So…the defense attorney states the gun was locked? Now what in Michigan case?

Dude, the links for it being a gift for the son have been posted like 50 times. I am not about to do it for you again.

I do not give a flying fuck what you believe, you can vote for them as Parents of the Year for all I care.

And you lose, you moron......

What difference does it make if it was a Christmas gift? That has no bearing on anything.......that you guys focus on it shows you are morons looking to attack the Right, and will exploit this to do it...
For example, laws requiring firearms to be secured when no adult is in the home would be perfectly Constitutional, in no manner interfering with the right to self-defense.
This is a lie, as you know full awell any legal requirement to secure a firearm on the home has been unconstitutional since 2008.
Dude, the links for it being a gift for the son have been posted like 50 times. I am not about to do it for you again.

I do not give a flying fuck what you believe, you can vote for them as Parents of the Year for all I care.

If the lefty prosecutors did not over charge, then you people would have nothing to attack on. They HAVE to gin up something for you to hate on.
If the lefty prosecutors did not over charge, then you people would have nothing to attack on. They HAVE to gin up something for you to hate on.

Have you mailed in your vote for them as Parents of the Year yet? They seem right up your alley
See. Now you get to have your daily dose of rage and moral superiority and spread hate and division.

Oddly enough even most of those on the "right" agree that the parents hold some responsibility. Only the total wingnut wack jobs think otherwise.

Oddly enough even most of those on the "right" agree that the parents hold some responsibility. Only the total wingnut wack jobs think otherwise.


"Some responsibility?" Sure. Four counts of murder? That's overrcharging done with the intent of creating controversy for people like you to use to spread hate.

And you fall for it, like the lemming you are.
He did not try to kill his parents, neighbors, or anyone else but those in the school who had made his life a nightmare.
So you want to blame the parents?
Makes no sense.
Schools are notoriously bad.
There are several movies about people wanting to shoot teachers because schools are so notoriously bad.

Too many schools allow star athletes to bully at will. When I saw one of his victims was the QB I immediately said he was being bullied. Expect more to come out about the bullying and intimidation this kid was put through.

And the school failed to take action against the bullying and against the obvious crying out for help from the shooter making them liable.

He did not try to kill his parents, neighbors, or anyone else but those in the school who had made his life a nightmare.
So you want to blame the parents?
Makes no sense.
Schools are notoriously bad.
There are several movies about people wanting to shoot teachers because schools are so notoriously bad.
You watch too much TV and movies.
Dude, the links for it being a gift for the son have been posted like 50 times. I am not about to do it for you again.

I do not give a flying fuck what you believe, you can vote for them as Parents of the Year for all I care.
My grandfather gave me a single shot ,410 shotgun before he died. It was when I was about 5 years old. I still have that shotgun. Up until my father's death, the shotgun was kept in his closet and only given to me when we went hunting. Should my father have been prosecuted?
My grandfather gave me a single shot ,410 shotgun before he died. It was when I was about 5 years old. I still have that shotgun. Up until my father's death, the shotgun was kept in his closet and only given to me when we went hunting. Should my father have been prosecuted?

Did you use it to kill people at a school?
Oddly enough even most of those on the "right" agree that the parents hold some responsibility. Only the total wingnut wack jobs think otherwise.


Most of the Right don't know any more than anyone else.....and they haven't learned their lessons from the "White Hispanic," news coverage of the Zimmerman trial, and the "Crossed state lines with a rifle," coverage of the Rittenhouse trial...
This is a lie, a contrivance of the dishonest right.

To advocate for appropriate, lawful firearm regulatory measures consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence is not to be ‘anti-gun.’

Indeed, it’s wrongheaded conservative jurists who have prevented the implementation of such appropriate measures.

For example, laws requiring firearms to be secured when no adult is in the home would be perfectly Constitutional, in no manner interfering with the right to self-defense.
"Jurists"? Jurists don't make laws, legislators make laws. Jurists apply laws to defendants, decide guilt or innocence and sentences. They don't write laws, they don't cause laws to be written, and they don't prevent laws from being written.
Sooo…the defense attorney stated the gun wasn’t loose but was actually locked………

I ask this court to note that full discovery has not been available and that the court is only aware of the facts the Prosecution has presented, but that gun was actually locked, so when the prosecution is stating that this child had free access to a gun, that is just absolutely not true.

Also…they weren’t fleeing….

The Crumbleys’ attorneys said that their clients “were never fleeing prosecution” and that the missed court appearance was a result of miscommunication with the court. Defense attorney Mariell Lehman also claimed McDonald was trying to “make an example” out of the Crumbleys.
The mother told the son not to get caught, that's what.
The mother told the son not to get caught, that's what.
That was about his looking for ammo, which I found really surprising since most schools block internet access to those type of web sites.

Please don't ever serve on a jury. It is supposed be made up of our peers, but you can claim stupidity to be excused and no judge would hesitate excusing you.
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This is the wrong 2A hill to die on as it looks as if everyone involved but the victims are assholes.

Just let it work it's way through the courts and let the chips fall where they may.
At this point we don’t know anything about anyone. I’m willing to wait to see the evidence at trial before blaming anybody. All we know right now is there was a shooting, how many victims there were and who is accused of doing it.
This is a lie, as you know full well any legal requirement to secure a firearm on the home has been unconstitutional since 2008.

There has never been any constitutional authority for any federal firearm laws.
There were zero federal firearms laws until 1937, when the first Federal Firearms Act was passed, and it was primarily about Bootleggers buying surplus Thompson machineguns, mail order, for $27.
That was not technically constitutional, but seemed so desirable of a law, that everyone ignored it's lack of legality.

States can legally pass laws requiring firearms to be secured from minors, but it is just that feds can't.

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