So the left claims 15 generations are required to overcome something bad.

White Indentured Servants had a 70% die rate. They were generally 16 to 20, 1 grand parent living, maybe both parents, and masters who were not interested in getting from them but labor. Most volunteered for economic servitude, and if they survived the five to seven year contract, they were free to compete for land.

Much better deal that black slaves.

Keep it in perspective, you white losers complaining about this.

Very few ever saw any land, very few. They were as young as toddlers, most of them kidnapped off the streets from England, Ireland and Scotland. Read White Cargo, a good read and tells the awful truth
Were their children and grandchildren bound to slavery also? Were their children sold off as slaves?

Did the Irish spend the next 100 years as second class citizens?
Their children were slaves also and the Irish haven't spent 100 years whining over it....and using it as a crutch and excuse
No, they weren't, and that type of servitude was almost completely gone by the beginning of the War of Independence.

You fail if you are attempting to equate white indentured servitude with Negro chattel slavery.

Awwww another one who doesn't have a clue as to the real history of this nation. Sit down loudmouth, you're ignorant
White Indentured Servants had a 70% die rate. They were generally 16 to 20, 1 grand parent living, maybe both parents, and masters who were not interested in getting from them but labor. Most volunteered for economic servitude, and if they survived the five to seven year contract, they were free to compete for land.

Much better deal that black slaves.

Keep it in perspective, you white losers complaining about this.

Very few ever saw any land, very few. They were as young as toddlers, most of them kidnapped off the streets from England, Ireland and Scotland. Read White Cargo, a good read and tells the awful truth
Were their children and grandchildren bound to slavery also? Were their children sold off as slaves?

Did the Irish spend the next 100 years as second class citizens?
Their children were slaves also and the Irish haven't spent 100 years whining over it....and using it as a crutch and excuse
No, they weren't, and that type of servitude was almost completely gone by the beginning of the War of Independence.

You fail if you are attempting to equate white indentured servitude with Negro chattel slavery.

Awwww another one who doesn't have a clue as to the real history of this nation. Sit down loudmouth, you're ignorant
Ad hom is not evidence you are right, although it will make you feel better for a short time. You have failed.

White indentured servitude, by your little evidence presented, while bad, was not as bad as Negro chattel slavery.
Very few ever saw any land, very few. They were as young as toddlers, most of them kidnapped off the streets from England, Ireland and Scotland. Read White Cargo, a good read and tells the awful truth
Were their children and grandchildren bound to slavery also? Were their children sold off as slaves?

Did the Irish spend the next 100 years as second class citizens?
Their children were slaves also and the Irish haven't spent 100 years whining over it....and using it as a crutch and excuse
No, they weren't, and that type of servitude was almost completely gone by the beginning of the War of Independence.

You fail if you are attempting to equate white indentured servitude with Negro chattel slavery.

Awwww another one who doesn't have a clue as to the real history of this nation. Sit down loudmouth, you're ignorant
Ad hom is not evidence you are right, although it will make you feel better for a short time. You have failed.

White indentured servitude, by your little evidence presented, while bad, was not as bad as Negro chattel slavery.

You must be a negro...or ate up with white guilt. You're wrong, boy
I hope that people do not view this as a racist post. ...... :cool:

Most blacks in America have only been here for 5 to 8 generations.

So they still have a subconscious generational memory of living in the wilds of Africa.

Things like having to run for their lives from lions and hyenas. Is a deeply inbreed behavior to flee first and think later. Ever notice how black people are always running in fear from the police?

Or a ingrained fear of being near water because of crocodiles and dangerous hippos. Which explains why most black people even today won't go swimming.

Most black people that I know are deathly afraid of snakes. Which is also a subconscious memory of all the poisonous snakes in Africa.

When black people get upset over a problem. Instead of acting calm and trying to find a rational solution. They revert to their feral state and start rioting, looting, and killing. Just the same as their tribal ancestors did for countless eons.

Black people lived a primitive and savage existence for hundreds of thousands of years. So it will take many generations of living in modern civilized society to eradicate the jungle gene which still plays a major role in their behavior.

Sounds like a Saturday night Live skit. I was wondering though why I had this fear for years. Whenever i would go skiing, I used to have this irrational fear of the abominable snow man following me. It makes sense now, you see some of my relatives were from Sweden
Were their children and grandchildren bound to slavery also? Were their children sold off as slaves?

Did the Irish spend the next 100 years as second class citizens?
Their children were slaves also and the Irish haven't spent 100 years whining over it....and using it as a crutch and excuse
No, they weren't, and that type of servitude was almost completely gone by the beginning of the War of Independence.

You fail if you are attempting to equate white indentured servitude with Negro chattel slavery.

Awwww another one who doesn't have a clue as to the real history of this nation. Sit down loudmouth, you're ignorant
Ad hom is not evidence you are right, although it will make you feel better for a short time. You have failed.

White indentured servitude, by your little evidence presented, while bad, was not as bad as Negro chattel slavery.

You must be a negro...or ate up with white guilt. You're wrong, boy
A racialist, such as you, cannot stand being called out without revealing his/her true colors. Heh. Your comment reveals that you think in racialist terms and that you believe others who oppose you think and judge in those terms as well. I probably have more northern European ancestry than you, which does not prevent me from correcting you when necessary on these matters.
Their children were slaves also and the Irish haven't spent 100 years whining over it....and using it as a crutch and excuse
No, they weren't, and that type of servitude was almost completely gone by the beginning of the War of Independence.

You fail if you are attempting to equate white indentured servitude with Negro chattel slavery.

Awwww another one who doesn't have a clue as to the real history of this nation. Sit down loudmouth, you're ignorant
Ad hom is not evidence you are right, although it will make you feel better for a short time. You have failed.

White indentured servitude, by your little evidence presented, while bad, was not as bad as Negro chattel slavery.

You must be a negro...or ate up with white guilt. You're wrong, boy
A racialist, such as you, cannot stand being called out without revealing his/her true colors. Heh. Your comment reveals that you think in racialist terms and that you believe others who oppose you think and judge in those terms as well. I probably have more northern European ancestry than you, which does not prevent me from correcting you when necessary on these matters.

Bleh, you've offered nothing and I suspect you provide nothing. Go stew in your ignorance of history, fool
So you admit defeat. That is a start to self awareness and leaving ignorance behind. Good luck to you.
The words of a racialist always condemn him or her. Sad.

Any who are interested in the subject, you may peruse on line.

‘Irish slaves’: the convenient myth Irish slaves the convenient myth openDemocracy
LIAM HOGAN 14 January 2015

Slavery and Indentured Servants:Law Library of Congress

History of Slavery

Read the damn book, moron. It has footnotes and know those things you demand? Now stop wasting my time with your foolishness and realize, blacks do not hold the patent on slavery...they just use it to whine, moan, bellyache and worst of all a crutch to justify why they can't (or refuse) to get ahead. You lose. Now scram.
And the white racialist moans and whines and complains.

I have read intensively and extensively on the subject.

Now you read the whole story, and leave race at the door.

Waaaahhhhh she didn't agree with me and I can't BS her...

The Jews went through a Holocaust, they didn't even have a chance to be slaves.

How are the Jews doing today?
I'm not sure about the white slavery, I haven't read a lot about it. I know that many were shanghaied out of San Francisco and Portland, many of the underground tunnels exist to this day. I also heard of the pirates of the Barbary Coast in Africa. The took many whites and sold them into slavery. I know much more about the slavery that existed in America and the plight of many black people.

The idea of slavery is despicable to me, and I believe there is unfair discrimination of blacks today. I also believe the breakdown of the black family structure has played a big role in the violence you see today among the black race. All Americans are responsible for our behavior. The dialogue needs to change from blaming to air out feelings and with that can come understanding and hopefully acceptance.

Just an opinion, you tell me if I'm close or not, without throwing in emotion and hate.
How the Supreme Court is about to explode America s racial wealth gap -

Basically it is ok to discriminate against whites for hundreds of years and to give blacks unfair advantage for those same hundreds of years cause some guy in a book claimed it takes 15 generations to overcome some bad event. Which of course ignores the fact that the Irish Catholics and poor whites are in the same boat as blacks. How about all those white indentured slaves? How about poor white share croppers?

Ahh only blacks had it bad so it is ok to discriminate against all whites.

That almost makes sense if you just completely forget about the years 1865-1965.
I hope that people do not view this as a racist post. ...... :cool:

Most blacks in America have only been here for 5 to 8 generations.

So they still have a subconscious generational memory of living in the wilds of Africa.

Things like having to run for their lives from lions and hyenas. Is a deeply inbreed behavior to flee first and think later. Ever notice how black people are always running in fear from the police?

Or a ingrained fear of being near water because of crocodiles and dangerous hippos. Which explains why most black people even today won't go swimming.

Most black people that I know are deathly afraid of snakes. Which is also a subconscious memory of all the poisonous snakes in Africa.

When black people get upset over a problem. Instead of acting calm and trying to find a rational solution. They revert to their feral state and start rioting, looting, and killing. Just the same as their tribal ancestors did for countless eons.

Black people lived a primitive and savage existence for hundreds of thousands of years. So it will take many generations of living in modern civilized society to eradicate the jungle gene which still plays a major role in their behavior.

Interesting theory. What's your excuse for being so stupid?
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Blacks act like children who just were not raised right by White people

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