So the left claims 15 generations are required to overcome something bad.

When blacks were slaves they had to work very hard, how come that part did not stay with them threw the generations?
I'm thinking it's closer to 4 or 5 generations. Right now generation 3 is in the process of starting to have kids. And black crime has plummeted in the last 20 years.
When blacks were slaves they had to work very hard, how come that part did not stay with them threw the generations?

What a stupid fucking comment. You think slaves got up each morning just looking forward to working hard for da Man eh? That's what you would have done eh? Worked your ass off for nothing? Fucking idiot.

In fact, some of those learned behaviors from slavery might have survived. The behavior that said do just enough to survive. And no more. Cause if you do more, the white man still will find that it wasn't enough. And that whatever you did wasn't good enough.

Being forced to hard work is hardly the same as voluntarily working hard. Idiot.
Hey tanjk and sunni,
How long will it take the inbred white trash that you all were spawned from to get off their lazy white asses and get a job so that I don't have to pay for them to have a place to live?
I worked all of my life as a mechanical engineer and am now retired with a nice income.

And you?? ..... :cool:
I worked all of my life as a mechanical engineer and am now retired with a nice income.

What the fuck does that have to do with the white trash you were bred from? And evidently emulate. You really believe racists don;t go to college. Look at Oklahoma State and their expulsions. You would have been one of those stupid racist students singing their racist song. Right?
But, so far each generation of blacks has gotten worse. In 15 generations, blacks will be back to running around naked and living in dung huts again
You are of course projecting the worst fears you have about yourself, yours, and your colleagues.
Sunni is much more preferable belonging to the degenerate form of Islam where he is unhappy than in making a decent Christian church group very unhappy.
I hope that people do not view this as a racist post. ...... :cool:

Most blacks in America have only been here for 5 to 8 generations.

So they still have a subconscious generational memory of living in the wilds of Africa.

Things like having to run for their lives from lions and hyenas. Is a deeply inbreed behavior to flee first and think later. Ever notice how black people are always running in fear from the police?

Or a ingrained fear of being near water because of crocodiles and dangerous hippos. Which explains why most black people even today won't go swimming.

Most black people that I know are deathly afraid of snakes. Which is also a subconscious memory of all the poisonous snakes in Africa.

When black people get upset over a problem. Instead of acting calm and trying to find a rational solution. They revert to their feral state and start rioting, looting, and killing. Just the same as their tribal ancestors did for countless eons.

Black people lived a primitive and savage existence for hundreds of thousands of years. So it will take many generations of living in modern civilized society to eradicate the jungle gene which still plays a major role in their behavior.
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It looks like over the years blacks are going back to their jungle ways instead
Sunni Man is far less civilized than 95% of Americans of all races.
There is no need for all of your personal attacks Fake Jake.

Why not just address the OP topic and contribute to the thread instead of trying to derail it? ..... :cool:
The ad hom king is criticizing me for telling the truth?

You will be handled as you handle others. Always. :lol:
White Indentured Servants had a 70% die rate. They were generally 16 to 20, 1 grand parent living, maybe both parents, and masters who were not interested in getting from them but labor. Most volunteered for economic servitude, and if they survived the five to seven year contract, they were free to compete for land.

Much better deal that black slaves.

Keep it in perspective, you white losers complaining about this.

Very few ever saw any land, very few. They were as young as toddlers, most of them kidnapped off the streets from England, Ireland and Scotland. Read White Cargo, a good read and tells the awful truth
Were their children and grandchildren bound to slavery also? Were their children sold off as slaves?

Did the Irish spend the next 100 years as second class citizens?
White Indentured Servants had a 70% die rate. They were generally 16 to 20, 1 grand parent living, maybe both parents, and masters who were not interested in getting from them but labor. Most volunteered for economic servitude, and if they survived the five to seven year contract, they were free to compete for land.

Much better deal that black slaves.

Keep it in perspective, you white losers complaining about this.

Very few ever saw any land, very few. They were as young as toddlers, most of them kidnapped off the streets from England, Ireland and Scotland. Read White Cargo, a good read and tells the awful truth
Were their children and grandchildren bound to slavery also? Were their children sold off as slaves?

Did the Irish spend the next 100 years as second class citizens?

Their children were slaves also and the Irish haven't spent 100 years whining over it....and using it as a crutch and excuse
White Indentured Servants had a 70% die rate. They were generally 16 to 20, 1 grand parent living, maybe both parents, and masters who were not interested in getting from them but labor. Most volunteered for economic servitude, and if they survived the five to seven year contract, they were free to compete for land.

Much better deal that black slaves.

Keep it in perspective, you white losers complaining about this.

Very few ever saw any land, very few. They were as young as toddlers, most of them kidnapped off the streets from England, Ireland and Scotland. Read White Cargo, a good read and tells the awful truth
Were their children and grandchildren bound to slavery also? Were their children sold off as slaves?

Did the Irish spend the next 100 years as second class citizens?
Their children were slaves also and the Irish haven't spent 100 years whining over it....and using it as a crutch and excuse
No, they weren't, and that type of servitude was almost completely gone by the beginning of the War of Independence.

You fail if you are attempting to equate white indentured servitude with Negro chattel slavery.

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