and lots and lots of verses in the Good Book about pride and falling.
This is the sad part. Once they do prove this election was a complete fraud...nothing will happen.

And get this...people will still go VOTE!


That's the craziest thing. The right side dipshits on here talking about their guy running in 2024, and who they will choose to run everything is cool.

I live in a country of complete...blanket...mongoloid retards.

It's like I am walking around with robots.
and you will still vote for the current cult leader of choice come 2022 and 2024....

So continue on with your online cosplay
Ad hominem from one of the sleeple...
So in other will continue on with your cosplay while waving poms poms for the same RINOS you claim to
No choice either way. But that 'election' was some bullshit. All the "left side" know that too. If the "right side" would have done the same this country would have burned to the ground.
Both sides just went along with it. This country is fucked.

It probably wasn't in the machines. It definitely was in the mail-in and absentee ballots. They cheat with impunity and have been doing it for years. The fascinating thing to watch is this: their hubris is so large that they honestly, truly believed they would never get caught; that they never CAN get caught.

We shall see.

Lots and lots and lots of verses in the Good Book about pride and falling.
This is the sad part. Once they do prove this election was a complete fraud...nothing will happen.

And get this...people will still go VOTE!


That's the craziest thing. The right side dipshits on here talking about their guy running in 2024, and who they will choose to run everything is cool.

I live in a country of complete...blanket...mongoloid retards.

It's like I am walking around with robots.

I don't think so.

The tectonic plates are shifting underfoot, believe that. For now, everything on the surface looks calm. Normal. Everyday.

It always does before the earth rips a gaping hole in it. I think that's where we are. The Democrats, in fostering distrust in every American system, have burned their own house down. Oh well. It's happened before.
I would ask the OP to define "communism" and name some communists with examples of them advocating communism, but why bother.

Trumpsters just burp the word out all day without even knowing what it means.
No problem.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praising communism.
Love is blind, I guess. This is incredible. It's still difficult to believe.
Watch some of the Trumptards videos on you tube with Jordan Klepper, THAT'S incredible and difficult to believe.
I've reached a point where I don't watch that stuff much any more. It's depressing.

I just had a Trumpster on another thread tell me that COVID doesn't produce variants and that the Delta is like the common cold.

So I'm still trying to get my head around exactly what the fuck is happening here.

Here's how Mac remains in the head space he's currently occupying, where everyone is inferior and he is the sole keeper of everything that is Good and Wise.

See what he attributed to me? This is what I actually said:

Viruses don't mutate into something worse. This one isn't either. Perhaps more communicable, but certainly less dangerous. More akin to the common cold.

Quit drama queening all over the place. You got your vaccine, now let everyone else alone

You are wrong. Haven't you heard of antibiotic resistant viruses? Those are viruses that mutated and become unstoppable by normal antibiotics. They call them SUPER VIRUSES. I don't know who told you that viruses don't mutate into something worse, but they are as stupid as you are.
Democrats don't know what they are in for. American voters are not happy with the stolen election.
Link to what?
How many Americans are not happy, and believe the election was stolen?

From what I've seen, it's about 30%.
You could try opening your eyes.... that would help.

(But you won't though, will you?)
You're certainly welcome to provide empirical evidence to the contrary.

Do they provide that for you, in your universe?
I would ask the OP to define "communism" and name some communists with examples of them advocating communism, but why bother.

Trumpsters just burp the word out all day without even knowing what it means.
No problem.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praising communism.
Love is blind, I guess. This is incredible. It's still difficult to believe.
Watch some of the Trumptards videos on you tube with Jordan Klepper, THAT'S incredible and difficult to believe.
I've reached a point where I don't watch that stuff much any more. It's depressing.

I just had a Trumpster on another thread tell me that COVID doesn't produce variants and that the Delta is like the common cold.

So I'm still trying to get my head around exactly what the fuck is happening here.

Here's how Mac remains in the head space he's currently occupying, where everyone is inferior and he is the sole keeper of everything that is Good and Wise.

See what he attributed to me? This is what I actually said:

Viruses don't mutate into something worse. This one isn't either. Perhaps more communicable, but certainly less dangerous. More akin to the common cold.

Quit drama queening all over the place. You got your vaccine, now let everyone else alone

You are wrong. Haven't you heard of antibiotic resistant viruses? Those are viruses that mutated and become unstoppable by normal antibiotics. They call them SUPER VIRUSES. I don't know who told you that viruses don't mutate into something worse, but they are as stupid as you are.
All they know is what they are provided in their universe.

We're rapidly reaching a point at which there is simply no communicating with them.
I would ask the OP to define "communism" and name some communists with examples of them advocating communism, but why bother.

Trumpsters just burp the word out all day without even knowing what it means.
No problem.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praising communism.
Love is blind, I guess. This is incredible. It's still difficult to believe.
Watch some of the Trumptards videos on you tube with Jordan Klepper, THAT'S incredible and difficult to believe.
I've reached a point where I don't watch that stuff much any more. It's depressing.

I just had a Trumpster on another thread tell me that COVID doesn't produce variants and that the Delta is like the common cold.

So I'm still trying to get my head around exactly what the fuck is happening here.
Those folks are truly disturbed.
We're not going to have our heads around this for quite a while.

Dead serious, can you think of a similar period in world history? There are obviously some comparisons, but back then they didn't have an alternate universe media screaming at them 24/7. This is just unique, unprecedented.

I cannot think of a time in world history where so many people were sucking their thumbs over a break in to the Capitol building where some people dressed up in very strange costumes took selfies, laughed, propped their feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk and carried a podium around. No. I can't imagine a time where said adults were still crying about this months and months later, where the men (MEN) involved cried incessantly about their trauma.

These same criers really have loved to invoke the Civil War lately, not realizing that when MOST Americans think of the Civil War, we picture men getting limbs amputated in tents. Very young men. Like teenagers. And the people invoking said Civil War are crying incessantly about an "insurrection" and involved breaking into a building and

So, right, Mac. Just keep crying, I guess.

And I cannot think of a time when a vast section of the population believed in "alternate" facts. Rejecting science, rejecting what they can see right in front of their own eyes...all in service and a former reality TV game show host. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep, it's official. You people have lost your fucking minds! :)

This is a bunch of wind. Rejecting what? Science and facts. I could give you days and days of science that has been decimated by covid and the response of public health in the last year, and the Democrats own it top to bottom. You will begin paying in 2022.

We could, for example, start with the efficacy of masks, and then work our way to lockdowns, and then closed schools.

Dumpster fire, start to finish.

And thanks for making my point for me. :) I only have to look at the number of unvaccinated people causing the spike in infections and hospitalizations to know you people aren't dealing in reality.

Oh yeah, and don't bet the farm on 2022. Long way until election day. If you had asked me the day after the election, I would have told you it was all but certain Republicans would take back
the House in 2022 and pad their advantage in the Senate. Sorry, no more. I don't think this will turn out like you think it will.

10,000 people have died from the vaccines--and those are just the ones officially reported, and just in the US. And just in 6 months. That is way, way too many to die from a so-called inoculation. Shame none of you see a problem with that.

Your party is imploding. Yes.
10,000? ---- Credible link?
Joint Chiefs chairman feared potential ‘Reichstag moment’ aimed at keeping Trump in power
In the waning weeks of Donald Trump’s term, the country’s top military leader repeatedly worried about what the president might do to maintain power after losing reelection, comparing his rhetoric to Adolf Hitler’s during the rise of Nazi Germany and asking confidants whether a coup was forthcoming, according to a new book by two Washington Post reporters.

Reichstag fire - Wikipedia
The Reichstag fire (German: Reichstagsbrand, About this soundlisten (help·info)) was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday 27 February 1933, precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler's government stated that Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch council communist, was the culprit, and it attributed the fire to communist agitators.

1st off i dont believe anything that the Warshington Compost, posts in their newspaper, especially from their "confidants" in the military. The who rag newspaper is a propaganda machine for the Communists. But think about it. Why would the Communists of the left worry about President Trump trying to get back in power?

View attachment 512980
But isn't this what conservatives have claimed Dems were going to do to them -- just for being conservative and white??

I mean it has basically been the preferred fear-mongering go-to tactic for the past 20 or 30 years....

Obama was supposed to have mass executions and throw everyone in FEMA camps, Jade-Helm, blah blah blah......nothing happened...

And from what I have seen on this very message board -- Biden was supposed to be having mass executions of Christians by now on national TV....still nothing tho....
Dude, people protested the election of 2020, many ended up arrested for? Still the left wont answer for what? Insurrection ? No fucking way? Embarrass the political elite, yes...

I would ask the OP to define "communism" and name some communists with examples of them advocating communism, but why bother.

Trumpsters just burp the word out all day without even knowing what it means.
We want your cities destroyed.

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